SECOND! Analyze these four spells!"

[Task established. Estimated times for Aquatheraphy: 4 hours, Acid Splash, Water Wall and Wind Walk: 18 hours]

Aquatheraphy bought from Trading Post has a complete spell model but the other three spells missing crucial part as they were illegally copied by SECOND causing it longer to analyze.

"Since I cannot experiments with the spell right now, I should take copy manuscript mission as always." Max decided his next plan.

Even though the mission only rewarded one magic crystals per book but Max still did it because of the chance to access rare information. The recorded information is jumbled but SECOND can organize it into separate categories in the database.

Max arrived at the usual room for the mission. Elder Milos already there supervising the work in his free time.

"You come here again Max?" Elder Milos is happy this apprentice that has the skills and dedication to this kind of works.

Experienced apprentices rarely took this task because of low rewards and only new apprentices that desperate for magic crystal came. The problem is that the new apprentices still haven't proficient in magic language made them took the longest time to complete.

Max which proficient in magic language rivaling veteran apprentices only still come every day.

"One magic crystal is still a magic crystal. I need to work whenever I can" Max smiled.

"Good attitude! Youth this day is too lazy. They think that constant meditation and researching runes can make them become Mage faster. What a fool! Every promotion required a large number of magic crystals. Back then I worked hard every day to earn magic crystals and finally I promoted to Grade 1 Mage..." Elder Milos once start talking is hard to stop.

Max listened to Elder Milos's rant for five more minutes and decide to stop him.

"Elder Milos, what you want me to copy today?" Max intercepted Elder Milos at a good time making him cannot continue talking.

"Ah! Right! There are some urgent books need to be copied today. Higher level requested them. I believe only you can take this task. Wait here." Elder Milos left the room to his office.

He came back ten minutes later with three stacks of black leather books.

"Here the book. Please do it as fast as you can. I doubt you do it but don't make mistake. I remind you again. Do not illegally copy this book. This is very sensitive information. If not I too busy with other works, I do it myself"

Max received the books and put it on his work desk. Elder Milos left the room after that.

'Sensitive information? That what I want.' Max grinned.

"Let have a look" Max casually skim through the books while SECOND automatically recording.

"Hmm… A topic about the soul. Someone want to experiment with the soul I guess. Study about the soul is a taboo in Central Continent. Even possessing the information about the soul is illegal but this is Ivory Tower. Who dare?"

[Task completed!]

"What? Which task completed?" Max surprised.

[Uriel's books]

"Already completed? This fast? It supposed to take a week but now only a few hours past. SECOND! What is the reason?"

[Due to soul books]

"Soul books?" Max connecting the dots.

"Majority of runes inside the books are related to the soul! That's why the task completed so fast. SECOND! Show me the decrypted data."

A row of lines formed in front of Max. He carefully reads the information one by one.

"The basic still the same. The rune allows apprentice slowly absorbing Ice mana inside the body and the goal is forming the ice core to become Mage. The hidden part is too subtle. Slowly forming a connection. They weaken my soul!"

The runes slowly formed from when Max promoted to rank 1 and then rank 2. When Max promoted to rank 3, the runes will the fully formed making Max's soul gradually weak.

"Why would Uriel need to weaken my soul? From the database, Mage needs a strong soul to support Mage's strong spiritual force."