


The silver armored golems which had been attacked seemed to have caused these golems to be even angrier.

"Prepare the formation!"

The twelve silver armored golems shouted angrily in unison. All of these silver armored golems move out at high speed, quickly completely surrounding Max. He is unable to move forward while being blocked by these golems.

The twelve silver armored golems simultaneously stabbed out with their glittering silver spears, carrying boundless force as they attacked Max.

"Who created them? These golems are too smart. There's definitely a flaw. There definitely is a chance for success. Do I really need to use the bomb?

Even though the silver armored golems are smart, their actions are rigid. SECOND already analyzed all their movement patterns and created a suitable plan for Max to fight them but Max still cannot destroy any of the golems.

"Just where their core was hidden? How can the golems move without a core? If they truly are immortal, then they would exhaust me to death through by using up my energy."

This was a war of attrition.

"Huh? There is a sound of a fight in front."

While Max contemplating how he going to beat these silver armored golems, a low voice can be heard from behind him.

"Damn, there are other peoples now. Wait! This is my chance!"

Max jumped out of the encirclement retreat towards the direction of the voice.


The silver armored golems chased Max from behind. Max ran for almost a hundred meters and finally saw a group of three mage apprentices. They were wearing a green robe showing that they are Sleeping Forest's apprentice.

"Help!" Max shouted.

All three apprentices are male looked around the age of thirty surprised when Max ran toward them.

With a troop of silver armored golems on his back, Max arrived at the green-robed apprentices.

"New intruders detected! Commence elimination!"

The silver armored golems noticed the Sleeping Forest's apprentices also start attacking them too.

"What the..? Everyone battle stance!" The green-robed apprentice on the middle of the three gave order while branding a wooden staff with a tree branch filled with green leaves on it.

The group of green-robed apprentices starts releasing their spells fighting against the silver armored golems.

"Perfect!" Max smiled. He took out a vial of potion from his robe and threw it on the ground.

The potion hit the ground and breaks into pieces releasing a black smoke. It is a smoke bomb. A simple alchemical product when the liquid came in contact with air transform into smoke. The smoke can spread over twenty meters wide.

Max swiftly jumped out before the smoke spread heading forward leaving the fight. He saw the three ice puppets that been ignored by the troop of silver armored golems standing still waiting for their orders.

Max sneered and gave a fist size black metal ball to one of the ice puppets and ordered them to move toward the smoke before he continues running. Even though the ice puppet not very fast, the diligently running toward the smoke.

After a minute of running, Max already ran over five hundred meters, he heard the sound of an explosion from his behind.

It is the sound of the explosion from a Type-B1 bomb. Fortunately, the explosion was far behind Max so he didn't get caught in the explosion again but the deafening sound can be heard even until here.

Max laughed while running after he heard the explosion.

"I don't know who you are but I must thank you for the sacrifices. People these days are very kind and selfless. Haha!"

The presence of other apprentices shown that there are another entrances to enter this place.

Max glanced behind him but the explosion was far behind. He doesn't know if the explosion was enough to beat the silver armored golems but he can only continue moving forward.

After moving forward for few more kilometers, the corridor walls start to change. He entered a different area now.

After a majestic corridor wall, Max entered another black tunnel and at the end of the tunnel, there is a black pond.

A black pond that stretched far to the horizon.

"Dead end or another entrance?" Max pondered

Max drew the sword at his side and dipped it into the water. After making sure nothing changes happened to the sword after he took it back, he put his index finger into the black water too and nothing happens.

"SECOND! Analyze the changes during the previous 60 seconds in my body!"

[Affimative! Scanning completed! No changes detected!]

After a moment of hesitation, with a deep breath, Max jumped into the black pond.

As soon as he entering inside the black pond, he can see a light at the bottom of the pond.

"The exit!"

Max swam to the bottom entering the light.

What is this place?"

Max jumped out of the water, stunned at the sight before him.

This should be a node of the underground rivers, but whether it was natural or man-made, or caused by the erosion of the river, there was 1 kilometer of underground space in one area.

This space had not been flooded by the black water pond and was full of a mysterious and tranquil air.

And the location that he was currently standing on was a perfectly round giant goose egg-like reef.

There were numerous such white jade colored circular reefs, spreading to the distance.

The whole space, hazy with an enchanting beauty, made one feel as though they were walking on air with ethereal lightness for a moment, as though the next moment would become as light as a feather and ascend to heaven.

There was not the slightest sound of water, nor little ripples on the surface, to the extent that when Max was standing on this perfectly round, giant pebble and looked down, he could see the reflection of his face, and even his strands of hair all very clearly on the calm and smooth mirror-like river surface.

"It's really is a spectacle."

Max exclaimed.

"But it doesn't make any sense. Common sense is useless here! How in the world these places even exist at the bottom of the pond?"