The Gunpowder Smell.

while Uchiha Madara ran from there to the betting club where he would fix things by his own hand, something had happened outside his plans.

Tie Tou looked at his lackey who was one of the commanders of his forces with a cold look, 13 of his men had perished and only had their ashes in the place.

-I did not I tell you, that you go personally?


-And how is it that you did not even investigate if he had a master with him?


-the place had 13 corpses, by the tracks you could see that he was a master of the murder ... your men barely had time to respond to their attacks ...


-If it were enough with just that ... do not you know that those above blamed me for it?

-Uh? the boss has someone up?


Tie Tou rubbed his face, this guy was stupid, he only had him here because there was the possibility that he would reach a higher realm, otherwise, he would have killed him with his own hands.

- How do you think this place is still a secret?

-..., I do not know, I thought the boss was a genius...

-... fool..., is why I work with Xiao Sect if not there would be no way to continue in this forgotten corner without a backer!

-! Xiao Sect? one of the 4 main ones of the empire?

-It is, we are not more than a place of many in the Empire, as we are an industry part of them, in any case, the death of 13 individuals is a problem that will fall on me ...

-ugh, then what do we do?

-we will recruit more slaves, buy slaves to fill the void ...

Tie Tan was not stupid, the slaves were only a preventive measure, after all even though they had a seal of the devil Sect's, the one that possessed them would be the objective of elimination by the sects right side.

-It's all the fault of that Fu Hexian bastard! If he had not given us the information ...

-Where's that guy?

-he was betting and then he went to one of the rooms with one of the new girls, damn and still took one of the girls who had just arrived!

-um? How long ago of that?

the boss seemed to smell something suspicious but did not know what it was ...

-Is it 3 or 4 hours?

-... damn it, let's see it!

Tie Tou stood up with great speed and went to where Fu Hexian was, the private rooms, no matter the privacy of their customers began to open one by one, not even waiting for Gray Wolf to tell him where he was.

When he reached the last his heart was beating fast.

when opening the door the smell that assailed his nose was quite potent, he quickly covered his mouth with a piece of cloth and entered the room.

What he found was not at all attractive, Fu Hexian body was dry from head to toe and the bed was throwing a tangle, his eyes had even a lust that even at the time of his death was drawn into his face.


-What the fuck ... what happened here, boss ?!

-tch, more problems ... is the work of Crimson Spider Silk Pavilion, only they would dare to enter these places to do something like this ...

-ah? who are they?

-A group of crazy women, practicing extreme Yin cultivation, generally to be able to break through their limits take the vitality of men, the worst of the matter is that they do not even make love with them, they use aphrodisiacs and illusory drugs so that they have the best dream of your life, while they ... leave you like this ...

Tie Tou's face was the ugliest and with his scars, it was even worse.

-boss ... but now what will we do with the body of this guy?

- Feed the dogs, let there be no trace of his death here!

-and what will we do with that bitch?


Tie Tou knew what would happen if he dared to offend Crimson Spider Silk Pavillion, his death would be more than miserable, there was an agreement that if something happened, there would not be much problem, after all, he was just a big fish here, in the outside world it was not even comparable to an insect.

-It's not something we can intervene in ...


Gray Wolf lost a lot of respect for Tie Tou after this series of events ...

but worse things were still to come ...


in the residence of the Fu family, it could be said that locally they were a power to fear, they were not the first family, that belonged to the mayor of Cyan Forest Town, even though with the passing of people there were more powerful people than they, used to try Do not offend anyone.

but within the 4 elders of the house the second elder and the third elder, had the arrogance in their bones, about 50 years ago 5 Fu brothers had arrived fleeing from the neighboring empire Grand Asura Nation, their family had been annihilated completely and they were only the lowest ranking Disciples.

with this it could be said that nobody cared about them, they had great luck in rescuing some of the volumes of the great clan Fu, but even so their talent was mediocre, with it after all these years only 3 of them had reached True Profound Realm and one had stayed at Nascent Profound Realm, even 1 of them had died more than 30 years ago.

but even with that they still had the arrogance to come from a big family and with that, they did not have in their eyes the other families of Cyan Forest Town.

all they needed was an heir with great talent and that this would dominate the tomes of thousand Arm's Asura Art, was a type of cultivation of extreme Yang, it was said that it was an art which rivaled that of the royal family before the emergence of Divine Phoenix Empire, that only lost because of the extremely difficult and great requirements of talent, for that reason they had lost the Grand Asura Kingdom.

but all that glory had been left in the past, now they were just a group of refugees in this place, the only hope of resurgence was the grandson of the third elder who was 7-level Elementary Profound Realm at age 16, could not to say that he was a genius in the big cities, but at least they wanted to leave this place and climb little by little, improving their talent with each generation.

A pity that his hope was in a bed, completely dry of any life.

-... Master sent this a few moments ago ...

-leave it here.

the current head of the family, Fu Tian, the son of the third elder, was about 40 years old with a fierce look and his body exuded heat when he was close to him, thanks to his cultivation of extreme Yang, which he required in order to enhance the fury required by Thousand Arm's Asura Art.

his strength was Level-2 True Profound Realm but thanks to living in this place he could defeat enemies including 4 kingdoms stronger than him, you could not compare someone with a profound high-level art with someone who did not have it.

the elders were a little more powerful than him, but after all their talent was practically non-existent, they had only 11 profound entries, while the current patriarch had about 14 of them, at 40 he still had a chance to reach a higher kingdom.

-what could this be...?

when opening the box his face paled ... inside him was a stuffed finger but with a ring that he had given to his son when he turned 14 and had begun to practice really in the profound ...


his face became somber and he took a paper where they were asking him for a ransom for his son's life but tomorrow they would send him his whole hand.

- Damn! I will kill them! I will kill each one of them! call the elderly! No one messes with my Fu family in this place ...

in less than 10 minutes the elders and the adults of the different houses met, 4 elders with a majestic aura sat behind the patriarch's feet in front of him, those of his generation were there, they were 17 of them. 12 of them had reached True Profound Realm, while the others were not as talented and they were Nascent Profound realm.

besides them there were those of the new generation with something of almost 40 of them, giving with it the entirety of the Fu family.

-Somebody kidnap Xiao Hexian ... that's intolerable !!

-the patriarch, then we will fight?

one of his adults, who was a rim of his, asked with a solemn face.

- Of course, we will, will we let them sully the glory of our family in this way?


Nobody else spoke while he looked at those present.

-if someone is opposed, saying it now!

-will be done as the patriarch orders ...

the other adults nodded and did not give any problem in it, after all, it was the face of the family that was lost, even when it was a corpse had to go for it.

-prepare the profound horses, we will go at dawn!

-You already heard the patriarch!

the third elder said in a low voice that it would boom in the room, with it the expedition would be scheduled for the first hour ...


Uchiha Madara returned to Cyan Forest Town, looked at his hands and they trembled slightly had a frenetic smile on his face and his heart galloped a thousand.

-that was not a god ... it was something bigger! haha, that exciting!

without being interested in anything the attempt to calm his mood, as he had seen the contraction of the dome would end in about 11 months before that nothing would happen, so he had to prepare for whatever it was that came.

- Maybe a falling god in this place? or something like what happened with Kaguya? ...

Uchiha Madara ideas were a bit more erratic, but what he knew was that he needed strength to be able to counteract whatever came, his main problem was his age, his period of development had already passed and it could be said that his body was a solid block, even though this only motivated him more to get power.

He rented a room in a hotel to spend the night but could not help feeling the activity that seemed to come from some of the mountains near Cyan Forest town, so he left his room to ask who lived there.

the answer they gave him was that it was the residence of the Fu family and that it seemed that they had had an accident, it was not known anymore, but by his sense, he could deduce that they would go to an expedition since he could differentiate horses from humans that distance.

- Do they have the same objective as me?

Uchiha Madara snorted and fell asleep after meditating in bed, he will try to fish in trouble waters.


As soon as the first ray of sunlight appeared and the hooves of the horses echoed through the place, more than 50 men on horseback from the Fu family were heading towards the ruins where the betting house was located.

in the expedition included 2 elders from level 5 and level 6 of True Profound Realm, the patriarch Fu Tian from level 2 True Profound Realm, plus the 5 adults of 1 level True Profound Realm.

with them, they were accompanied by 12 of the most talented of the new generation all of them within Nascent Profound Realm, and in addition to them, 60 practitioners who were servants of the family, the weakest of them was 10 level Elemental Profound realm.

in the place, it could be said that they were a force to be taken into account and people still wondered what had happened so that the Fu family could mobilize all this strength.

but they were sure of something, it would be a fight of the Powerhouses of the village, there was no one who wanted to join in the hype and know what had happened,

nobody noticed someone who disappeared from the streets and reappeared in the city wall only to disappear again ...