Xi Bo woke up with an incredible headache.
his mother in front of him was somewhat worried, she felt that she would not be many remaining years with them, she no longer dreamed of seeing her grandchildren, after all, they could barely survive the 4 of them, at least see him become a man and her daughter be a full girl.
-Was Xiao Bo some happen to you? Lord Uchiha brought you while you were unconscious ...
when he heard that, his head began to spin, he could not tell if the Mr. Uchiha was a villain but he was sure that thanks to him he had expanded his world, it seemed that the lines between a villain and a hero were not well defined ... see his hopes collapsed, could only sigh at least you could trust the geniuses and the demented will not cross the line, of course, he could not join one another! or so he thought ...
he was still innocent so he could not be blamed, but after that, he remembered the pain he had experienced when Lord Uchiha had touched his Diantian.
- (uh? Diantian? How do I know where it is located? ... he said it would be a goodbye gift, only ... who the hell is Mr. Uchiha?)
Xi Bo only managed to think this while he worried more about his mother who looked at him with some consternation, he hurried to throw those thoughts out of his head and quickly answered his mother.
-I'm fine it was nothing, just a little dizzy from walking in the sun!
-I'm sure it's just that?
-um, do not worry ... hehe, I' will go out for a while to take a breath... how much time did I sleep?
-not much just 2 hours.
-ah, well I go back alone I'm going out here ...
Xi Bo came out somewhat hurriedly but as he did this he did not notice his father who had his eyes dry and irritated to see the bag in his hands ...
43 purple profound coins! That was an unimaginable amount of money for their lifestyle, how much was it? was equivalent to 430,000 with this could continue to have the life until now for about 25 years more, after all, they led a modest life far from any luxury.
Xi We could only swallow his saliva, for someone like the one who lived with his tail between his legs was more than a blessing, it was a curse ...
his wife took the bag and looked at him reproachfully, her eyes shone every time he looked at the coins but did not say anything, seeing his cowardly husband with that face, she knew that if someone threatened him just a little, he would say to the 4 winds of this money as long as they let him continue living.
-If you tell someone I kill you first and then kill me you hear me ?!
-Hiiiii ...
Xi Bo squealed like a rat when he heard his wife and saw her serious face, his instinct told him that if he talked a little about money it did not matter if he was spared his life with his wife would kill him 100% sure.
-but ... if we divide it into 43 parts ... it could save our lives many times ...
-do not even think about it!!
Xi Bo put his head in his hands when he saw his wife approaching as he raised his legs in the chair putting himself in a fetal position.
Xi Lin bowed her head to this husband she had ... she just had no choice, at least when it came to protecting them, he was not afraid of the beatings they gave him by the bullies, only because of that she had remained by his side, even though she had 13 profound openings ...
Uchiha Madara had helped Xi Bo to guide the vitality for his body, but he had not even given him any chakra seed, it could be said that it was easy to induce the chakra in another person and make them able to learn, but if it was not the will of the user would not pass even when he invaded the body of the second.
was easier to channel the vitality, it had helped him to perceive his meridians which were going to give to his entrances but not only that but also he had mapped his body to discover which was the best route between his meridians to nourish his talent in his element.
this would only increase the cultivation speed by 1%, but ... this was the entry, that is, with 11 profound entries, he could grow something 11% faster or as if he had 12 profound entries!
but this was not the only benefit because his cultivation would be faster because it would fit in a better way to his body, with the mapping of his meridians, this would have a stronger elemental base than others and as he grew older Obviously this advantage would be, even though it would need a profound Art according to his nature.
Why did not he give Chakra? simple, he would not give a use to it, Xi Bo did not have the talent for it, and he did not have the time to teach a ninja in this place without even the infrastructure for it.
And Uchiha Madara had done it in the heat of the moment, besides the mapping of his meridians had been an experiment, the last time he did in Hai Min this helped him a little, but with his chakra the improvement was minimal, apparently it was only good for those who still did not have a base, with this he only confirms it.
-I still remember the pattern but ... being able to use this will not be a simple thing ...
Uchiha Madara denied with the head he had spent all afternoon doing this and infusing his Chakra in him, the problem of this Seal was that its principles were intricate, luckily in the memories of Marline had several data of the sending of Neutrons of from one place to another in an instantaneous moment, this time I had stolen the planes of an accelerator of particles layers of generating 1 ^ -10 gr of black matter per hour, it was only a theoretical machine, but in itself it was almost black technology!
at the end of the day it was a disappointment, because it was not feasible to do that accelerator of particles but eh, science is based on the accumulation of ideas, many inventions in reality only remain restricted by the limitation of the imagination of their times.
many would laugh in 1930 if they were told that with a stone that only served for neon signs could change the course of the war, in 1950 no one would laugh about it ...
thanks to it now he had enough bases to be able to use this Ninjutsu even if it was only in one part, the most famous of the fourth Hokage, Flying Thunder God the same that killed his brother.
-If it is possible to use it in the future then ...
the face of Uchiha Madara had a comfortable smile since he had arrived here smiling was a primordial part of him, he did not know why, but he thought that the smiles with this face were particularly good!
looking at his completed work and turn off the flame of his hand, controlling the chakra in this way really was difficult because the contact with the outside made him have a feeling of incongruity for the difference of the laws of the essence, for that only can endure the discomfort.
He looked at the Kunai in his hand and nodded, to be forged from the dagger of one of the brothers Hai was not bad!
He went to rest and recover some of his stamina, had not lost much but preferred to be at his best, also wanted to check his Sea of Conscience but had not been able until now, he felt that he still had some kind of change in this place.
-I just need that, before leaving at least I must give my face no?
Thinking of the girl who ran in barely seeing him a wicked smile was drawing on his face.
It was 11 o'clock at night and while the people in the house slept, Xi Mei woke up feeling something wet on her face, she touched it with her hand and it was a little cold, something that smelled good, a floral smell came to the nose, she looks at the sides and she looks at a flower in her window, it opened it and she looks at Uchiha Madara in the light of the moon, she did not know if she was awake or not ...
taking the courage she could master she got up and sneaked out of the house, with her heart in her fist she had a worse feeling she did not know what was that, his feminine senses told him something but she could not interpret and her ears only heard her heartthrob with great strength.
after leaving she look at Uchiha Madara who was sitting on some of the practice stones he used, there was more than usual, she still wondered how they were so geometric.
Uchiha Madara made a space next to him on the biggest stone, she blushed because there was only one person space to sit and 2 would be stuck with each other, he did not insist, but after a few seconds of doubt she sat down.
feeling the solid muscles of his arms felt even hotter than before, just thinking about the time that had held her made her think that both moments were one, it was as if the rest that had happened during this month disappeared and was the first day to know each other.
On the other hand, Uchiha Madara did not indifferent this girl, could not say that he loved her and it was hardly his taste, but seeing that face made him want to protect her, maybe that was love?
- (I never knew what love is ... not even like, it's easy for me to confuse, agh well I knew that this kind of business was not for me ... I think it's best to be honest with her, right?)
both remained silent for a few minutes, the atmosphere was a bit pink between them and none wanted to break the bubble that had formed, Xi Mei was talking but did not know what to say, Uchiha Madara did not have much of a reaction had a taciturn face.
-your father ... offered you as a maid, do you agree with that?
-..., I think ... I'll be fine ...
-I see...
her voice was a bit broken as if she was about to cry.
-But have you already thought what kind of life you will lead?
-as my maid is sure you can not marry, you know?
Uchiha Madara smiled a bit with some malice in his tone and face, the girl smiled even more and turning to see the face of Uchiha Madara, she could only plunge her head on her shoulders, she knew what he was referring to after all was 17years
-additionally, I can not say that I love you ... maybe I like you, but just that, do not expect much from me ...
her face solidified and it seemed that she fell deeper into the earth, she was a 17-year-old girl with illusions.
in the memories of Merline cannot help but remember why before he was better alone, on Earth the girls at 13 were some most vulgar than in past years and those that were worth it did not deserve them to be next to a terrible person like him.
but ... since in this place they would suffer, at least will be best to be at his side not? he would try not to be a bastard at all, well maybe only a little at night but that was all.
-It's nothing personal ... as you can see, I'm a foreigner, everything that one day I have been, is kept behind me, now I just have to walk forward!
Uchiha Madara's gaze was filled with a great ambition and this is where she noticed what was her illusion and dreams, (it seems that ... we are different worlds after all ...) thinking this, she smiled and with a great smile that dull to any divine beauty, was not a beauty that came from the material plane, it was one that came from the deepest of the heart of this girl, this moment ... it was her moment!
It was like the most dazzling lights of the stars of the firmament in its last flash, which can only be seen for a moment, when at the moment of its completion they decide to shine with more brilliance than ever giving the world a shine that if it did not last for always at least recreates the one that gave rise to all things ... those called Supernovas
Uchiha Madara forgot to talk big as he used to do, he stared at the girl's face and ran a hand down her cheek and with his thumb delicately clean her tear, she did not know well what he thought, but she knew that they could not be together and the feelings that she had could only be expressed in this way.
-If you smile like that ... you'll make me forget about my sins, you know?...
Uchiha Madara said with some remorse and hold her hand meanwhile seeing the moon in the sky.