Against SECOND's estimation, Max reached the bottleneck before rank 2 Mage Apprentice after only six months passed. That is more than a year before the expected time. The main reason for this is Uriel

For the past half year, Uriel had been feeding Max with many magical herbs and resources. Each of it can cost more than hundreds of magic crystal in Trading Post but Uriel held nothing back supplying Max with the precious resources. For normal Mage Apprentice, just one of what Max get take more than a year to save magic crystals and buy it.

Max ate precious herbs such as Buckthorn Coldleaves, Frozen Apricot, and bath with Blue Violet Tea and Geyser milk. He absorbed all the ice element resources improving his spiritual force and physique.

"SECOND! Display my stat."

[Name: Max Wolfe, Gender: Male, Rank: Rank 1 Mage Apprentice

Strength: 1.9, Agility: 1.8, Vitality: 1.9, Spirit: 9.9]

"I reached the bottleneck before rank 2 Mage Apprentice. I don't know I am too blessed or not. Luck is a unit that cannot be measured by my fortune is overwhelmingly weird."

The process of absorbing mana to increase spiritual force is an arduous procedure. A normal apprentice needs to absorb and filter the unwanted elements and purify them before entering their body. SECOND capable of auto-filter and only absorbing Water and Wind mana before converting into Ice mana in the matter of second. His efficiency is far above the rest.

For the past six months, Uriel gave a lot of resources to Max to increase his spiritual force for the breakthrough. She never gave any reason for her action and Max never declined them because of it already in his plan to speed up for rank 2 promotion.

Of course, Max never accepted it all blindly. SECOND always inspected everything before Max absorbs into his body.

Max for the past six months, except meditating with Uriel's resources, he took missions to collects magic crystals. His task is revolved between assisted with equations, copy manuscripts and gave tuition for other apprentices. Most of the magic crystals earned went for the Great Library's fee.

Max constantly visited the library to renewing SECOND's database. Few apprentices managed to get baited into following his Max's routine. They half-hearted believe there are some notes hidden in the books somewhere but they don't do it all the time quoted but only when relieving stress. A bit of physical movement does not harm after studying.

Max had skim-through over tens of thousands books over time and he still only covered less than 10% of the library for apprentice level. Max also managed to records some Mage level information during his copy manuscript's mission. Max's efficiency of magic language received praised from Elder Milos for apprentice level. Elder Milos believed Max can handle higher level manuscripts to copy.

Nulara also introduced her friends to Max and guaranteed his work. More apprentices came to Max and asked him to help with their calculations. In reality most top-level Mage Apprentice also capable of assisting them but they are disdained to help others and focus to promote Mage level as soon as possible. Who would have time to help others. Max also benefits in recording many spell models even though there are missing crucial parts but with SECOND's simulations, Max basically has an arsenal of spells at his database.

He also took jobs of tutoring other apprentices. Max can easily understand any lectures because SECOND recorded everything and store in the database but for others, they need to study back multiple times until they understand. Max taught them only core points of the lectures making it easy to understand not like lecturer long-winded talk. SECOND automatically filtered the rubbish and keeps the gems only.

"SECOND already analyzed equations for rank 2 long ago. Tonight I can prepare for rank 2 apprentice breakthrough after dinner."

Max no longer ate common food from cafeteria but consumed only specialized foods from Uriel. Doesn't mean she cooks for Max. Chef received the ingredients from Uriel and cooks for Max.

After dinner, Max returned to his room and start meditating. He sat on altar gave by Uriel. The altar has magic formations carved by her personally to increase the rate of mana absorption.

"Runes required for rank 2 are ten times more than rank 1 and for rank 3 probably 100 times more." Max created the runes in his minds with SECOND's help. My body and spirit are ready for promotion. Just one last step left."