During the journey, the stout man, along with the other Ivory Tower's Mages, ceaselessly discussed information pertaining to the secret realms except for Uriel that already disappeared from the crowd.

"To the side, Max and other Mage Apprentices sat and meditated in their respective spots on the airship. Opposed to the loud chatters before, they didn't have any intentions of talking with each other except in their small groups.

Thinking about it, this was a normal occurrence!

Those who were able to join the secret realm expedition are elites among all apprentices. They have absolute confidence in their own skills would naturally have arrogant attitudes and would find it beneath their dignity to collide with others.

However, Max only had to turn his head slightly to see, the somewhat around him, many eyes are on coldly staring at him from time to time. Alone rank 2 Mage Apprentice is definitely an abnormality among the crowds. They naturally heard about Max's name considering the chaos inside the tower when he becomes rank 2 only within a year even with grade S talent!

Faced with this situation, Max didn't have a trace of surprise on his face. Nonetheless, a hint of worry couldn't help but surface in his heart.

"This is bad. I'm focused more on the danger inside the secret realm that I forgot about the danger beside me! In front of precious benefits, even though we are fellow apprentices, a lone wolf like him definitely be the first target." Max realized the situation late.

"Can I kill them?" A vestige of madness hinted on his eyes.

If there was a chance within the secret realm that put his in that case, then he definitely wouldn't be courteous to get rid of the inconvenience.

This airship was clearly a flying type artifact and it was definitely not a low grade one. High-grade magic tools or weapon that can only be used by Mage is called artifact and separated between low, mid and high grade. It seems this flying artifact to be even faster than the airship that Max previously rode on.

While flying, the surging white gas continuously expedited the airship causing it to travel over hundreds of meter in a flash.

A day later, the airship brought the group above the blue sea. However, after flying for a little bit longer, the clear blue sea turned turmoil. There are many cracks in the sky. Among the largest crack, a huge building made if simple stone constructed in front of it. The turbulence in the air didn't come close to the building as there are some wall blocked it. Furthermore, there were some people moving about inside the building.

With a rumbling sound, the airship found a clear spot on the building and descend there. The stout man brought Max and others of the airship.

"Beirut and fellow Ivory Tower's members, you guys are late. Sleeping Forest, Atlantis and my Knight of Runes apprentices have already arrived. Many other small factions also came early. Only Radiance Academy's people have yet to arrive." From the building, a cyan light flew over. In a flash, it arrived in the air above Max and others. From within, a cyan-robed male, with a tanned face and wearing a black eyepatch, descend toward the stout man with a slight smile on his face.

"My friend Beirut, it has been almost fifty years since we last met"

"So it's Knight of Rune's Elder Jack. We aren't close to this place as your Knight of Runes Academy; we must naturally expend more time to get here. As for Atlantis, this secret realm was first discovered by them since they live near, it is only normal for them to be here earlier than us." The stout man Beirut examined the male in midair that descending to toward him before nodding his head and speaking.

"That is true. Actually, my academy's apprentices only arrived here half a day before yours. As such, I would like to invite you fellows over, to collaboratively discuss some affair regarding the secret realm before Radiance Academy arrive." Jack said with some hidden meanings.

"I understand! Let me make arrangements for my tower's apprentices first and in a little while, I will bring my two fellow elders over to visit you." Beirut naturally understood the opposing party's intent and instantly replied in affirmation without batting an eyelid.

Hearing this, Jack was overjoyed and spoke a few more words before transforming into cyan light that flew back to where he came from.

At this time, Beirut made Max and others begin constructing s simple campground inside the building. He then with Uriel and one more elder with a large scar on his face gone to the place where Jack came.

A few hours later, a loud commotion was heard, many apprentices look outside the building. There is a blinding light shine revealing a huge ark that at least twice the size of Ivory Tower's airship.

"Radiance Academy has arrived!"

"That is their high-grade artifact Odin's Ark!"

"Hmph! Pretentious as always!"

"Quiet down! You will be branded as a heretic!"


Beirut and others included those from Knight of Runes also came out to look at the commotions.

The ark suspended in midair and then a light flashed. An old man with a long white beard came out. He wore a grandiose golden robe floating in the air and then ten more light flashed and ten more Mages appeared wearing the same golden robes floating behind him.

"That old man Legolas came too! Radiance Academy is really brazen to send a Third Grade Mage here!" Jack gritted his teeth.

The old man that named Legolas observed the surrounding and said western voice: "The secret realm entrance will be open in an hour"

He then flew back to the ark ignoring the shocked crowd below him with all other Radiance Academy's Mages.

"Arrogant as ever" Beirut whispered.

"Haha! Let us prepare too" Jack exchange looks with Beirut and then they separated flying to their camp.