Chapter 11: The aftermath

It's been a week since Nicolas and Leila were rescued from the terrorist's camp. Wait, it's been a week, how come? Did I skip a chapter? This might be the question running in your mind right now, right? So, here's what happens on the day that they were rescued.

Since the assault of the army happened in the afternoon, so when Nicolas and Leila were rescued it is already four in the afternoon. They reach the army camp by six in the evening.

Nicolas loses consciousness due to blood loss because of multiple cuts he received from torture. Also, he has some fractured bones and bruises due to him being whipped and beaten. Due to this, he received immediate attention but, still, he regains consciousness only after three days. The doctor said that he needs a month to recuperate completely though he could get out of the hospital after two weeks then recuperate at home. And so, the headquarters gave him a month of vacation though, he could still visit the camp anytime he wants.

Since Leila had been shot on her left leg, though the terrorist gave her a first aid before, it became infected and worsens due to too much strain and the place is unsanitary. And so, the doctor told her that she could walk without crutches only after a month.

This last seven days, Nicolas' parents took care of him in the hospital. Luis is also with him during those times to run an errand for him as he is willing to serve him for his family.

Nicolas' parents already learned about Luis being a terrorist before, although at first they doubted him if, what if, he has some hidden agenda of some sort. So, they investigated him but, learning that all he said is true, they started to trust him. Nicolas' comrades-in-arms also visited him during those times.

As of this moment, in a private ward in the hospital there are three people inside Nicolas' ward which is Nicolas himself and his two assistants. His assistant's names are Karl Crux and Vincent Quijano.

Karl is part of the special squad in the government which is called the phantom squad as they specialize in confidential mission that cannot be led into light such as assassination. He also handled anything about military affairs that Nicolas ordered. Though, as Nicolas is too anxious for his friend's life on his last mission, he forgot to be cautious and became reckless and acted on his own.

Vincent is a retired special corps and he is an excellent sniper, though he is only mid-thirty this year but, due to receiving an internal injury on his last mission, he has to retire the army so, Nicolas offered him to became his assistant. He handles all of civilian affairs such as Nicolas' meetings, schedules, act as his personal driver and run some personal errands.

Since, Nicolas learned from his father about what happened to the terrorist camp. He decided to act now, though his father already dispatched soldiers to capture Connard, he wants to immediately see him to give back to him all of the tortures that he has experienced.

"Karl, order the phantom squad to capture Connard. I will only give you a week. If you fail, don't let me see your face again", Nicolas ordered Karl coldly. Karl felt chill on his back as this is the first time Nicolas talked like that. Though, he is strict before and is always serious but it seems like, due to what he experiences before in the enemy's camp he also learned to become cold.

"Roger that, sir!", Karl saluted and went out of the room.

"Vincent, I want you to take care of Luis' family. Provide them what they need such as his mother's treatment, give his father a piece of land to farm and give him and his siblings an educational scholarship", Nicolas said as he turned his face towards Vincent's direction.

"Roger that, sir!", Vincent saluted then leave the room.

Nicolas was left inside the room and he is staring coldly outside the window inside the room.

'Hmp! Just you wait Connard. Once, I captured you, I'll make you suffer a hundred times more torturous than what you did to me', Nicolas said in his heart. Then, his mind went to remember Leila as it's been a week since he last saw her. His feelings which were pure hatred earlier became warm as he remembered her and though he cannot explain it, but he misses her and he also remembers those times while he and Leila did 'that'.

'D*mn you Connard! You b*stard! Did I became a pervert?', Nicolas cursed in his heart as he cannot explain what he is feeling as he remembers Leila and those 'times'. But, he also cannot deny that his body loves it. And so, he is confused right now, if what he felt is only lust or maybe a start of something else?

'But, I think I miss her. It's been a week since I last saw her. Well, then, I will go to her ward later', Nicolas said in his heart but when he tried to get up the bed, his body aches.

'Tsk! why is this body so weak! *sigh* that means I could only wait for Luis to get back from buying some food', Nicolas said as he remember that his body is still too weak right now that he can't even go to the bathroom on his own.

Luckily, exactly that time Luis came inside the room.

"Right on time, Luis help me up and take me to Leila's room", Nicolas said to Luis enthusiastically.

"Eh? But, sir, your body is still not in good shape. And, the doctor told me to not let you move too much", Luis said remembering the doctor's warnings.

"It's fine. I know my body more than anyone else. I can even jog right now if I want to", Nicolas said so as to assure Luis, though he himself know that what Luis said is true. Besides, he can't even get up his bed right now. Though, he is a strict commander, but he also knows how to crack some jokes to converse with his subordinates.

"Fine, sir! But, you have to sit on the wheelchair", Luis said like he is a teacher instructing his student.

"*sigh* fine, whatever, let's head out!", Nicolas said and Luis helped him get up the bed to sit on the wheelchair and they left the room.