New Discovery

Lotus City –

Velvet Org Headquarters,

A man was now sitting on a throne in a huge hall with a gorgeous looking woman standing beside him in respectful way.The man was none other than Jacob Rothschid the president of velvet organisation and the women at his side was his personal secretary Daisy.

But After reading the reports given by the woman, the man became frustrated and started shouting.

"....who the hell is this fucking Reaper !"

Grinding his teeth angrily he continued,

"Knight Ferma would be visiting us in week, he has finally seen the importance of our Alis project and has promised to confer me with an Energy Harnessor and if by any chance the news that some unknown assassin is causing us trouble reaches him then….."

After breathing heavily the man control his anger and instructed the woman.

"Issue a 15 million bounty on him, Also send some of our own agents after him, make sure he comes to know what does it mean to be Velvet's Enemy"

The assistant then asked, "sir I also suggest we declare a level one alert just in case.."

The man shouted again,

"shut up! That's as good as telling lord Ferma we are in a pinch in any case cease transactions that are not necessary do whatever you can to maintain peace for the time being, because if anything happens and I don't get the harnessor then I might as well burn down the whole organisation and that includes you"

The woman shuddered and immediately started following the man's commands.

She knew what possessing harnessor actually meant, an exponential increase in power.

Shipyard of Lotus city-

Shiv was currently on a mission to escort a rich merchant, he was quiet dissatisfied these days as his speculation that Alsezh was going to harm Velvet had been proven wrong because of his inactivity since the last month.

Shiv who once had excitedly shared intel to this guy had stopped doing this since the past week.

But just a few hours earlier he had received a message from Alsezh's ID to meet him at De'levo hotel at 2200hrs. Not long after he had calmed down his excitement knowing that it was time take action he received another message




Emergency Report…



Shiv was surprised and intrigued after reading the report, "Dealing Velvet huge losses ,good enough to make it take a step back, is this his doing"

As soon as he connected the dots his eyes shone brightly, he clenched his fists tightly and spoke in a low and frosty voice,

"just wait you velvet I am going to burn you to cinders"

AZ's Palace….

Alsezh and Williams were standing in front a black wedge looking at it with tilted necks.

Williams was speechless right now, as Alsezh had told him to assist him on calibrating a high-tech vehicle but what he was looking at resembled nothing like what he imagined it to be

Alsezh looked at the spanner in his hands and then at the wedge without turning his head he spoke,

"Williams you are also a level 3 engineer right then take this spanner and help me open the wedge"

Williams almost choked after hearing this but he still took the spanner and approached the wedge. He started tapping the wedge to check where it could be hollow.

Alsezh never expected Williams to actually do anything he was just testing how the vehicle reacted to contact with others. He then approached the vehicle and took out the master key found in Airatis's office room.

The car immediately became active and started floating 30 cm above the ground. Alsezh opened the side panels and went in. Williams was startled he also bent in to look what was inside, he was immediately stunned by the screen displays and luxurious interior.

Being a butler he had seen many luxurious cars and jets but the interior of this thing was not only luxurious but seemed more refined and high tech.

Alsezh on the other hand was having a huge headache, he didn't even know how to dismantle the vehicle so as to see what's inside and experiment with it.

Alsezh finally sighed, "sorry Airatis but seems like I have no other option but to open this car of yours forcefully"

Alsezh then started working by first powering down the entire vehicle. He then used titanium Saws to cut things down layer by layer. Although the process was slow Alsezh didn't give up.

Although the design and mechanism of the wedge vehicle was different the fundamentals were the same like the internal circuits being covered by metal frames different parts assembled together with delicate looking threads connecting them and so on.

Finally after scraping of the metal casings and frames he could see the internal workings of the machine. He then started to experiment with them. Supplying current, Voltage, changing temperatures, and all sorts of things.

The list went on and on.

4 hours later…

The garage was a total mess with parts lying around here and there, the peculiar thing about all these parts was that they were all slivery white In color.

Alsezh was sitting on a chair sucking ice tea from a straw and looking at the mess he had done, after all the tear down process of the wedge he did get to learn somethings but not much but he did find some thing interesting.

A Spherical Red Crystal it was placed at the exact center and there were some space distortions around it.

Alsezh new that the Wedge required huge amount of energy which should be concentrated, as the size of energy source will matter too but the law of thermodynamic states its impossible to dissipate and distribute such a concentrated amount of energy.

But Alsezh knew that the crystal in his hands was for sure the energy source creating a contradiction to his own knowledge.

He immediately went to his lab and started making some calculations and theories.

5 hours later...

Alsezh hands were shivering his eyes were wide open looking at the final equation he came up with, he gulped down and murmured

"if my equation is correct then energy could be dispersed in space and then brought back to the where it is required directly from space again, no wires even the smallest of the small and biggest of the biggest things could run without maintenance whatsoever"

He then took a deep breathe to calm down himself and clear his mind,

"seems like I should visit Alios again to learn about their technology and knowledge more"

He then turned around to leave before looking at the clumsy machines he had made, "sigh such a waste"