Chapter 3 Birth and status upgrade

New Earth, 2319, May 22. City Hospital

"waaa... waaa...!" a baby's crying heard from inside a hospital room. Not long after, the door of the room opened and a doctor come out.


"doctor! how is my wife and the baby?"

A handsome middle aged man and two little girls with few other suited people suddenly come in front the room and ask the doctor. His face was full of worry and his breathing was fast. Apparently he has running to come here from the parking lot.

The doctor smile and answer him.

"congratulations General your wife and son are safe and healthy! they are currently being cleaned by the nurse, you can go ahead and see them".

The handsome middle aged man's name is Mike Frost. He is a 5 star general from the army. And the little girl beside him is his twin daughters Laura Frost (10) and Diana Frost (10). Inside the room is his wife Jenny Clover who is giving birth to their third child.

"congratulations general!" the people that comes with him congratulate him.

Mike smile to them and said

"thank you"

Then he go into the room.

Inside the room, there is a nurse cleaning up and on the bed a beautiful woman was smiling while she look at the baby in her embrace.



Mike, Laura and Diana come inside the room.

"dear, laura, diana!" Jenny smile to them.

Mike come beside his wife and look at the baby inside her arms then he asked "are you okay honey?"

"I'm fine, why don't you give our son a name?"

"Thank God, then for our son name is Ray Frost, how do you think?"

"Ray Frost, i think it's good. Laura, Diana come and greet your little brother"

Laura an Diana came close to them and they look fondly at the baby.

"waaa... he is so cute! hello Ray, i'm your big sister!" Laura was full of smile. She is very excited about being a big sister.

"mhmm... very cute" Diana say that in a low voice.

Laura and Diana has a different personality. Laura is a cheerful and easy going. Diana is a calm type, so she didn't speak too much. But her eyes are glued to the baby, she look at him very fondly and her smile never leaves her face .

Mike and Jenny are smiling as they look at their childs. Mike then said to the girls

"you two has become a big sisters, so you two have to look at your brother in the future"

Laura and Diana ""yes Dad""


Mike was very happy, he finally have a son. He can't help and want to brag to his friends. And his family finally got a heir.

They talk for a while and then the nurse come to check Jenny's condition and told her to rest.

Mike, Laura and Diana come out of the room to give Jenny time to get rest. They will com back tomorrow to get her and Ray home.

Next day Mike come again to the hospital to get Jenny and Ray. After completing the procedure of the hospital, they can finally go back home. The three got into Mike's car. Behind them there are few military escort cars tailing. And there are escort too in the front. They are Mike's subordinate.

1 hour later they arrived at Frost Family's house. In front of the house Diana and Laura are waiting with maids and butlers behind them.

The maid and butlers bow and greet them

""""welcome back Master and Mistress and Young Master""""

""mom! welcome back!""

""and Ray, welcome home!""

After everything settled, Jenny finally put Ray into the baby's room then she go to rest. Diana and Laura want to see Ray but Mike hold them because they have to go to school, beside Ray is sleeping so he told them they can see him later after they back from school. They both reluctantly agreed. Mike then bring them to their school and then he go back to military HQ.

ding! you got a mail

Ray woke up after he heard the system notification.

("hmmm... why do i feel so drowsy? is it because i'm still a baby?

whatever let me check the mail first")

mail: hallo Ray first congratulation for your birth. I send you a birth gift with this mail, it is not much but please take it and enjoy your life wit this system!

ding! please claim your gift

("oh? ok, claim it then")


body strengthening book 1x

magic grimoire 1x

special summon ticket 2x

sp 10

body strengthening book: body strengthening. growth skill.

magic grimore: contain innate skill: all element aptitude. Allow the user to learn all kind of magic.

("hmm not bad, moreover i got 10 skill point and 2 summon ticket. It looks like that old man did not forget his promise. well then let's learn the skills")


Body strengthening learned!


Magic Grimoire learned! User can now learn all king of magic without restrictions of element aptitude.

("hehehe... not bad.. not bad.. now then let's check my status")




Blood Immortal

level 0



str: f

def: f

speed: f


-body strengthening lv.1



-all element aptitude


summon ticket: 2x special summon

(hmm for now I'll just upgrade body strengthening skill)


skill level up!

body strengthening (lv.2)

(ok that's all for now. let's sleep, after I woke up ill try to learn magic)