Chapter 12: Leon Corwell

"Leila! Please! I beg you! Let's talk this through please? Please, don't make such a haste decision! Please, talk to me!", Leon said to Leila and he is currently kneeling in front of her bed, holding her hands as he pleaded her to take back her decision.

You might be wondering, huh? What is happening? What is he begging her for? The author must have skipped some chapters again tsk! These must be the questions running inside your mind right now, right? So, I won't drag the scenario for too long. Here it is.

They were currently inside Leila's private room in the hospital. Leon is begging her to take back her words because she told him to cancel their wedding. And also, this is the scenario that Nicolas and Luis saw once they appeared in front of the door to Leila's room.

"Leon, I told you that I realized that, I couldn't leave my job and become a housewife for the rest of my life like what we had talked about before. And, I realize that we have a lot of difference. And to top it all off, I realized that what I felt for you is not love but, only an infatuation, as we were childhood friends. So, we were just used to be with one another but, I tell you, once you opened your eyes and looked around you, you would be able to find the girl that is destined for you. So, please, let's end this charade. It's better to finish this early instead that, we find out about this once were married. So, I suggest Mr. Corwell, that it's best that we would not see each other again. Goodbye". Leila said flatly, while she is currently sitting on her bed.

"I don't believe that you fall out of love to me once you came back from being captive by those terrorist! Tell me, did they do something to you?! Whatever it is, I will still accept you! Just please! Don't shut me out of your life Leila. Please Leila! I beg you", Leon can't hold back his tears right now and so he said that while tears were streaming down his eyes.

Leila can't look him in the eyes. Though, she has a poker face right now, but, inside she's crying.

'I'm sorry Leon! I really love you but, I think I'm not suitable for you as I am an unclean woman anymore. You deserve someone better', Leila said in her heart.

You might be thinking now that Leila is such a b*tch, hurting a good man's heart. Well, she just felt guilty for him as he respected her throughout those years that they are together.

He really love her dearly to the point that he could resist his sexual urges even though sometimes, Leila is the one who initiated to do it as, she really thought that it's okay because, he will become her husband anyway and also, to show him, her love for him.

But, he still hold on to his principle that he will only touch her once she became his wife as it is much better if they did 'it' with a blessing from the almighty and from her parents.

In the past seven days that she is inside the hospital, she thought things through as at first, she really don't know what to do and how to tell Leon about it. But, she decided to not let him know the truth and just tell him that she fall out of love to him and she cannot leave her job as a soldier. It may be harsh and cruel but, she thought that it is the best solution as of this moment.

"No Leila! I won't leave! Please! If it is just your job that you can't leave behind? then, I will support you!. Even if you don't want to have children or anything else, I will support you! Or if there's something that you don't like in me, I will change it! Just please!...*sob*..... Please! Don't leave me Leila.....*sob*..please *sob* don't leave me", Leon said the last word weakly while tears are streaming down his eyes. It may be shameful for a man to cry but he will do so, only for the one he loves.

Leila's mother, named Lucia Cara, decided to alleviate the situation.

"*sigh*, son, I think it's best if you would just first go home now and talk to her once you two thought things through", Lucia said to Leon as she pitied him right now.

"But auntie-", Leon tried to reason out.

"Please, son", Lucia said firmly so that Leon wouldn't be able to say no.

"Okay, Auntie. Leila I will go back again tomorrow to see you. Please, think everything through", Leon said and then wipe the tears in his eyes then leave the room. He also saw Nicolas outside the door but didn't heed him any qualms as he thought that maybe he is just passing through.

"Luis, let's go back to my room", Nicolas said flatly as he felt conflicted right now as he witness that scenario.

"Understood, sir", Luis said then started to push Nicolas' wheelchair towards their way to Nicolas' room.

'So, she has a fiancée. But, I don't care. I had decided that she will become my woman, period. No more room for objection', Nicolas said in his heart firmly. Well, due to what he had witnessed, he already deduced who that man is and what Leila is trying to do right now.

'Well, I don't care what she plans next but, I won't let her become someone's wife. She's already mine', Nicolas said in his heart firmly as he decided to marry her already since they first did 'it'.

Back inside the room, once Leon and, also Nicolas even though she didn't saw him earlier as she is focused on her facade earlier, she started to pour out all of the pent up feelings she's hiding earlier while she is confronting Leon.

Lucia walked towards her bed and embraced her.

"It's alright my dear, you can talk to mother what happened and what makes you thought of your decision", Lucia said softly.

"Ma.....*sob*.....Do you think I made a wrong decision?...*sob*...I just felt I'm unworthy of him.....*sob...He's a good man...*sob*...he deserve someone better", Leila said while crying.

"*sigh* tell me, why did you thought of that decision? What happened?", Lucia asked as she didn't know about what happened to her inside the enemy's camp.

Leila told her everything. From how Connard instructed them to do 'it' and Nicolas did it because her life is at stake if he won't do it. And, she also told her what they had experienced inside even Nicolas' sufferings during that time.

"My poor child, don't worry, no matter what happened, mama is here. I won't leave you, whatever your decision is, I will support you. Just remember follow your heart and also do not forget to ask our Lord's guidance, pray to him and he will lead you the way", Lucia said while embracing her tightly.

"Thank you Ma, for being there for me. But, I really have decided. I think it's best to cut our ties now so we won't hurt each other anymore", Leila said firmly and resolutely.

"*sigh*, whatever you choose my child, I will be there for you", Lucia said then pat Leila's head.

"I think it's time for you to rest now. Also, the doctor said that you could now be discharge in the hospital tomorrow. So, I will pack your things now, go rest", Lucia said then went to the cabinet inside the room.

"Okay ma, thank you and goodnight, ma", Leila said and then fell asleep.

"Goodnight my dear", Lucia smiled to her and said that, then she packed Leila's clothes which is only few.