Mr. Reaper

Underworld, Dark Gloves Tower, yin-yang city

Alsezh walked in through the gate making heads turn. He checked out the missions under E rank as he was only qualified to do them being a new assassin to the org.

Alsezh was planning to take only those missions which would bring harm to Velvet org. So as to make the org's enemies come to know there's someone willing to do their dirty work for them and make them approach him, killing two birds In a stone, well if gaining Shiv's gratitude was also considered then it would be three birds.

Alsezh took a mission and drove towards section C. The mission was simple to kill an upper echelon of velvet org namely Jack Payne who had come down in yin-yang city to make some transactions relating to unknown matters.

Alsezh went to the building where the deal was happening he climbed the opposite building. From the terrace Alsezh could see the two men talking with each other. Alsezh took out star screamer. He was planning to go high profile so he kept the mode on Sure kill. He took his aim and pulled the trigger.


The noise was even louder than Bombs getting exploded. The Sonic blast had already done its job by exploding the targets entire head and neck as if that wasn't enough the headless body slammed against the opposite wall due to the huge momentum of the impact making cracks appear on it.

Alsezh's own shoulder had received a huge bruise due to the recoil although the suit was not damaged as the attack was blunt but this was still a surprise for Alsezh.

Alsezh had only carried virtual stimulations of the gun and never used it as he didn't want to expose any connection of the gun with him.

But after seeing its performance Alsezh was stunned for a while he then started laughing

"what a good gun"

While Alsezh was busy admiring his creation, the people in the suite were stunned and terrified only after wiping away the blood from there eyes did they come to know someones was dead.

Jack's bodyguards knew where the shot had been fired due to the huge explosion and had already started to approach the opposite building but when they went on the terrace all they could see was a huge black explosion mark on the ledge.

Alsezh had swiftly made his escape by using a parachute without wasting any time to climb down the stairs. He went back to The Dark Glove's org and took another E-rank mission related to Velvet.

The receptionist this time around wasn't James but some other middle aged man after seeing Alsezh request for another mission he was quite surprised.

Alsezh looked at the watch,

"hmm 30 mins, one mission complete, hehe lets move on then, shall we"

7 hours later, Dark Guild's Org, Assassin's Ranking Board.

1st …





500th Mr. Reaper

This was not shocking as the rankings on the assassin leader board kept on changing but in case of Alsezh he had climbed from 3000th+ rank to 500th over a single night. Now this had indeed drawn attention of many.

People had already started to discuss about Mr. Reaper, indeed this was the name Alsezh had chosen for himself, he initially wanted to name himself Dark Knight first but he came to know that someone named Bruce Insane had already taken it.

The middle aged receptionist had already gone bunkers over the terrific completion rate of Mr. Reaper and had already reported it to his higher ups.

As more people started to know about Mr. Reaper many organisations also began paying attention to him as climbing 2 thousand plus ranks couldn't be done by a simple character.

After gathering information about this man, they had a shocking revelation, All missions taken By Mr. Reaper were aimed at Velvet org. Many other underworld agencies were now more interested in this guy but didn't approach him still, they were waiting for his next move to get confirmation upon how high his prowess were, the enemies of Velvet Org,Dark Guild in particular was happy about this.

Alsezh had completed seven E-rank and two D rank mission overnight which gained him D rank as an assassin. The fun fact was that the only damage he had received was from his own gun. Alsezh knew that he could resolve this only after his strength increases so as to face the recoil impact.

Alsezh wanted to continue but he started to notice that the Velvet members were starting to cautiously depart from the city one by one, chasing was one option but then the efficiency would decrease.

So he finally gave up the hunt and decided to return as even the sun was going to rise soon and walking in such a 'sick' outfit in broad daylight would only attract trouble for him.