and you are?... Uchiha Madara!!?

Marline felt his body but ...

-what the hell...

he still remembered his height, about 188cm with a weight of 102 kg, it was a mass of muscle as if it were a Greek statue, but now he could feel that although his muscles were well defined and full of power, they were slender and thin.

the delicate skin and a paler color had nothing to do with his tanned skin the color of bronze that made him look more like a sculpture than flesh and bone, yet he could feel that his body was not much weaker than when it was in its peak stage but for him it was not of use since he was not used to this body.

-this ... it's not my body, I need to see my face, ugh I still can not see well.

The only thing he could see was the fuzzy things more than a palm away from his eyes, besides it a stinging in his eyes that made him remember how it was that he had died.

but his hearing reacted in a better way so he could hear water running nearby so he decided to go to see what was happening with his body, maybe he could see his reflection in the water.


while walking his ideas cleared up even so his body felt a little strange, did not seem to respond to his orders and moved by himself even though his body did what he said he did not feel it was him, everything was too unreal to be true.

By the time he reached the stream, the vision had improved and he could at least see their surroundings a little better, it was a nice place with little vegetation or at least it did not seem too thick, since on the island was almost impassable in the jungle, he was sure that it was not on the island of his property, yet he was abnormally calm, he did not allow this to cloud his judgment, his death had been ridiculous and it would not happen again, it was a stain for someone who called himself the perfect murderer.

soon reached the stream and seeing the reflection before him was surprised to see the face of a boy of no more than 18 or 19 years, you could see the tender skin that still had a bit of the features of an infant in his face, his hair was somewhat unruly and rebellious in a black color but with a slight blue tone in the sunlight, his eyes were black as the Onyx and his eyebrows had a slight inclination that seemed to give a bad impression of someone cunning to his own good. In addition, his hair covered one of his eyes.

he wore a large black shirt on his back he had the emblem of his clan and he also had pants with bandages on the bottom and a bag which he still did not see what he had but could deduce that he had some type of weapon besides it, He had a Katana on his left side as well as a knife of the same style on his back tied to a belt that he wore on his belly.

He still did not understand what was happening but when saw the reflection of the water again he looked at his face and felt something cold running through his body, the look of the person reflecting was cold as ice.

Marline's eyes sharpened like those of a hawk and his temper changed in an instant, his mind stopped thinking about anything that was not killing his enemy in the most optimal way possible, it was as if a beast was freed from the inside of marline, stealthy and mortal like no other, there was no feeling coming from his deepest being the only quietness, killing was like breathing for him and this was what he knew how to do, there was no joy in it but neither repentance, death was the natural state of things, so he only fulfilled the destiny by his own hand, if they wanted to blame someone then blame God for it.

but what he did not know is that someone in the reflection of the water had been equally surprised by the sudden change of this person occupying his body, the Guest seemed not to be someone as simple as he thought ...

Marline just watched as his eyes changed color to a scarlet red and suddenly it felt like he was being transported somewhere else ...


-Well, so you are the intruder that entered my body ... that inconsiderate of you ...


Marline could feel the dangerousness of this guy, he was known from somewhere but could not remember where his long hair and red armor made him think of someone but denied the idea, it was not possible because that person did not exist ... true?

-don't you introduce yourself? Even when nobody asked you to come, then I will do it first, I do not know if you heard about me after all this is a strange place, my name is Uchiha Madara and you?

the other person kept his eyes closed while talking but the sense of danger was even greater, he had something similar to a guitar in his hands but he looked for more warlike purposes besides a scythe in the other, if at least his dagger and his 9mm how good it would be, but ...

-oh! so those are your weapons that interesting, at least that cylinder-shaped weapon, seems a bit delicate but it inspires enough danger if you do not say anything it would be pretty boring ...


Marline did not talk analyzed the situation in which he was, seeing their surroundings that were not the white area where the god was and that did not seem to be the real world because it seemed somewhat incomplete in front of his senses could only be a dream or something similar.

-This is ... a dream, did you bring me here?

-It's an illusion to be more correct, rather strange that you do not know this ... you can not be a civilian ... not with that aura of danger ... who are you?

It seemed dangerous, but you could see that both were in the same situation, so Marline opens his mouth for the first time in front of the other guy named Madara, that name give him the creeps.

-Marline ... an illusion you say? perhaps you are some kind of hypnotist, how do you say that this is your body? ... I see it seems that you are right ...

Uchiha Madara did not seem to have much interest after seeing that he did not know about illusion so he did not consider him a rival and gave a snort but in that he felt the danger stalking him.

he barely managed to avoid the object that was approaching him with an incredible rotation that made him remember bitterly the attack of that yellow-haired boy.

-you have something interesting there ...

dodging a second shot back and opened his eyes, even when only one was visible was more than enough ...

The next moment he was surprised by his inability to use Ninjutsu because he wanted to use a clone and attack from behind, but there was no chakra in this illusory body.



the situation was the strangest, it seemed that more than an illusory world was an internal world of both people, they keep silent Looking at each other

-seems that it can only be resolved in this way ...


Uchiha Madara said as he smiled contentedly and launched himself into the attack with everything, his speed was surprising nothing Marline had ever fought with before, but strangely he did not have a sense of defeat, his mind was clear and he thought in a way that he focused 100% on combat, when Uchiha Madara was only a few steps away Marline shot several times to put Uchiha Madara right where he wanted and could attack with his dagger, he knew that with his speed the bullets were useless more than that could be anticipated to his shots.

(how is it that this gun reaches my hands ...)

If he could have thought, that would be his idea but the enemy was paramount ... a pity because he would have seen the trick, Uchiha Madara, on the other hand, had more experience and seemed to have found the trick, because I step out of the air and from here to kick him in the face, Marline used his dagger and managed to cut his leg.

but the cut was shallow and the kick he had received was most devastating, so much so that he thought he had died for it, his cervicals ... no, his entire head must have been torn from that force, it was not something with what a normal human could even leave a corpse to mourn.

-ugh? I did not die ... I see ...

-seems you already realized not?

-Only one of us will leave here, no?

-Haha! You are to my liking! a pity to have to destroy you so soon but you will live well being a part of me, with your mentality for combat I will reach a step higher!

-I will say the same ...


Without saying more, a battle began in which one had the physique of a normal person while the other was a beast in the skin of a human.

if someone saw this, he would feel sorry for Marline, it was supposed to be his story but ... he could barely avoid being taken from his head and limbs, the only thing he aimed at was not to immobilize him, he let in such strong blows that if they reduced it to dust, it would be a relief for the coroner if he were in his world.

the fight lasted an indefinite time, Uchiha Madara began to despair, he aimed to torture this poor soul, the pain that should have been going through each blow was huge, but every time his eyes met one another he just looked at an infinite stillness in Marline and a passion for combat from Uchiha Madara, Marline had only one goal and that was not to be immobilized.

but ... as time passed, things became different, this type of name Marline began to counterattack surprisingly not only that but had become accustomed to his style of combat in a natural way !.

the blows that Uchiha Madara could give him were less and less even when his physique did not improve, his skills increased step by step, each movement was more deadly and full of a still and silent killer aura that claimed lives in the most direct way possible.

Marline's brown eyes were nothing exceptional but every time he attacked him he could see the intent to murder him rawer than he had seen, there was no hate or regret, no purpose was given only the verdict of death, on the battlefield It was strange to be able to run into it, what he still did not know that the world where Marline came from, the murderer's profession was rawer than his own ninja even more to Marline who was the Perfect Assassin.

-so that in this time you have achieved it eh? grow at my expense, otherwise, it would be pointless to take everything from you, that convinces me more now that you will be useful.

-you have already been useful ... it's time for you to get a little pain ...

and with that, they started another round only that in this Marline he was not only on the counterattack but he even ventured to attack Uchiha Madara!

in another amount of exchanges that could be counted in the thousands perhaps more, the disparity between both had been reduced still more, Uchiha Madara could only be astonished by this type, but not only that, but thanks to that Marline had improved the defects of Uchiha Madara they were even less making him more lethal and savoring every drop of blood that Marline made him receive! No matter how much he attacked him, Marline would find a way to counterattack with only his dagger and a normal physique.

On the other hand, Marline had to accept that by passing the mountain there, bigger summits, he could not remember the last time he had seen someone with talent but Uchiha Madara was at another level, he was a monster not only in battle but also in mentality level of combat, more than a fight was a mental game between them 2, without knowing how, Marline was enjoying the fight and a slight smile appeared on his face, his temperament had changed!

and Uchiha Madara was no exception since he had been fighting with Marline he had realized the number of wasted movements, it was a pity he had not noticed before.

the time was infinite while they fought and they did not realize the difference of the place that surrounded to them more and more was eroded and cracks appeared everywhere, the time that supported this space still was about to be decided.