Chapter 5: Their first date?

Leila didn't expect to see Nicolas here. Well, in fact, she didn't expect to ever see him again, as she thought that after what happened between them last month, it will be forgotten.

Right now, they were still inside the lobby and Nicolas is waiting for her to accept his invitation.

Leila is thinking right now about his purpose to see her and all she could ask to herself is, 'Does he already know about my pregnancy? Well, it is surprising to see him as I haven't seen him since last month. Well, maybe, I'm the one who didn't visit him while he is in the hospital the whole month he's in there. Anyways, I will test the water and see if he knows anything'.

Leila regained her composure and decided to accept his invitation. She just nods her head which in turn make Nicolas happy and so his smile widens. Nicolas sees that she hasn't taken the flowers and the chocolates in his hands yet so, he decided to put it in her hands. Then, Nicolas takes her inside his car and then drive away from their camp.

During the whole drive, there is only silence that engulfs the whole atmosphere inside as the two don't know how to start a conversation right now. Well, the two of them have different thoughts right now.

'What should I do? What if he knows? Is that the reason why he suddenly visits me? But, I just only find out about my pregnancy yesterday and he already knows? Besides only Lt. Madrigal and Dr. Sanchez knows about it. I trust them and I know they won't sell me out', Leila is having her inner monologue right now as she is turning her head towards the window.

'Why is she so silent? Well, maybe she's only surprised to see me. But, right now the important thing is what should I tell her? Would I just directly declare to her that I want to court her? But, what if she rejects me? Nicolas, you are a handsome man maybe she will hesitate to rejects you', Nicolas thought in his mind trying to calm his nerves.

Leila sighed silently and just said to herself, 'Okay, as of now I'm only making an assumption. I'll just ask him directly what his purpose is and just faced it head on'.

Nicolas takes her to a seaside restaurant which is still inside the city and is only a thirty minutes' drive from their camp.

The restaurant is big as it has three floors in it. It seems like it is a high class restaurant and it has a good ambiance. It also faces the blue sea and has a coconut trees on the sides. In front of the restaurant, it has some tables which have a big umbrella shading it for those customers who wants to hear the calming sounds of the waves and the calming smell from the sea.

The surroundings is covered in a white sand and Leila could see that a few meters away from them there are still people who sits on the sand as they awaited for the setting of the beautiful sun.

Nicolas and Leila started to enter the restaurant and they were greeted by a waiter. It seems like Nicolas already made a prior reservation as he just said his name and the waiter take them to the highest floor of restaurant and they were seated to a table which has good view of the sea. She could see from there the setting of the sun that the people are awaiting for.

While they were waiting for their order, Leila decided to talked first as she saw that something is quite not right with Nicolas. It seems like he is nervous? How come? Based from what she saw before, he is quite a serious man that rarely expressed emotions but, what change?

"Col. Gen. Adrianno, sir. May I ask your purpose of seeing me?", Leila started as she uses her formal tone.

"Don't call me that. We are not inside the camp right now. Just call me Nicolas. And also, I know you're smart, you already know what I'm doing this for right?", Nicolas replied as he scrunched up his brows after hearing her calling his name too formally.

Leila really doesn't know what his intentions are.

'It's not like he's here to court her right? It is impossible', Leila thought in her heart though she can see the flowers and chocolates which are now lying on their table she still couldn't help to think that things are not that simple.

Leila sighed then formally said, "I really don't understand your intentions Sir Nicolas. So, please, enlighten me".

Nicolas was displeased as she still distance herself by not calling him by his first name.

"I want to court you, Leila", Nicolas said seriously as he looked directly on to her eyes.

Leila is quite surprised as she didn't expect him to say this.

'So, he doesn't know yet about the baby', she said to herself.

"Nicolas, if you are only doing this out of guilt by what happened between us last month. It's best if you stop now. And besides I have a fiancée and we will get married soon", she said as she wants Nicolas to stop as she thought that maybe he's only doing this out of guilt.

"Ex-fiancée. I know that you cancelled your wedding with him", Nicolas said in his stoic face which is very different from his smiling face earlier as he is quite annoyed for Leila's tone of voice and also her sharp words.

"How did you know? Did you investigate me?", shock is clearly written on her face right now because as far as she remember, she haven't told her about her relationship with Leon before.

"No, you got it all wrong. The day before you left the hospital, I overheard your conversation with him about you cancelling your wedding with him", Nicolas explained in his cold tone as he doesn't want her to misunderstand him.

But, actually, he contacted Vincent to ask about Leila's life as he doesn't have courage to ask her yet and that is also the reason why he found out that she was reassigned in a new department which will only last for two weeks. Vincent said that she was reassigned due to her having remnants of trauma within her which worries him and so, he decided that maybe he should communicate with her more.

"Well, you know that we just broke up so, you should expect that I'm not yet ready to have a new relationship right now", Leila said flatly. Well, she just felt like it is improper to accept any relationship right now after all, what will her family say? She just cancelled her wedding and now after a few weeks started to have another relationship with a man? She can't just do that even with a baby in her belly.

"I know. But, don't worry. I can wait until you could open up your heart again. No matter how long it is", Nicolas said and tried smiling weakly at her as he thought that maybe she's right and it will tarnish her reputation after all she had just gone through a break-up. He doesn't want Leila to be called a wanton woman.

Leila felt conflicted right now. She wants him to stop seeing her as she knows that sooner or later he'll find out about her pregnancy and she doesn't want them to get married out of love. As, right now, she didn't believe that Nicolas develops any feelings for her right away and besides it's been a month since they last saw each other. So, how could he just suddenly do all this things right?

"Nicolas, I think you should stop. It's fine, really. In fact, I'm really indebted and feel grateful towards you because you saved my life countless times before. So, you should not feel guilty about it anymore and moved on in our lives. So, whatever your purpose for doing this, I think you should stop", Leila lengthily explained.

Nicolas feels like anger is rising inside him as he is hearing her words right now. But he tried to calm himself right now.

"You know, your words stung. You're talking like you know me that well, when in fact, you don't", Nicolas said flatly with his cold tone and Leila could see that he is quite mad but he's trying to suppress it.

Their conversation were cut-off as the waiter arrived with their food and Nicolas just said, "eat", to her and he started eating as well. And, all throughout the time they were eating, they were silent and the waiter could feel the tension inside this table.

No one speak and when they finished eating, Nicolas just said, "Let's go". And, they went towards the parking lot and rode Nicolas' car.

The whole ride is much more silent than when they were just about to go to the restaurant. Nicolas drove towards Leila's house in silence. And, she just muttered silent thanks and went outside the car.

Nicolas didn't even look at her and just drove away his car.

Leila felt guilty for what she said but, she just doesn't want him to find out about her pregnancy, not yet.