Max quickly realized what the situation he in.

After having read many books, he knew many things.

Many books had recorded that in the countless years of time's passage, some Mage powerhouse was able to create their own little dimensions. A small cave might store an entire world of its own! Some ancient sites were located in these small dimensions and small worlds. This is what they have known as the secret realm. Normally, it was impossible to find them. Only by luck or misfortune would one accidentally enter.

The remnants left by ancient Mage, such as official Mage's experiment labs, would often contain many valuable data and ingredients, high-level research, spells and magic artifacts with immense might. These were all items that magicians always sought after.

However, these estates left behind by these great powers were all extremely dangerous. After all, how could the powerful Mage not leave behind some defensive mechanisms? The vast majority of those who entered relic sites would die. If one was able to stay alive and flee, that would already be a stroke of luck. As for those legends of people who were able to actually obtain treasures from within, Max didn't even dare to think of swallowing alone.

He just planned to find some valuable remnant, take some precious resources and submit it to the tower just for enough contributions. To actually found the main remnant in the secret realm, he knows that he didn't have the capability to come in contact with it considering his combat prowess.

"Can't be too greedy! I just need to work hard to stay alive and escape." Max carefully inspected his surroundings.

The unknown represented opportunity.

But it also represented enormous risks!

"But since I have already found some traces, I will definitely have a look at the most valuable place in the secret realm!"

Max's gaze was determined. He was not afraid of risks, especially when the benefits strongly outweigh the risks.

For this venture, he had specially prepared many items, which were enough measures to counter against any sudden developments.

The corridor was wide and tall, and the floor seemed to be made from a single massive slab. Max tried everything he could think of, yet still was unable to leave a single mark on the walls.

After walking for a short while.

The corridor turned, and Max's eyes narrowed. From afar, he saw one white skeleton after another, littering the floor. The flesh on these skeletons had rotted away long ago, but the strange thing was, there were very few magic artifacts on the ground. Only some of the most distant, most complete skeletons on the far left still had some armor, weapons, and magic artifacts near them.

"Someone was here before me? Did they come from same entrance as me or other entrances? I cannot rule out the possibilities of another entrance exist."

Max picked out one of the magic artifacts on the floor.

"This magic artifact is already broken. No mana can be detected inside"

Max checked another ten magic artifacts and all of it no longer can be used.

"All are garbage. These corpses at least should leave something before their dead but unfortunately they didn't have that privilege. From the signs on their corpse, there should be a great battle here. Who kills them? Or they just fought with each other and end up in mutual destruction like an idiot?"

Max was disappointed with this dead people. If they are dead, they should at least leave some benefits to the living.

"The path ahead definitely filled with dangers and traps. This can be expected from the secret realm."

Max raised both of his hand and a block of ice quickly appeared in front of him. The block of ice slowly change shape and finally become shaped like a human. "

"This Ice Puppet spell turned out the most useful spell I learned." Max laughed.

Previous ice bird cost one spiritual force to create and this ice puppet as big as human cost five spiritual forces. Max created another two more ice puppet and made them walk in front of him separately at distance.

"This should solve the issue of trap partially. These ice puppets have no combat power and I can only use them as baits."

Max stepped forward carefully.

As he walked past those skeletons, he became even more cautious. Suddenly…


The air suddenly deformed and one silver orb after another suddenly appeared out of thin air. Many silver orbs appeared in the surrounding area, all of which let out a clear ringing sound as they hit the floor. And then, these silver orbs quickly began to melt, transforming into a silver liquid, each drop of which then quickly transformed into weapon-wielding, silver-armored warrior golem.

Flashing with blinding light, the incomparably dazzling, powerful golems stood around him.

"Golem appeared from the silver orbs?" Max was stunned. At the same time, he could sense that these silver-armored warriors all had powerful spiritual forces. He could sense they were all at the rank 3 Mage Apprentice's level.

"Same concept as my Ice Puppet spell but more powerful. And there are twelve of them?"

"You who dare trespass in the forbidden area, prepare to die!" The twelve silver-armored warriors shouted in unison, and then they charged over and attacked.

The long sword equipped in his hands, Max instantly understood everything. Those skeletons had most likely been killed by those twelve silver armored golems. Not hesitating at all, Max instantly began to utilize the Wind Walk spell. With a 'Swoosh' sound, he ran across the side of the walls of the corridor like an eagle in flight, instantly passing through those twelve silver armored golems and wanting to continue forward.

"It absolutely impossible for me to beat these golems. With ice puppets as the decoy, I need to get away quickly"

Max drops the idea of using the bomb. Inside closed space and nowhere to hide, the bomb will cause more damage to him rather than to the silver armored golems. He can only hope to avoid this fight."

"Don't even think of escaping." The twelve silver armored golems charged over once again ignoring the ice puppets.


Max looked at the silver armored troops. "It seems if I don't kill these twelve silver armored golems, I won't be able to continue. Those fellows all died, but I'm not much stronger than them. SECOND! Establish Task! Analyse the opponent's strength and the surroundings to come up with the best plan to defeat him!"

[Affirmative! Task Establishing. Beginning analysis.]

[Simulation results – Host is unwounded, target loses his ability to fight. Please confirm on whether to turn on the vision aid?]

"Turn it on!" Upon Max's command, countless of blue lines appeared before his eyes that, as if turning the area into some sort of virtual world.


Max utilized the Wind Walk spell, once again running across the surface of the corridor at high speed until he arrived behind the silver armored golems, and then he stabbed directly at one of those golems.

"Dang, dang, dang!" Three sword blows at once.


Max pierced through the head of that silver armored golem, but the golem still stabbed backward with his spear.

"What." Max was so frightened; he hurriedly jumped back in retreat.

Different from Ice Puppet that Max used; golem has a core inside it supplying with mana to move. With the core, the golem creator can input more command just like programming a robot with complex commands. The core usually placed around the head of the golem. Golem can continue to fight as long the core is undamaged and mana inside the core is sufficient.

The worst part of it was…not even after Max stabbing through the golem's head had done anything.

"Kill!" Max's stabbing blow through that golem's head seemed to have truly infuriated these silver armored soldiers, who all began to bellow angrily and wildly attack him en masse.

Max utilized his footwork, moving through the attacking silver armored golems. At every moment, he was dealing with three separate opponents. By relying on his long sword, he stabbed through the throat, skull, and various other fatal points of the silver armored guards, but the silver armored guards remained undamaged.

"Nothing works!" Max was frantic.