Two months later...

"Three of us finally managed to went through all the books in the library after three months"

In this three months, those three peoples sneaking into the mansion every three or four days and then kept going to the library to go through every single book.

Wesley and Dunn keep doubting and want to give up countless time but Thirteen hoodwinked and persuade them every time with varieties of excuses and them both continue to open book, check every page, close back and go to next books almost a thousand times like a student preparing for his most important exam.

Thirteen managed to insert himself into Wesley and Dunn's clique after the first night and got free foods from then since. He solved the insufficient nutrition issue right away. Wesley and Dunn are mansion's hired chef and they always stole the foods. Thirteen live his life act as a slave as lowly as he can do to avoid any suspicion.

Early dawn, sun just show his radiance from far and moon shy away.

"SECOND! Update status!"

[Task completed]

[Complete deciphering..96.5% of the books use the language of Era and the rest unable to decipher due to lack of data]

Huge amounts of Era language data poured into Thirteen's mind.

"Now I'm a literate slave. How ironic. I am the utmost genius back on earth but transmigrated into an illiterate slave". A slave is not qualified to possess anything including a name much less opportunity to learn to read.

'SECOND has classified all the data obtained into different files but there is a keyword that came out many times.'

"The files regarding Mages came occupied more than half of the library. I can conclude the possibility that Mages exist if this much came out. Wolfe's family definitely has more story hidden since their first progenitor. Fascinating"

This is the most interesting news Thirteen learned since came to this world. He cannot exclude the possibilities of Mage exist, it another world after all. From the records, Mage is a very lofty position and considered a legendary figure to commoners. They search for the truth and eternal life not affected by the mundane human life. It really suits Thirteen well.

"SECOND! Search the files for any possible methods for me to become a Mage."

In front of Thirteen, innumerable amounts of data flashed past, seeming to form a beautiful picture.

"So many?" Thirteen paused and pondered," Remove those with the estimate of the success rate of less than 50%!"

[Affirmative! Filtering....]

"Show them to me!"

1. Mage Heart Pill - 99%

2. Liquid of Life - 98%



11. Mana transfer - 70%

12. Mage Meditation Techniques - 67%


" What! Where I'm supposed to find those? SECOND! Show me the methods available to current me right now! "


" Elementary Mana Manipulation Theory? It seems I need to start from kindergarten level"

Thirteen doesn't lose hope. At his current level, his knowledge about Mage purely came from the library. He never sees a real-life Mage before.

"SECOND! Analyze the contents and compile it so that I can practice it. An additional task, optimize it so it suitable for me", Thirteen ordered.

[Affirmative! Estimation times is 1 hour and 20 minutes]

'I should get this slave work done in the meantime. I also need to figure out what I'm going to do in the future, can't keep being a slave. It an insult my genius intellect'

After Thirteen done his chores, two hours already passed.

'Mages manipulate mana from the world and bend it to their will by following certain equations. More changes to the mana required more complex equations. For now, I can learn simple stuff.

Thirteen seats on the ground and start optimizing his condition. "I need to sense mana first in the atmosphere."

[Notification! User already capable of sending mana]

"I can do it already? Right! The scanning. My previous hypothesis is SECOND emit some kind of electromagnetic waves but it actually an application of mana. This makes thing easy." Thirteen concluded.

"SECOND! Show me the mana in the atmosphere"


A stunning visual shown in Thirteen's eyes. A colorful aurora moving and dancing in the air.

' This is mana! Interesting! This mana cannot be seen using naked eyes. This phenomenon probably exists in the fourth dimension. Joseph-Louis Lagrange introduced the concept of the fourth dimension in the mid-1700s. This probably it. '

Thirteen observed the mana for more than an hour with SECOND's assistance. He tries to record a pattern and learn their origin.

"This is absolutely a mystery. My current knowledge cannot understand the profound of mana phenomena. I need to learn more. The second step is the mana manipulation. The books in the library have simple equations regarding this. I need to understand it more. "