Die with Honor? best without Hunger!

Marline still could not believe what had happened to him after all that, how he could have ended up in this place?

in his world, he was someone known as the Master of all weapons, someone who lived between light and darkness, as he could have died in such a ridiculous way!

someone who had come to the pinnacle of his career as a murderer and as an intelligence collector, there was no one to compare himself to him, in combat or in mental capacity, you could not say he was a genius who would make a nuclear bomb from scratch, but his shrewd mind assured him he had enough knowledge to be 2 steps ahead of his enemies and 3 from his allies.

Marline at 39 year's old was known as the Angel of misfortune, you could say that him was a figure which no organization wanted to have anything to do with him, his level was so high that it was a Taboo for the intelligence agencies in the world such was so, that had reached the point that his use had been vetoed, even there was a special fund in which the allied countries paid a sum of money so that he would not do any work.

several times there had been figures from the underworld with the intention of hiring him but ... hehe, being taboo he was against the rules of the game, after the accident that had happened in the golden triangle of Thailand with loads of nuclear '' waste '', that make him be known for his dangerousness.

for that reason an agreement had been reached behind closed doors with the different institutions, the fact that Marline could have cracked a Russian military submarine which was transporting the "waste" and that without mercy had detonated one of the dirty bombs in the port of India, this warned of his dangerousness, not only that but after that several agencies had tried to assassinate him failing each time, it had even come to the conclusion that each time this happened it became even stronger.

It had reached the peak of what could be reached physically and mentally by a human and his 39 years was the maximum point of his strength, no one ever hope that the demon who was a taboo would die in such a stupid way, even They had tried to plant bombs underneath his house and it had not worked but who would say that a simple pair of chopsticks would do the job, even worse had been by his own hands ...

his way of death was ridiculous but he was happy that nobody ever found out or so he thought ...


-boss! We lost all signs of the island of the devil !! we do not know what's going on ... it seems that ... someone threw an explosive in his residence! but if he's dead then ...

Marline had kidnapped the Submarine and it still had 23 medium-range missiles which had missiles with a capacity for almost 50,000 km of travel and the heads of each of them had last generation electronic shielding systems could even evade physical measures of countermeasures, the explosion range of each was 1km but if it was in a city would make a killing compared to times of war, just imagine it was a horror for the stability that had been generated after the Cold War, the worst result It was a third world war and a start with nuclear fire!!

the result was disastrous that is why he was a taboo more than anything, the consequences of trying a single movement were disasters, the profit did not reward the costs, in addition, someone without ambition as Marline was the most dangerous person for all the heads of the government, not that they feared someone with great ambition and hunger for power, they feared someone without him and even worse someone without fear of death.

someone with ambition would be someone who would have interests to protect and who would be on the same playing field, either as a piece or as a player would have a place with them but he was a random factor outside the game, which could simply give a blow and destroy the board that had been fighting for more than 50 years ... no, more than 500 years!

the human race could say that had the power in his hands to be destroyed by itself several times, just missing a spark for it and Marline had a match in his hands which he would not hesitate to use.

the guy who watched the situation 24 hours a day had his eyes bloodshot and parched while he held the breath the next thing he expected to see was nuclear warheads flying on the radar map, but nothing happened.

-... calm down, when nothing happened? That bastard would not die so easily, if that were so then we would have sent a regiment to kill him

-... General ... I think you say wrong a regiment! you want to say a Squadron!, right?

-pfff, hahaha! you want to destroy that monster with a squadron, if the high commanders listen to you, they will return you to the academy !! Haha


the General looked with cold eyes at this boy who even to be 30 years old for him was a rookie, stopped laughing and seemed to remember something ... a nightmare most likely.

-When we were on the battlefield in the Islamic State, he had been hired by the French as a mercenary but more than that was a hitman, several times we arrived late for the game but I still remember what he was capable ... more than a battlefield looked like an execution field, more than half of the 500 rebels had died by a knife or a sudden blow, only a madman or a genius could achieve that ... ugh reminds me how old I am... thanks to him it reminds me of the files in the Normandy landings my old man fought there, do you know?


the man who was in charge of the screens sweated cold, as was it possible that the general was sentimental in this type of situation?!

-then how shall we proceed?

-proceed? hehe with that guy is better not to move the slightest, I tell you he is a demon, but while he doesn't throw any of the giant cigars then we do not put half a nose in the matter, that demon will burn the world if you touch him, is like the Pandora box...

the General waved his hand with disdain, his subordinate felt that the acid in his stomach would come out through his navel, was a situation of imminent danger and all they did was wait and observe, in other organizations, it was even worse, they looked for guilty that it was what was forged.

such as the fear that nobody dared to investigate more thoroughly, much less send forces to land, only 40 years later when a careless fisherman entered the island and there was nobody, the unified forces of the United States of Huaxia would dare to put half a step on the island to discover that was destitute and a Russian Submarine bathed in the depth of the sea.

(in the next 30 years by means of soft and hard tactics the United States had declared itself in broken or bankrupt and China had seized power, as an aid measure through legal and democratic means the United States had had its first Chinese president and after 2 generations and of a massive Chinese immigration had reached the agreement to change the name of the country ... it will be history for another day ...)


Meanwhile, in another time and space, Marline woke up even remembering that it had happened, as was possible?

the shock ran through his body and more than that the pain in his face was, even more, could not stand the ridicule of his life ...

while he ate a ramen soup in his building looking at the palm trees that moved at the will of the wind he would think that it was what differentiated him from a tree, he had been denied society since childhood, be a murderer at 6 years of age had not helped, that's why nobody in the orphanage wanted him, he was recruited by a dubious corporation that was really a group of assassins with a legacy of more than 100 years, but the little he cared about. had killed but only those who he rarely leave women or children, had suffered for it but never complained, fell in love but was not reciprocated and the fire had gone off inside him.

when the girl he wanted, died he just felt that his hole was even bigger, what could he do now? from there he realized how empty his life was, he was smart but that only took him away from people, someone like him that could kill and be as common as breathing would not have a place where he could fit into this world, also no one would allow him to exist in this world, was an unwanted existence since he was born.

even so he had found love again but in a totally different way he still remembered being 27 years old and killing only because he wanted to, he had destroyed his organization and he was a free agent, he had just had a mission in Iraq and had followed the track of a gun merchant in Myanmar, he fought with all that time, he still remembered the 6 shots that had gone through his body, the cold water and the clear cloudless sky, the smell of the bamboo and the current that was carrying trickles of his blood as the current running through the mountain.

What he found there was not love but it was something even more precious to him, that was human warmth.

who found him and rescued him was a woman of about 55 years old, she was thin and small but with a cheerful appearance, when she saw him she was not horrified and left him, she smiled at him kindly and took him to her house which was poorly bamboo reeds somewhat demolished.

At no time did he watch apathy on her face, since then he would spend time with this woman in a relationship which was not affection or love but the mere presence of the other person caused relief in the other and the company and small talks was more than enough to feel full inside, he felt that maybe there could be something else, the age difference was not a problem for him, but he preferred the tranquility of daily life without any change, this lasted for almost 3 years until .. .

a guy wanted to assault her, to take the house and in his desperation to see Marline approaching wanted to take her hostage but his fear was such that stabbed the woman.

He still remembered the woman's last words.

-your heart is warm like the sun, do not let the shadows of the negative, cloud your way and stain your heart ...

those words that no one would dare to say to a murderer like he, they came from the most innocent person he had ever met, but when he saw her lose her life he wept silently without even making a gesture, it was the first and last time he would cry in this life.

what happened next was like a flash for him, he did not let himself be guided by hatred but ... killing for him was not different from breathing, he thought for a moment and decided that from now on his hands would be the ones that would guide the work of God with his actions, what god does not want to make he will do.

his capacity to kill plus a fervent heart for the righteousness that he had guided himself was even worse than what he was before.

for that reason he finished with a submarine and pressing to the powers outside the region, thanks to that, the area was cleaned of the different criminal organizations in the place, perhaps they would change of place but that no longer mattered, at least the grave of the woman would be in A peaceful place.

that had been his life ... but now ... it was not different from that tree that could only shade and swing with the will of the wind, excluded from society but unlike that tree that if it fell would not make any noise, if the fell would achieve a pandemonium in the world, or at least they thought so.

the truth was that he had 22 missiles deactivated and only one in operation but without the nuclear warhead to frighten anyone who tried something.

So he took his ramen, somewhat distracted with his disposable chopsticks, only that at the moment he wanted to sneeze a fly stood on his plate of ramen wanting to chase it, it settled on his nose, by pure reflex action and with great force he wanted to scare away forgetting the chopsticks in his hand...

the chopsticks were buried in his eyes and he let out a strangled cry, even worse he got up from the chair while the blood ran under his eyes as if they were tears, as he jumped out of the chair he lost his balance because of the sudden pain falling to the floor and burying them more until his cerebral cortex, at that moment the pain was only a twinge and his heart stopped beating, seconds later under his house a series of explosives detonated destroying everything that had and his body in the process ...

-all for ... a stupid fly ... Aghh, but what ... how can I still feel pain ...!?