A day later, Max received one request from one of Nulara's friend to help with the equations and managed two more manuscripts copied earning him a total of another seven magic crystals during that duration. His capital double in a day!

With newly earned wealth, Max can no longer hold himself back and advanced to the Great Library. He proudly paid the fee of 5 magic crystals and swiftly enter the area that only accessible to apprentice level. He opens, skimmed through, close back and proceed to next book. His repeated action earned the ridicule of others in the library.

"Look at that rank 1 apprentice did? Do he really think that he can understand the book that fast."

"He just wasting his quota"

"Haha! Maybe he thought there is some note left by a predecessor Mage or something. Maybe he found a secret note and change his destiny forever. There a tales about that."

"Basically impossible. Librarian checked and maintained all the books every year. If there is something like that, it has already been found ages ago."

"Just ignore him. We also need to use our quota well"

Max also ignored all the mockery around him. He needs to do his part of the work so SECOND can scan all the book.

"Just like old time even though it only two years ago. But now there are no free pawns to help me." Max reminiscing.

"Let's hope that when I do this long enough some idiots will be baited and do the same thing. The more the better."

Max kept doing the same routine the whole time. He only stopped to rest every two hours for ten minutes and continue the routine. After his quota end 24 hours later, he received the notice to leave the library.

No one got baited this early.

Max brought his tired body back to his room and sleep. he already stayed in the library from yesterday evening until evening the next day.

He also received the notification from SECOND that Uriel's book for rank 2 finished decrypting before but he ignores it during that time.

Max directly went to sleep and only wake up tomorrow morning. He looked at the data from Uriel's book and sighed.

"I need my spiritual force to reach 10 points for promoting to rank 2 Mage Apprentice. SECOND! Calculate how long I need for my spirit to reach 10 points at current pace?"

[Task established! Factoring host talent, the calculation in progress]

A dozen of seconds later, Max received the answer.

[According to host talent, it estimated to host reach 10 points in 515 days!]

"That long! I will be long exposed at that time"

Max's talent for magic is always his main concern. Based on SECOND's calculation, his real talent is between grade A and grade B. It does not consider bad considering others but still cannot be compared to grade S talent.

A normal grade A talent need three to six months to become rank 1 Mage Apprentice and from a year or three to promote to rank 2. Grade S talent is a level above faster.

"515 days even with SECOND's assistance to increase the rate mana I can absorb during meditation."

Max considering many points and perspectives to decrease the length. SECOND's database still not enough to support him.

"The main problem of my talent cannot be solved now and the second problem is meditation time."

Max can only meditate for only three hours every day before his mental strength run out. Every apprentice also can only meditate more or less three hours.

"SECOND! Establish a method to possible mana absorbing process the whole time"

[Task established! Not enough information. Progress: 17%]

"In the end it because of lack of information. I need to visit the library more frequent and also earning more magic crystal."