That youth in an indigo robe was Max.

After the deal with the mysterious female, she teleported Max out of the black room and gave him a little gift.

After getting out, Max continues his journey forward and after a few minutes, he heard a noise from afar.

With magic tool binocular in his hand, Max saw everything from the dark apprentice being attacked until the green-robed apprentice appeared and then fighting with a monstrous tree.

The green-robed apprentice had thick eyebrows and large eyes. As soon as he revealed himself, countless green runes appeared on his skin. It seemed as if the forest was being disturbed. The trees shook wildly.

The green-robed apprentice fished out a light blue cube from his sleeve, and with a twist of his wrist, the cube disappeared in a flash.

In the next moment, above the thorny bushes, a shapeless wave formed as a faint blue mysterious circle appeared. With a "pu" sound, it split apart and formed a blue light cover over the blood-colored Magic Grass.

The green-robed apprentice then unhurriedly waves the wooden staff at his hand and started to chant.

A humming sound started to buzz around and the wooden staff started to shine. At the same time, scarlet symbols started to float off of the staff and circle around it.

Moments later, the wooden was emitting a high temperature and became incredibly hot.

However, the green-robed apprentice seemed to ignore the temperature of the staff and instead waved the staff at the thorny bushes.

A scarlet fire column shot out of the palm-leaf fan and turned the bushes into a raging inferno.

In seconds, the thorny branches reacted by wildly waving around, but under such a strong flame, they perished into black ashes just moments later.

In the inferno, the only thing that was fine was the Magic Grass that was protected by the blue light cover.

When the fire finally died down, the youth stepped on the slightly scorched ground and nonchalantly walked toward the blue cover.

"Unfortunately fire magic is my specialty too beside plant magic" The green-robed apprentice and turned his head behind and smiled.


Max who saw the whole thing was surprised at the scene.

Without hesitation, he turned back start casting Wind Walk spell running.

"That guy is dangerous! I almost chose the wrong prey again. I had been too conceited. Even if I just promoted to rank 3 Mage Apprentice, I'm still too weak compared to him" Max sighed.

The mysterious female gave a great boon to Max in term of spiritual force. In a span of seconds, Max's spiritual force easily raised pass 20 points and promoted to rank 3 immediately. It saves Max a couple days of time.

Max thought with his newly upgraded power, he plans to test it on some subject for an experiment but unfortunately, he almost kicks a steel plate this time.

That green-robed apprentice from Sleeping Forest definitely an elite apprentice. Even though he is in the same rank as Max, the difference between combat experience and magic tools are like heaven and earth. Too much gaps between them.

Max turned his head and saw no one chasing but he still changed direction. After a few minutes, he changed direction again three more times and after an hour of running. He stopped.

"I need a new plan."

Two days later, Max was standing by a giant tree on the verge of the forest. His expression was serious as he looked around.

The total area of the forest was far beyond Max's imagination and after a few days of trekking, he finally got out. However, when he saw the incredible sight before him, he got another shock.

A few miles away there was a ravine that acted as a border between an area filled with warmth and sun, where Max was currently at, while the other area was a snowy, ice-cold world.

Even with Max's normal calmness, he was still surprised at the phenomenon.

When he focused closely, he found that, although he couldn't see much due to the raging blizzard on the cold side, he could still barely make out an enormous mountain hidden behind the wind and snow.

With this, Max's heart began to beat uncontrollably.

No matter where, in the novel; mana or spirit was always the most abundant near mountains. In addition, most magical resources were more likely to exist on a mountain rather than not.

With how big the mountain behind the blizzard was, it was most likely the center of the secret realm. As long as Max could explore the mountain, there was no need for him to go anywhere else.

After all, with how large this secret realm was and factoring in the time Max had to take traveling back to the entrance, even if Max wanted to travel to other regions, he would be hard pressed for time.

Max practiced Ice Element Meditation Technique and this kind of place suit him the most rather than the mysterious forest or rocky canyon.

As Max thought of this, he looked around and didn't see anyone following him. Then he cast the usual Wind Walk spell and jumped forward.

Not too long later, Max neared the ravine. However, right when he was about to fly over it, SECOND gave a warning.

[Alert! Alert! There is a huge mana radiation in front of the host. Recommend to stay far away!]

After listening to SECOND's warning, the expression of his face changed, he immediately stopped and gilded back.

Only when Max backed off about a few hundred feet did he feel barely safe enough and stop himself while having a white face.

Max's eyes flashed as he walked forward and looked at the bottom of the ravine and the other side.

The ravine was about forty to fifty meter wide and seventy to eighty meters down was gray-white mist. It was impossible to see what was in the ravine.

This made Max's brows bunch together and after looking at the nearby ground, he picked up a dried stick.

After feeling the weight of the stick, Max took a deep breath and his arm changes into throwing form. With a shout, Max threw the thick stick across the ravine.


The stick shot out like an arrow, but after flying about fifteen to twenty meter, it suddenly started falling straight down. The speed at which it fell was even faster than when Max threw it.

Max's face darkened. Without hesitation, he picked up a rock that was about the size of one's head. After his body twisted, his arms rotating once again, the rock flew out of his hands like it was shot from a catapult.

However, this time, the rock was able to go about thirty to forty meters before it too fell straight down. It was as if there was an invisible force pulling it down.

"Gravity? An extreme magnetic attraction force?"

Max took a deep breath and voiced his findings.

If his premonition had just come a second later, Max would probably have been like the stick and rock, sucked to the depths of the ravine by some kind of magnetic force.

Although Max did not know what was at the bottom of the ravine, he knew that it wasn't something pleasant.

Although these large-scale nature traps were extremely rare, once they were formed, the dangers that they posed were far beyond the scope of other traps.

For Max, a mere Mage Apprentice, to go against the strong force of magnetic attraction and fly across the ravine was something impossible for him.

However, just this kind of trap was far from enough to discourage Max from trying to reach the mountain that he had seen.

Quickly looking around to get his bearings, Max then starts walking and traveled to a certain point before the ravine.

Four hours later, when Max saw countless natural rock columns in the middle of the ravine, he could not help but become pleased.

A natural rock bridge!

These rock pillars were both abnormally thick and very close together. The max distance between each one of them was about three to five meter; at some points, they were a mere one meter away from each other.

Max looked around before picking an optimal path. He took a deep breath and stomped heavily on the ground. His body suddenly shot toward the rock pillar.