Ivory Tower's tent is big or even can be called a pavilion can be identified by insignia pasted on it. The insignia displays an indigo-colored nine-level tower like a pagoda and three circles in white intersected on the middle. "Ivory Tower, so a tower logo? Very uncreative but what those circles mean?' Max pondered.

He entered the tent and greeted by a cold and unmotivated voice.

"Welcome to Ivory Tower. Show me your paper". Max saw a man on his thirty seating in front table and behind it a large curtain at as the wall. He wears an indigo robe and there is a tag pasted on his outfit written 'Mage Apprentice Bolton'.

His radiation level detected by SECOND is higher than previous Mage Apprentice but far lower than the Mage. 'He should be higher level apprentice', Max though while handing over his paper.

Bolton looks over Max's paper with unenthusiastically and his eyes widen abruptly. He looks at Max and looked back at the paper "You really want to join Ivory Tower?", he asked with an unbelievable face. Max doubted at Bolton's reaction but he still answered yes.

"Wait here! I called the elder" Bolton rushed back deeper into the tent through the curtain. A minute later, Bolton comes out followed by a skinny old man wearing the same robe as Bolton but higher quality.

[Alert! Alert! High level of radiations detected in front of the host. Recommended to evacuate!]

'He also a mage! Despite being appeared like a decrepit old man, his eyes show strong vitality and the pressure emitted from him capable of killing a mortal!' Max shocked.

"He must be stronger than that old woman before. Amazing! Just today I already met two Mages and many Mage Apprentices'.

"Boy, what is your name?"

"Greeting elder. My name is Max. Son of Count Wolfe", Max bowed and introduced himself like a noble.

"You really want to join Ivory Tower?"

"Absolutely sir" Max answered confidently.

"Great!" the old Mage beamed "Bolton! Bring him to his room and explain everything!"

"Yes, elder" Bolton bowed and guide Max going behind the curtain. After Max passed through the curtain, there a new world. Cannot be seen from outside but there is huge space inside and many tents erected. You can see the sky from here even though from outside only a big closed pavilion but in here, it just like a garden.

Bolton leads Max to one of the tents and brings him in. There are bed and reading table installed inside the tent.

"From now on we are fellow apprentices. I introduce myself again, my name is Bolton Smith, a third rank Mage Apprentice. The lord mage you see before is Elder Guido the First Grade Mage from Ivory Tower"

Bolton with passion continues explaining a lot of things to Max and half an hour passed by quickly. "Look at the time. It passed so far. I need to go back to my post before Elder Guido scold me." Max sent off Bolton and came back lying on the bed inside.

[SECOND! Update status of my condition!]

[Scanning...The host had overexerted his life force. Heartbeat rate is averaged at 644 per minutes. Excessive adrenaline rush discharged from the host body. Recommend host to take a 48 hours rest. The database has insufficient data about life force restoration methods]

"I overdid it but at least I passed the trial to join the academy. I can search method to treat my life force later in the academy" Max undress his outer cloth, roll it and put into his mouth." SECOND, return my condition to default"


A sharp pain struck from Max's brain and circulate to the whole body. Max bit the cloth to mask his scream because of extreme pain. His purple eyes diluted and red blood veins like webs appeared from his whole body. Max fainted after holding for less than ten seconds.