Chapter 28: An end and a new beginning

Somewhere around City H....

A girl is sitting in the hospital bed. She's wearing a casual clothes composed of a simple t-shirt and a pants. Her hair is tied in a ponytail. This girl is quite cute, having pale complexion, a pointed nose and clear chestnut brown eyes.

She's currently facing the window on her left, looking at the tree downstairs. Then, suddenly tears streamed down her eyes.

You might be wondering, who is this girl? It is none other than Micah Arsenio.

She is to be discharge in the hospital today as she was in there for two weeks now. And, throughout her stay inside this hospital, Karl took care of her as she doesn't have any remaining relative anymore.

While she's packing her clothes, Karl came inside the room. She greeted him which he greeted back. She's really grateful for this man because firstly, he's the one who rescued her and secondly, they should have separated ways after he rescued her but he didn't leave her and took care of her since then.

"Micah, I have something to tell you", Karl said in his usual cold tone while she's packing her clothes.

Micah stopped then looked at him.

"Oh! What is it Karl?", she replied.

Karl sighed first before continuing as he is afraid that it will bring her sadness in remembering him.

"You remembered Connard?", he cautiously asked.

Micah didn't know where this conversation would lead to but steeled herself.

"Yes, why are you suddenly asking this?", she replied.

"He died last night", Karl said.

Silence engulfs the room as they both stayed silent. But, after a few moments, Karl decided to continue what he's about to say.

"But, before he died he leaves a message for you. He apologized for his crimes towards you and also, he said he love you", Karl said it flatly as he really doesn't want to pass this message to Micah as he thinks that she doesn't have to remember that man but, Nicolas ordered him to, he couldn't disobey that.

Seeing her dejected look, Karl doesn't know what to do. Did he have to leave her in this room to think it through or he should stay?

"I'll just be in the cafeteria to buy you food. I'll come back later", Karl said and leave the room as he thought that it's best to give her space to think things through.

Micah just nods her head and sit on the hospital bed. She just stared blankly at the window. Then, suddenly tears stream down her eyes.

She also doesn't know why. She knows that man committed crimes towards her specially that he is also the one who killed her grandma. But, she also remembers the time while she was in his camp. Actually, she was really coveted by his comrades before but, maybe he pitied her, and decided to help her by claiming to his soldiers that she is his.

And ever since then, as she is afraid that once she went out of his room, his comrades will r*pe her and so she didn't leave his room.

Yes, she is unwilling to all his advances but, she also knows that through it she would be spared, at least, only he, did 'it', to her unlike other women in there who were r*ped by almost any soldiers in there.

Micah tried to calm herself down then wiped her tears.

She sighed saying in her heart, 'I know you committed a lot of crimes towards me but I also know that you also helped me before. I don't know what I'm feeling for you. Maybe this is what they called Stockholm syndrome? Or maybe I am now also infected by your insanity. But, whatever it is, don't worry, I already forgave you'.

She fixed herself then packed her clothes and left the hospital ward she was in to. Then, find Karl inside the cafeteria. She don't know what will happen to her from now on but, whatever happens, she knows that the almighty will always be there for her together with her parents and her grandma.


Back in Leila's house...

Three days had already passed since Lt. Madrigal gave her time to decide whether to quit the army or she will request a reassignment.

In these three days, she still went to their camp. Though, she didn't participate in the daily drill. Her comrade doesn't say anything as they were already informed by Lt. Madrigal though she only said that she's still not in good shape and needs to recuperate more hiding her pregnancy from her teammates as Leila requested to her.

She just oversees her teammate's exercises and just helps them by telling them the proper exercises they should do to strengthen their muscles.

And now, she's thinking what her decision will be. If she decided to leave the army, what job can she find? If she decided to stay, where will she be reassigned? These are her thoughts but, its already time she needs to see Lt. Madrigal now.

She drove her car towards the camp, as she can't use her motorcycle anymore due to her pregnancy.

She went to Lt. Madrigal's office then knocked on her door.

"Come in", Lt. Madrigal said.

Leila went in and closed the door. She saluted to her first and said, "Lt. Madrigal, I have decided".