how to defeat 2 Evil Sect Masters?!

Su Mengyao, blink her nice eyes and have a little drop of a tear in her eyes

-Uhh, could you let me go?

-haha, but you have a great value you know?

-... how do you know that?

Uchiha Madara knew the identity of this girl, Su Mengyao was the princess of Crimson Spider Silk, but about 7 months ago she had escaped because they had promised her with the Sect Master of one of the Evil Sect in the region of the capital of the Empire , her physical was special and with her, Black Bone Sect Master could get to Sky Profound Realm Master not only that but the guy thought to use her to refine her body and with it use her as a puppet.

simply too cruel, but ... no matter how cruel it was, Uchiha Madara had no benefit in helping a girl like her, he had his own problems and beauty was not a payment currency he received as well, worse even the sect to which she had belonged also sought her, was like a stray cat who had eaten a diamond and everyone want to rip her stomach.

- Tell me how do you know that?

the girl was surprised that this stranger knew about her and maybe he was her enemy, could she threaten him with his friends? she did not believe she can, besides that, if she did it in her condition it would be stupid, she would lose any possibility of having a positive approach with him.

right now she needed an ally, a powerful one ... maybe he was not the best but she did not have any other, she had been hiding for 7 months where she could not stand that lifestyle anymore.

-Why do I have to tell you? I repeat, what do I gain from it?

-ugh, I'll give you anything you want, ok?

-I do not see that you have too many things of value, also you must be traveling quite lightly since you are escaping, not?


-I see more value in giving you for the reward, as I understand they give the sum of 300,000 profound purple coins to return you alive ...

-you ... would you really do that?

Su Mengyao gnashed her teeth while she clenched her fists, her nails were buried in her hand, she had met many types of people but ... the cold look of Uchiha Madara told her that this was an absolute determination, no matter what, she would not do him to change his mind while she did not offer something better ...

-then ... I'll be yours what do you think?

she played her last card with some grief in her face, even though she came from an evil sect, which extracted the Yang from men, one could say that they were relatively pure because they used Yang to quenching their Yin energy and not for merge it like other sects.

Crimson Spider Silk Pavilion required to practice that they were virgins if not the merit of their practice could vanish, so they used illusory means to deceive men and purify their Yin energy.

but to her bad luck, she did not see the minimum of hesitation in Uchiha Madara's eyes.

-I can accept that but... I need something more to offer...

-ku, do what you want ...

she said with heaviness, at that moment she decided that she would take her own life, just when she was thinking about taking out the dagger to cut her neck, a voice behind her interrupted her to do this.

-this ... Mister Madara ... we could not forgive her life?, a moment ago she covered us of the monsters that attacked us, I know that I have no right over your decisions, but ... the girl is my benefactor, After all, I can not see in front of me the person who saved me have a bad end and do nothing ...

the youthful and insecure voice of Xia Yuanba was small but it could be heard clearly, the aggression emanating from Uchiha Madara stopped for a moment and he looked at this boy with a great body and heart, even though many would say that he was only a hindrance, He had begun to have some affection and camaraderie, by his very simple and straight nature, reminded Hashirama a little when they were young maybe that's why he liked to be with him, it reminded him when he was still young and innocent.

-Xia Yuanba but she is not a good person you know?

-But ... if she was not a good person she would have saved us? Besides even if she is not a good person, that does not eliminate that I owe her my life ... if I look at her doing something bad after that, I will give her a lesson ...


Uchiha Madara before the simple logic of Xia Yuanba could not refute it, besides that this did not seem to be influenced by the beauty of her.

for Uchiha Madara even if the people were terrible but for him they were good and with clear intentions then there was not much of a problem he can spare their life, of course, he would not support anyone who was totally against his code not to hurt civilians directly.

-ahh ...

Uchiha Madara sighed at this kind giant who had convinced him.

- Are you sure you did not let yourself be taken only because she is a beauty?

-haha, of course not Mister Madara! my sister is 10 times more beautiful than her so I do not get carried away by it!

Xia Yuanba blushed a little and Uchiha Madara put on a strange face, just thinking about the sister of this giant came to mind a woman 2 meters tall with big arms and the same face of Xia Yuanba only with long hair, did not understand how Xia Luocheng could be the father, perhaps it was not?

Su Mengyao to see this thought fast to see how this guy who seemed harder than a plate of Heaven steel changed his mind with the words of this giant, if she had saved them was more than anything to use them as a bargaining chip with Uchiha Madara Who would say that one of her hostages would save her from her crossroads?

-I'll let you go ...

Uchiha Madara used a Flashing Body Jutsu and appeared in front of her touched her head and walked towards Blood Tiger and Xia Yuanba, to see the wounds, because the Ghouls were more than dirty.

Uchiha Madara stopped for a moment and went to his spear which was still on the wall with the corpse of a giant Ghoul, when he pulled it out he became alert and with a sarcastic tone he looked at Su Mengyao who was weak.

-It seems that someone came to pick you up ... I do not think that I will say this ...

Uchiha Madara checked his weapons again and smiled bitterly but then seemed even more excited than before ...

he could feel 2 especially powerful auras, one was a Level 10 Spirit Profound Realm and the other was someone Level 10 earth profound Master Realm, while one would be an enemy with which he could barely and only deal with his life on the line the other it was an existence beyond the current capabilities of him.

-I will confide in you girl ... protect those 2 ...

Uchiha Madra using a '' Doton: earth-style wall '' jutsu hid them behind a wall, making a cavity where it would not collapse, using a good part of his chakra on this and using a shadow clone so that make a field to cover that they were here ...

He sat and recovered chakra besides eating what he needed, whoever came had a detestable aura, and even darker than Sect Master of Sewer Demon Sect.


Uchiha Madara was sitting in a position of meditation, at the entrance where the profound practitioners came, a large number of rocks flew out.

-um? Did not you say that she would be here?

-That's what my disciples told me ...

-It is better for you to be true, I will not wait any longer if it does not ... it will be your turn to replace your disciple ...


who entered were a man of about 40 years of age of great size, you could see that his experience was that of his appearance, side of him was a woman, who looked maybe some 23 or 24 years, right in the flower of her life, but her power was already that of someone from Spirit Profound Realm, the face value was a little lower than Su Mengyao's but not by much, her big melons have by compensation.

-What the hell happened here?

the man frowned and looked at Uchiha Madara who was with the spear on his legs.

-It appears that the destruction extended until here...

the woman said with some doubt and also looked at Uchiha Madara.

-you did this?


who spoke was the man who, using his profound energy, extended a great pressure from an Earth Profound Master, Uchiha Madara only open his mouth with a sneer.

-who are you?



the couple looked at each other, and the woman did not answer, she only low her head, while the man increased his pressure even more, what worried him was to see that this man who had in front of him did not release any profound energy, besides that not only this but he was extremely calm in front of his profound pressure!

-This Lord is the Sect Master of Black Bones Demon Sect ... I am looking for my fiancée! tell me where is she or face the consequences ...


Uchiha Madara had his eyes closed and just smiled a little to slowly have a big smile on his face, he wanted a fight like this, is spaced for just a second and come back, opening his eyes, his eyes had no feeling to see this man in front of him or the woman, he was extremely calm.

-Do you have the power to make me talk?

-ah? and who are you to make this Lord move his hands?

-Uchiha Madara ...

his words had an ancient power that made even Black Bones feel a fear that he had not felt for many years but he repressed it, it had been so many years and now he was about to become a Sky Profound Realm, he would not have to be afraid of anything new.

-haha, I do not know who you are ! make sure you make her talk whore!


the woman stared at him with resentment and turned to see Uchiha Madara who was looking at her with those ominous eyes, she felt that they were going through his soul and beyond.

she bit her tongue and was surprised to see that she almost fell into an illusion, she who was the teacher of illusions! How was it even possible?

-It's better than you talk, this will be the last time I will be nice to you. Can you hear me?

-...with whom I have the pleasure?

-Su Yanier ... Sect Master of Crimson Spider Silk Pavillion ...

Uchiha Madara did not have a fright and he continued to see her with arrogance from the heights, in the area of the ceiling there were fungi that illuminated the place, it seemed as if he were the demon king of this feast of bodies because the corpses could be seen everywhere.

-I see...

Uchiha Madara's voice was calm and he nodded, in that he got up from the floor, alarming them both a bit.

-then if you want to know from my mouth what happened here ... you will have to defeat me!

Uchiha Madara using a Jutsu: Flashing Body began the combat.


Uchiha Madara knew that he was not a rival for both of them so his plan was to place them in a position of balance between both parties, he was lucky that the image of the place was that of a great struggle, they could see that his power was great and they would not attack at barely seeing him, besides that there was more than 90% probability that they would start a conversation to exchange information.

with it, he could have a mental advantage over them who did not know anything about him, besides his true temperament that was someone's power over theirs.

finally committing to get the information from him, would be careful not to kill him because there was something they want to knew, and could not make a corpse talk, so it was extremely important, try to finish the first combat fast, but at the same time to show that he was not so powerful so the Sect Master of Black Bones Demon Sect would lower his guard and that he would be interested in keeping him alive.

he had achieved half of the plan, now he only had to show that he had a value when he was alive ...

his current strength was that of someone close to level 4 True Profound Realm, while his enemy was a Level 10 Spirit Profound Realm ... 16 levels of disparity, it was a fight which was impossible to win for any other, but Uchiha Madara was not any other ... even though he could not use his Ace up his sleeve on this occasion, because he had to reserve it for the Sect Master of Black Bone Demon Sect.

a series of spear play from his hand begun to play against the silk that Su Yanier have in her hand, but the result is poor to say.

-ah? Only this is your power?


Black Bone Sect master grumbled at how weak Uchiha Madara was, and he did not even use Profound Energy, but even so, his movements seemed to be lethal to the extreme.

- Boy, I thought you would have more than just this, you should have opened your mouth when you could ...

even Su Yanier was surprised for the weak attacks of him but Uchiha Madara only smiled and attacked Su Yanier with his Spear, but his attacks could not even pierce the profound energy of her.

Su Yanner smiled and was not merciful to Uchiha Madara using her silk cloth which had profound energy attacked him, even though it was a simple silk cloth, the power that it had was surprising when she touched the ground the earth trembled with the attack.

Uchiha Madara calculated the attack at about 20 tons at least, it was also a casual attack of this woman, it seemed that she was a harder rival to overcome than he thought.