Chapter 4 Magic Training

In the evening i woke up and my mom is giving me a breastfeeding. I gulped it with a gusto because for some reason i'm feeling very hungry. Mom is calmly looking at me with a smile on her face. Mom is a very beautiful woman, she has shoulder-long black hair, oval shaped face, and blue eyes. As for my dad he has a manly face with a dark blonde hair and blue eyes too.

When mom and I are enjoying our peaceful time, suddenly I heard my sister's loud voice from outside of my room (baby's room).

"we are home mom! where is Ray I want to see him!" Laura

"we are home mom!" Diana

Then two little girls came in.

Laura start to giggles as she touching my cheek

"waa... he is so cute and his cheek are so soft~"

I look at her and blink my eye only to make her giggle more.(I don't know if a baby can blink or not) Laura is very cute type. With her bright personality, i bet she will be an idol like cheerful beauty when she grow up.

On the other hand Diana put her finger in my palm, it look like she wanted me to hold her finger.

"mhmm.. Ray is cute"

While she is still touching my cheek I grab her finger and laugh at her. Her smile grew wider as she feel my hand holding hers. she is beautiful, her face is look like mom's. Because she has a calm personality, I think she will be a strict cool beauty in the future.

Looking to them, I feel pretty weird for a grown up like me being played by 2 little girls. Oh well it is not a bad feeling though.

Dad came back when the sky start to get dark.

"I'm home! Oh you are all here in Ray's room?"

"Welcome dear! yeah Laura and Diana are playing with Ray. It look like the are really love their little brother. They never take their eyes of him"

Mom smiling as she said that.

Hearing that dad laughed. Then he come to us and speak to my sisters.

"hey little ladies, don't play too long with Ray, he need to sleep so he can grow up. Come let's take our dinner, the maids already prepared the dinner"

""yes dad~""

They reluctantly let go of me and go to dinner table. Dad go after them while mom put me in baby's bed and she to go to dining room.

I feel relieved when they are gone. It was very hard to act like a baby in front of them. But somehow i feel warm inside me.

(so this is family huh?)

I am an orphan back on earth, the only family I have is my brothers in arms from the army. To feel a warm family like this is my first time. It is pretty weird feeling but i really like this feeling.

After calming myself down, I start to think about how should I train my magic. As for my physical training let's wait after my body grow up to be able to withstand a physical training.

(From the novel and manga magic are basically imagination. Let's test it but I can't make fire because I'm inside the room, and water will be suspicious. Earth magic? nah the room will be dirty. Darkness? not for now. Lightning? nope. healing? who should i heal? the rest is telekinesis and wind. which one? ok lets try wind first)

I start to image wind swirls above me. not long after wind start swirling above me.

(whoa.. i made it! but...)


(crap, i forgot about the toy above my bed)

tap..tap..tap..tap.. creek

A maid come in my room and checked me. she speak in a not too loud voice "who is it?" the she look around my room. After not finding anyone/anything inside she then mumbling

"oh maybe it is the wind? let me check the window"

She check the window one by one and found one of the window is not properly locked and opened a little.

"Oh this is not properly locked so maybe the wind come from here"

(lucky me~)

She then locked the window and walk out of the room.

(fuh~ luckily the window is open and she didn't suspect anything weird)

(ok then let's try something safer, how about telekinesis? for now I should move something light. hmm... ok this little stuffed doll can do.)

I concentrate my mind to the doll and imagine to lift it up. After a while the doll star to move up. I tried to lift it higher but then I feel dizzy and the doll dropped.



mp: -11


MP are below 0, emergency measurement needed. The host will be put to sleep to prevent mental damage.

after seeing that notification i passed out.

In the morning I woke up while feeling refreshed, but last night incident really scare me.

(damn! What if I become idiot? Luckily the system save me on the critical time)

I shivered when I think about it.

Then I check my status

Ray Frost


Blood Immortal

level 0

hp: 100

mp: 115

str: f

def: f

speed: f


-body strengthening lv.2

-wind magic lv.1

-telekinesis lv.1



-all element aptitude

skill point[sp]: 10

summon ticket[st]: 2

(oohh my mp go up by 15? although I can't move and train my body yet but I still can train my magic and raise my mp value. for now I should focus on these 2)

Then I start to train my magic like madman every day.

Then 5 years passed.