Chapter 4: A job well done

On the whole morning, Leila studied everything that she could. She studied every file inside her computer and check if there are files that the previous employee had left behind. And luckily, there is, but sadly when she found it, it's time for her lunch break.

She was about to go to the previous canteen were soldiers frequently ate, until she remembers that she's no longer working as a soldier. So, she head out to the cafeteria near her new department.

The cafeteria is almost full and she's lucky to find a chair to sit on. After a while, while she's eating her meal, a woman wearing simple office attire approached her table.

"Hello, can I sit beside you?", the woman politely asked her while smiling sweetly.

Leila greeted her back and as she saw that the cafeteria is already full, she shared her table with her.

While they were eating the woman tried talking to her.

"Hello, miss. Are you new here?", the woman asked her politely with a smile plastered on her face.

"In this department, yes I am", Leila said though in her heart, 'But, actually I am not new here as I am a soldier in this camp for almost a decade now'.

"Oh, great. I'm also new here", the woman said happily and then started chattering with her during their meal.

Leila found out from her that her name is Chelsea Santos and she just started working in Intelligence Department last week. Her job is a foreign language analyst. Where she will be like a translator of a data that comes from other countries as some data is written in the original language where it came from.

They also talked about their personal information such where they live and about her last job or where school did she graduated from or like a personal interest such as hobbies and food and the like. Until Leila remembers that maybe she could helped her about her job, though she find those previous files, at least she could have a little gist about how the intelligence department works.

And so, Chelsea explained to her how their department works and about the hierarchy of this department such as who are the heads and such. She explained that Mr. Belmonte is the head of the whole Intelligence department but actually, inside this department there are also different jobs for example her job as a foreign language analyst, an I.T. expert, a Data Analyst, Record Keeping management and other jobs as well which in turn actually is the subdivision of this whole Intelligence Department.

Leila was amazed as she didn't expect that the division of the job of this Intelligence Department is very complex. She thought before that they were only responsible to pass the message towards them but, in fact, it's not that simple.

After a while Leila saw on her watched that it's only ten minutes till lunch break is over so she told Chelsea about it and so the both of them started to head back to their respective areas.

"See you tomorrow Leila. Good luck on your job", Chelsea said then bid farewell to Leila as she enters the room of her department.

"Good luck to you too Chelsea and see you tomorrow", Leila said then went to the direction of their room as their room is near to each other.

When Leila went back to her own cubicle she started to study the file of the previous employee. She found out that the data that the analyst and other departments transmit to them, they will just read what is inside then they record the file and put a name, description and date about the certain data that is transmitted to them. And then, they will segregate it into another file.

'Finally, at least now I know how I should work in this job', Leila thought in her heart while she's finishing all the data being transmitted to her right now.

She worked to the whole afternoon, so as there won't be any mishap in the records, Mr. Herrera's job is to ensure that the data is recorded properly because it will be disastrous if some files which are confidential were misinterpreted by the record keeper.

Before he checked her works he smirked and said, "Did you really checked your works properly Ms. Cara? Keep in mind that our job is very important as life is at risk here". Then he started checking her work.

Leila just stayed silent and just let him checked her work. As soon as Mr. Herrera checked her work he was shocked as she does her job well and he can't even find any mistake. And so, the only thing he could say is," *cough*, good job, Ms. Cara", he coughed and then left.

"Mr. Herrera, remember to drink a medicine for cough. I'm worried that it will turn into tuberculosis", Leila said before Mr. Herrera walks far away from her. After hearing that, he angrily walks away that garnered a stifle laugh from Leila and she just started to fix her things.

Her workmates who are waiting for her to be scolded were also shocked as they really thought that she would be hearing an earful from Mr. Herrera but they didn't expect this.

"Maybe, Mr. Belmonte helped her 'again'", girl number one said though she tried to minimize her voice but Leila can still hear her.

"Yeah, maybe he did. Hmp, do you think she could just self-study it on her own?", girl number two said as she doubted that Leila can do her job on her own without an external help.

Leila just laughed at their antics and thought to herself, 'Just let them be Leila, you won't stay long in here anyway'.

Then she gets her bag and went outside their room. She went to the lobby of their building and when she went there someone suddenly stopped her with a flower and a chocolate in hand.

"Sgt. Cara, can I have a minute with you?", Nicolas said and smile widely as he handed out the things in his hands towards her.