Max exited the tent slowly and walk to the white robe man outside. From SECOND's analysis, the white robe man is different from the Mage inside the tent.

The radiations of mana surrounding them are on different level. From the deduction, can be concluded that he is Mage Apprentice. If look closely, the robes are made by using different materials.

The robe that Mage wore obviously made by better material. Probably made from magical materials and the Mage Apprentice wear lower tier than it but still far better and valuable compared to common silk.

The Mage Apprentice looks at the paper on Max's hand and smiled. "Congratulation, after this you can choose which academy you want to joins."

"Thank you, sir, can you give recommendation which academy is suitable for me?" Max asked while handing out a piece of magic crystal.

"Stop! We aren't allowed to receive any bribes or give any suggestions to the applicants. It is our covenant before we were sent here." he scolds but his eyes can't hide his


"Go to the large tents with insignia on it. There is several of it at the center of the camp. That is the academy booth. Listen to them and choose what suitable for you."

"Thanks again sir". Max retreated and advanced to the central area.

At the center of the camp, it is far busier filled with youths walking around with anticipation compared at the entrance. There are five largest tents in this area and one tent is bigger than the other four if observed properly. There are also several mid-size and small tents on the surrounding.

Max walked around while gathering information. Most the academies seem eager to recruit all the applicants that past the trial and the big five academies remain with their haughty attitudes. They're only looking for the elite and the mediocre are harshly rejected.

My elements are water and wind with my darkness compatibility managed to be hidden.

Unfortunately, there is no academy for dark mages around here. It seems this world also have stereotypes light is good and dark is bad. Good thing I hide my dark aptitude.

The dark element must be considered a taboo and heretic for those who practice it. I should keep silent about it until I got more information.

The most popular academy is Radiance Academy. They said this academy is directly supported by Church of Light. Never mind my aptitude, even my attitude does not fit there. I die faster.

Considering my compatibility with the water element, I should really consider Atlantis. Rumored the academy is deep in the sea surrounded by many species of sea monsters.

There also Sleeping Forest specialize in plant and herbalism, they possessed many potion master and alchemist there. Knights of Rune which train magic knights. Magic Knights practice their magic to train their body and weapon. There also Ivory Tower.

I should choose Ivory Tower as my first choice because this academy gather all kinds of mages there and I able to learn much magic.'

Ivory Tower is like a small union where all the Mages came and trade their knowledge for others that they want. Ivory Tower is famously known because of Great Library in the tower which possed shockingly enormous collection of magic books. The tower maintains this system where every visiting Mages who came looking for the answer must also provide their bits of knowledge too.

" I hope some including the study of the soul. I doubt any Mage who pursue knowledge doesn't research about soul even though the soul is under the dark element.", Max said silently.

He made up his mind and proceeded towards the Ivory Tower's tent.