It took me many minutes before I remember what come after 3. But since I take many steps already, why bother count? Even though Big Boi Suit become lighter because I have 5 points in Higher Power, it still heavy. But that do not stop me from continue to walking.
Seventwo, threen, fourteen, wait I think the last word sound like proper good word.
[John has gained 1 point in Better Thinking for remembering number after 10!]
Hm. Well that I do not expect. I only need 2 more points before I think normally like normal human, yes. Question left in brain is, when will me get stronger?
[John has gained 1 point in Higher Power because training!]
Woah! Is this gift for me by system? Maybe yes, maybe no, but thanks to system, I feel like Big Boi Suit become more light. Yes, more light.
Since walking while wearing Big Boi Suit make me have more Higher Power, then that mean the longer I wear Big Boi Suit, the more I grow more strong?
[John has gained 1 point in Better Thinking for efficient thinking]
Oh wow! 9 points in Better Thinking! 1 more and I have good intelligence equal to normal human!
Also, this mean that idea of wearing Big Boi Suit everyday is also good idea!
Walk and walk and walk!
I can count even more now!