Max felt the gravity force on his body disappear. Immediately, with excitement, he jumped through the rock formation to the other side.

In the time it took to eat a meal, Max had reached the edge of the snowy lands. With a smile on his face, he plunged into the blizzard.

However, after a few steps, a cold wind blew straight into Max's face. Instantly, he felt that he was about to freeze solid.

Immediately, Max's face changed. Without hesitation, he circulated the Ice Element Meditation Technique to manipulate the cold mana on air.

Any other apprentice might get frozen to death in this place but Max felt like home. This is the first time he felt so comfortable since he arrived into the secret realm.

Like this, Max walked forward slowly.

The blizzard here stronger than Max had imagined. In addition, within the blizzard, there was the occasional fist-sized hail crystal that would make "peng, peng" sounds when they hit against Max.

If it weren't for Max using the Ice Element Meditation Technique to manipulate ice mana outside of his body and protect himself, just these hail crystals would have cut open Max and forced him back.

However, even with the ice mana protecting him, Max still felt as if his body starts to floated back after a strong gust of wind blew past him.

Thankfully, this blizzard world was not too large. Even if Max could not run or jump through it, instead he had to walk through step by step; he only had to walk three to four kilometers before the blizzards suddenly stopped.

When he looked up at the huge mountain that was right before him, an expression of surprise showed on his face.

The mountain in front of him was indeed quite fascinating!

A tall mountain reaching the sky reminded him of Mount Everest back on earth. Strangely he didn't notice the tall mountain back in the blizzard.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a wide crevice.

Whooo! Whooo!

A cold wind blew out constantly from the crevice, causing the temperature inside the cavern to drop by even more several degrees, to the point that even the white wind was condensed into cold ice and white snow which formed a thick layer that covered the entire crevice.

"Another cave? Don't tell me this cave linked to the previous underground tunnel too. There is no other path to go. Climbing the damn mountain clearly a death wish. The cave it is then"

Max slowly makes his way toward the crevice. The cold wind came out of it doesn't affect him much compared to the blizzard he just passed through.

The inside of the cave was unlike other normal cave. The interior was weirdly smooth. There are no sharp stalactite hanging on top and the ground was so smooth that Max almost slipped a few time since he entered.

Rather than a cave, this was just like a huge smooth hole of ice.

Max slowly moving forward and the deeper he goes, the slanted the ground was until the ground was almost 45 degrees slanted.

Max accidentally lose his footing and slipped.

He slides down the icy ground deeper into the cave.

Whooo! Whooo!

The cold wind howled in Max's ears as it violently blew about while he hurriedly slid down.

Finally, along with a light sound, Max steadily stood in a snowy area.

"How is it so deep? Aren't I already at least ten kilometers underground?" Max surveyed his surroundings.

With the howling icy wind, there was much noise, like thousands of musical instruments are being played at the same time.

The illumination contrasted greatly in here against the Fortress, as it was pitch black within the underground icy cave.

"Night Vision!" Max used a spell on himself that is suitable for this kind of environment, and the sight of surrounding around him changed like it was bright in here.

Max took a quick look all around him. He was currently within a semicircular, underground icy cavern, the surroundings of which had countless densely packed holes in the walls. It was as if he was within an anthill.

All around on the walls was a thick, translucent layer of ice. The light from his illumination technique fell upon this ice layer and was immediately refracted into multi-colored light that made for a magnificent feast for the eyes!

"Now how I can get back outside. The ground was too smooth; I can't even stand straight over there" Max sighed.

Max can only move forward deeper hoping there is another entrance or the path magically linked to the underground tunnel.


Max breathed out white mist.

The moment water vapor reached the outside air, it immediately condensed into tiny crystals that fell to the ground and produced slight sounds.

"SECOND, what's the current temperature?" Max casually asked.

[The temperature is now -55 degrees Celsius!]

SECOND immediately answered.

This temperature was more than deadly for regular humans, but in for Max, this was a mere chill.

"I am really way off my original plan. I'm supposed to do a trial test for the bomb and so far I only have done two. I have three more Type-B1 bombs and one Type-B2 left untested. Type-B1 already shown it explosion prowess twice and it satisfied me. The Type-B2 bomb is what worried me the most. If the previous bomb can cause a hundred meters wide damage then Type-B2 that was enhanced ten more times possibly deal over a kilometer meter wide destruction. I cannot control the ice puppet over more than five hundred meters from me even after promoted to rank 3 apprentice, so the homing missile tactic is unusable." Max murmured by himself as he walking.

"My harvest inside secret realm can be considered zero at the moment. Where is the easy target with many harvests for me to plunder them? This secret realm is too huge. So far I only met with apprentices that were far stronger than me!"

While Max complaining alone, he saw a blue light flash before him. In an instant, a deep blue blade neared Max's neck. His head was about to be cut off.

Although Max seemed as if he was very relaxed without any defenses, SECOND was scanning the whole area. Max already detected two red dots in his map closing to his direction.


Max's head was detached from his body and blown away from the impact. The headless body falls to the ground.

"We've got him!"

"Nice shot! Haha!"

Two blue-robed men get closer to Max's body.

A hundred meters away from Max's body, an indigo-robed youth coldly smile while looking at them.

"They better be an easy prey this time! Too much failure kill motivation"