Chapter 19: Memories

Days passed by in the blink of an eye. Today is the third day of the Perildon Summit. Nothing notable happened on the Second day of the Summit as it was only about another conference for talking about the current issues between the different countries that is within the alliance of the Perildon Summit.

On the third day, they gave the guests a tour within city H and gave them a day off as that night would be the day of the gala party.

The start of the party is by seven in the evening and a certain someone is currently fumbling within her cabinet as she look for any suitable clothes which she could wear at the gala party.

This woman is none other than Leila herself. She was not interested with this party at all but, Emily reminded her an hour ago through a phone call to attend this gala party and accompany her.

She already promised her days ago that she will attend this gala party so, she have no other choice but look for any suitable clothes she have. It was only one in the afternoon, so she still has time to prepare for this party.

She fumbled again until the last depth of her cabinet until she found a paper bag which contained a simple yet beautiful white dress. It is a long sleeve dress wherein the sleeve is made up of lace that reaches up to her neck. It was cut conservatively and reaches below her knee.

This dress brought up memories as she uses it when Leon urged her before to attend a dinner party with him which as he said, it was a party arrange within his company. As she doesn't have any formal wear, she has to buy new clothes for it so as not to embarrass Leon when they get there.

She didn't expect that it turns out that the dinner party is all a lie and Leon arranges this thing so as to propose a marriage to her.

It was a typical proposal type theme wherein the venue is within a garden and as she walks inside this garden towards the center of it, she saw their pictures hanged on the sides since they were young up to the present time.

She couldn't hold back her tears that time because at the center of the garden which has a hexagonal shape structure of a gazebo is the man which accompanies her throughout those years. He was wearing a formal tuxedo and waiting for her at the gazebo.

The venue is a typical romantic place where there is a table arrange at the center of the gazebo where there are food and wine. She can also hear a romantic music at the area.

As she walks towards Leon, he knelt in front of her and proposed a marriage to her. What she couldn't forget is his prepared speech that time which she doesn't know whether she would cry or laugh as he said, "Even if you look manlier than me at times as you wear those kinds of clothes. Even if when we are on a date and people misunderstood you as a man and we look more like a gay couple instead as you cut your hair short that time. No matter what you are and who you are, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, would you want to accept and marry me?"

That is his proposal speech that time which moved her at the bottom of her heart and of course she agreed.

That happened almost a year ago and this month should be the time of their wedding but she never expected that a tragedy would happen and she has to cancel their wedding for their own sake as well.

She also wants to know how Leon is right now she haven't seen him and it was now a month since she last saw him but she just decided that everything is for the best and they better not see each other again so that they would no longer hurt each other emotionally.

As she was staring at the dress and relieving that time, she doesn't realize that tears were now streaming down her face. She wipes it and decided to put back the dress inside the paper bag and once again bury it inside her cabinet where she won't see it again. Enough of those memories, it's all in the past now and she couldn't bring them back again.

She decided to shop for clothes that time with her mother and after that her mother even helped her style her hair and put a make-up on her face.

She wears a sleeveless dress as the style in front of her is a heart shape on her bosom part and the dress reaches up to her knee and perfectly hugs her figure as her baby bump is still small. She wears flat shoes as she is pregnant. Her hair is styled in an up do style.

And now she's ready to go. She picks up her small body bag. She bade farewell to her family then went outside and drove her car towards the direction where the party will be held which is at the White Palace.