Chapter 18: Realization

The afternoon of the first day of the Summit mostly consist of conference meeting of Political parties coming from different guests which comes from the other countries.

The conference room is big and can fit up to a thousand people. It was inside the White Palace. There were also delegates which come from the Country P itself. There were also the reporters inside the room as the current meeting is being broadcast nationwide or maybe it could be said to be worldwide.

Their talk mostly consist of the current issues that the six countries are facing such as a problem with domestic affairs, problem with territories and other political problems.

If this happened in a normal day, probably, Nicolas would be bored to death while just standing and listening to this political affairs but having received such a good news earlier, his face which is usually devoid of expression is quite jolly that even though some of his soldiers made a mistake earlier, he didn't even punished him and just told him to go to his right station.

He also weirdly smiled while looking in a blank space which garnered a weird look from Vincent which is beside him. Though, Vincent remained in his expressionless face while seriously listening to the meeting that is currently happening.

After a few moments, Vincent was startled when Nicolas suddenly asked him a weird question.

"Say, Vincent, have you experience becoming a father?", Nicolas asked out of nowhere though his eyes were currently in front while a smile is beaming on his face.

"I'm still unmarried, sir. And, as far as I remember, I am not in contact with any women for the past two years so, no, I haven't", Vincent replied with his expressionless face.

"Then, what should you do, if one day, someone told you that she's pregnant and you are the father?", Nicolas asked as he turned his head lazily towards Vincent direction.

"Well, if I'm sure that we really did 'it' and I'm really the father of the child. Of course, I would take my responsibility to her and the first thing that I would do is marry her as I do not want my child to become a bastard", Vincent says in his flat tone.

"Then again, I would also be worried", Vincent continued which piqued Nicolas' curiosity.

"Oh, why? Is it because you do not love the woman?", Nicolas asked curiously while one his brows raise up.

"No, I do not care about that. After all, ever since I entered military, I already anticipated that I would die a bachelor so, it doesn't matter whether I love the woman or not. At least, I have my own family", Vincent said flatly.

"But, what I'm worried about is that, what if, one day, I am stationed in a faraway place without any means of communication and my safety is unknown. I'm worried that I would die and leave my family behind so, I would also consider whether I would marry her or if I would just sustain them with money and detach myself to them so that, they won't feel sad if I die during my duty as a soldier", Vincent lengthily exclaimed on his flat tone.

"So, maybe, its best for soldiers to not marry at all and detach their selves to any emotional attachment to prevent any heartaches", Vincent said ending up his statement.

Once, Vincent's explanation ended, after a few moments, the conference meeting also ended and the guests are now on their way to go back to the assigned hotel for them. Nicolas and Vincent also came out of the conference room and are now on their way back to hotel.

While Nicolas was inside the back seat of his car, he was contemplating about Vincent's word of advice. He knows that what Vincent had said is true. As a soldier Life and Death situation is normal for them. In fact, he was immune to it as every time, whenever the dispatched soldiers to battle some rebels, it is expected that there would be casualties. Sometimes fifty percent will come back alive but, if they met an ambush on their way, probably, none would come back alive.

Nicolas has now arrived at the hotel which is only a ten minutes' drive from the white palace and he is now walking towards the room assigned to him, he realized the harsh reality. His smiling face earlier become expressionless again as he realized that maybe Vincent is right. Soldiers should not have any families at all or love ones that they would leave behind once they died during their missions.

Earlier, He planned to talk to Leila that night about the matters of her pregnancy and what actions they should do next, but after Vincent's word of advice sinked in his mind, he began to doubt whether marrying Leila is really a right decision or not.

During these past few days, he was eager to court Leila and make her his girlfriend as he forgot that his occupation is a soldier but now, he was thinking whether he should have a family of his own or not. He hasn't thought things through before as he has forgotten about the harsh reality that he is a soldier and not a civilian.

As a soldier, he has a duty to protect his country. He can also be dispatch in a mission if needs arise. He is a Colonel General, yes, his military ranking is quite high but, there would also come a time when he too has to go inside a battlefield, especially during a battle with a rebel which has a great numbers of members.

Of course, if you would ask him, Nicolas wants to marry Leila right away but, remembering that he wasn't a civilian and as a soldier, he might die anytime, he decided to thought things through. He has to make sure that he would make a right decision. He had become dumb once during their last mission but, he won't let his stupidity to take over him once again. He just wants to have to think about it for a few more days and will talk to Leila once this Summit is over.

So, that night, Nicolas stayed at the hotel with his soldiers stationed inside and decided to just send a message to Leila.

Leila, at first was nervous as she thought that Nicolas would really go to their house to talk about her pregnancy. But, once she received a message coming from Nicolas that he won't be able to visit her that night as he has to work overtime. He just said that he will visit her after the Perildon Summit to talk about her pregnancy.

Leila sighed in relief as she doesn't have to face Nicolas tonight though she felt relief, she didn't noticed that a little part of her is quite disappointed but she just brushed it off like it wasn't even there at the first place.

He just reminded her through a message to attend the gala party that will take place inside the White Palace on the third day of the Perildon Summit which is Sunday and start at seven in the evening.