Chapter 27: Connard's life story (Part 2)

But, it was also the place where his father died. He cried that day painfully as he truly misses his family and from that day on, he hated the government and their officials as he thinks that they are so unfair. That Governor killed not only his father but he also r*ped countless of women but, he never once punished for his crimes and so he vowed to hate all kinds of officials who works for the government.

No one ever pinned the crime on him as everyone already knows that this Governor has a lot of enemies. And since his family also hated him for his licentious ways, they didn't pursue the matter and just shared among them this old man's entire asset.

Connard once again live his life as a farmer and continued living in their old house for years in peace but, another trial made him lose his mind again.

The farmland where they were using was being coveted by another government official. He is a mayor in their province and he claimed that since his grandfather just let them use it before, he had a right to take it back again.

Well, the thing is, the mayor from thirty years ago, gave each families a hectare of their own. But, the mayor didn't give them any land title and only verbal agreement is what they could hold on to, which they cannot use in legal terms.

They were deceived before as they were lacking in knowledge since, most of them quit schooling and work as a farmer due to poverty. They didn't know that they should have a land title that will claim it was their own land and now this mayor in front of them is holding the land title of this land with the name of the previous mayor.

They tried to protest but, there is nothing they could do when heavy construction equipment came in their farmland. They have nowhere to go but only in a mountain which are kilometers away from their farmland.

Connard can't tolerate the government anymore so he gathered all of his fellow farmers and formed a terrorist group.

At first, the farmers didn't want to but as they saw their family starving to death in the mountain, they had no other choice but to follow Connard. As Connard knows someone who they could buy guns, bombs and knives, he contacted that syndicate and they only loaned those weapons for the meantime.

They started to just steal from some provincial buses first but they didn't kill anyone first so as to not alarm the police.

They continued doing it but sometimes in different areas. They also participate in drug dealings and weapon smuggling to accumulate a fund to buy weapons. They did it in the span of four years until he formed the now called ACI terrorist group with thousands of rebels.

They started to attack some plazas, theaters and amusement parks so as to get the government attention. But, due to some carelessness of his comrades they were annihilated and now he became captured by his enemy.

Back in the present time....

Nicolas is looking at him indifferently and ordered his men to stop for the moment seeing that Connard will not last that long now due to blood loss.

"Do you know why I formed the ACI terrorist group?", Connard started as blood is flowing in his body.

Nicolas stayed silent but Connard continued to speak.

"I planned to recreate this country. I planned to kill all of those corrupt officials. I planned to reform the government. But alas, life is very unfair. I never had a chance to be happy with my life, I'm always in misery", Connard said as he laughed pitifully.

"I formed that group out of the goodwill in my heart to help my fellow farmers because I know how it feels to be oppressed, to want to fight back but you do not have the capability to do so. I planned to teach them to fight for their rights. I had a big picture I formed in my mind but, it never happened ", Connard said then started laughing again while tears were streaming down his eyes.

"I just want to be happy but, why can't life give it to me? Why do I have to be miserable when everyone is having the time of their life? I never planned to become like this but life drive me to do this!", he said while shouting for the unfair things that he had experienced in his life.

"It all started because of you officials! It was all because of you that my family got broken! You lot killed my parents! I only want a peaceful life but why? Why do I have to experience all of this?", Connard said while shouting and looked at Nicolas with pure hatred then said the last words weakly while tears were streaming down his eyes.

Nicolas looked indifferently at Connard at first then said, "You said you want to help your people? You said you just want to have peace? Hmp, hypocrite". Then Nicolas slowly approached him.

"If you really cared for your comrades you wouldn't lead them to their death. They should be still alive and happy somewhere if it wasn't for your foolish desires. They could have just look for some odd jobs to live through but, you teach them how to do those crimes. You said life is unfair to you? But don't you think that you also became unfair to do those innocent lives that you had taken?", Nicolas said it flatly reminding Connard for all the crimes he did before.

"You massacred people, old, young, women, men and child. Hmp, so don't give me that crap that you want peace when you were the one that started those chaos", Nicolas continued reprimanding Connard.

Connard stayed silent. His past crimes flashed in front of his eyes. From kidnapping to murdering people. Their pitiful screams as he tortured them while he laughed manically from their pitiful appearance. They begged him for mercy but he didn't even turn his eyes on them.

And also, his crimes towards Micah. He remembers she begged him to stop while he is having the time of his life while feasting on her body. Her mournful cries as he killed her grandma. Now, he realized that he really loves her but it was too late now to apologize to her for his sins as he knows that life is draining out from him and he only have a minute to live.

"Nicolas, Can you do this dead man his last wish?", Connard said it weakly then looked at Nicolas pleadingly.

Nicolas decided to give this man his last request.

"What is it?", Nicolas asked flatly.

"Please, tell Micah Arsenio that I'm sorry for all the things that I've done to her and also I love her even though I know her hatred towards me is very big, but, still, I love her", he said those words with full sincerity and longing.

"And also, you bastard, see you in hell", Connard said then laugh like a mad man then slowly his laughter died down as he closed his eyes and breathed his last breath.

"So, he really still gets the last laugh. Don't worry I would be lenient towards you and do your last wish. Take him away", Nicolas said then leaves the room.

The men took Connard's body and take him to the burial place which they had prepared earlier on.