Thirteen, Wesley and Dunn sneak into the mansion through the unlocked window. The exited the kitchen and goes to the corridor silently.

'SECOND! Start mapping of this mansion'


"Quick! No one should be here on left wing on the building at this time but we cannot exclude potential risk", Wesley hurried.

"The last time we sneaked into here they kept a priceless vase at the end on this hallway. That the only thing we can steal at this time.", Dunn gleamed.

The three of them reached the end of the hallway in no time. The vase is in sight.

'I remembered reading an article in my past life, in an auction some idiot bought a vase with more than $50 million. It is a chinese vase created centuries ago from some dynasty. I only remembered laughing so hard some idiots waste money to buy some old stuff that has no benefits. He should use that much money to funds my projects. That vase more than a meter tall but this vase at more than two meters! Which idiot made this thing?'

The vase is so huge and decorated with some unknown letter showing how majestic it is. Only a noble has it.

"You both want to steal this vase?", Thirteen asked.

" Yes! I heard Steward Abigail said this vase worth over thousands of golds when he scolding the servant who cleaning the vase. This thing must be worth a lot when we sell it", Wesley claimed.

Thirteen sighed," How are you going to bring this huge vase out? How are you going to hide this vase after stole it? At your house? How are you going to transport it to another city without making sure this vase will not be broken on the way there?"

Wesley and Dunn stunned, "W-we're never thought about it."

Thirteen sighed again.'This two idiots'.

"T-then, what we should do?"

Thirteen has been waiting for this opportunity since the beginning, "You must think like a noble. They must keep their precious stuff in their office or study room"

"Master Wolfe's office is at the other side of the building. It really dangerous to go there at this time because there also their sleeping quarters for those nobles but study room. There should be a library in next corridor close to here", Wesley said.

'There! Finally!', Thirteen happy in the inside. "Let's go there quickly.", Thirteen rushed.

Those three reached there a minute later. The library door is unlocked.

"We're lucky! The door is unlocked! Those nobles really a fool.

'It unlocked shown that there are no values in here but I not going to tell them.'

Thirteen quickly enter the library and start going through all books from the nearest one.

'What kind of language is this? How could I forget this small problem? The different world must have different language and different letters. SECOND! New task! Start scanning all the books here and deciphering the language!'

[Affirmative! Task established. Scanning begin]

[Alert! More scanning required visual contacts]

'Visual contacts? I must see the books?'

"Thirteen! What are you doing? Why you open and close the books since here?", Dunn asked

"You must be dreaming! Those nobles must be hiding some notes or secrets inside these books. This thing is worth more if sold to the right people. Imagine if we selling this information to enemies of the Count! We are set for life. Quick! Go through all the books here.",Thirteen said.

"Y-you right!"

'This two idiot. SECOND! Does the scanning possible right now?'

[Affirmative! Scanning resumes..]

'As expected. I don't need to use my eyes for visual contacts. SECOND must send out some kind of electromagnetic waves to scan the books. The waves cannot enter the closed book. SECOND has 360-degree view despite not using my eyes. There a need to further research. However now I got four extra hands to go through the books'.

They continue going through the books.

'This library is huge. This is what over centuries legacy looks like. I going to need a couple more trips here. Cannot finish in one night'

"You guys better check the book properly. Don't leave any pages to unturn!"