Chapter 20: A Hole in the Heart

What the heck…

[Why is it so hard to get out of this place…? Did we have to pass through this confusing maze just to reach the hall when I was out?]

We've been walking for hours and all I can see are path branching to two to three routes. I look left, I see walls, I look right, I see walls. Everywhere I look, they're all the same. Same worn out bricks and cobblestones.

Our main source of light, me and a lamp held by Fleur, only reaches to a few meters away. So without the passing change in directions, everything looks exactly the same.

Right now, Fleur is guiding us towards the exit. But even though we're traversing it with ease, there's no sign of us reaching the end.

Fleur: "Yes. I just learned this from Purin, but… This dungeon is made by Mother when she was trying to extend her reach in the other continents."

[Hm? But this dungeon is described as a dungeon created to trap other races or something.]

Fleur: "Ohh… Perhaps that is how the other races perceived it and that it became known to be a dungeon laid by the Demon Lord."

Hmhm. I see, I see.

So Analyze doesn't always describe the target's truest nature, but also how it is perceived by the world, huh? Way to make it more confusing.

Well, if the world views a thing as 'something', then that's all it takes to make that 'something' the truth. That's the same with every world, I guess.

Fleur: "By the way, Soul. Would you mind explaining what you meant earlier? That, why it should be better for us to be together?"

Fleur, who is just walking a few centimeters ahead of me asked while maintaining her elegant posture. She herself is holding a lamp that uses Crysaztel to work. Even still, her way of walking really does give her an aura of dignity. Much like of a princess.

Well she is, actually.

Or rather, what the heck is with her chest? Aren't they big for her young body? Based from her physique, I can only judge that she's around the age of seventeen; eighteen if I had to stretch it out. Even her height and face tells me so.

Her crimson red eyes renders a dignified, yet gentle, gaze. She has small horns protruding from her forehead, carefully arranged to match her long, glossy, black hair – reaching her back, making her look a bit more mature.

But her chest defies the other aspects of her body. Even though she looks young, it'll make you wonder about her real age and all.

Just because of her boobs.

Right now, she's wearing a black colored one piece corset dress, designed with small frills at the edges. Her belly is covered with leather type apparel, tied with thin strings. The skirt reaches below her knees, as it sways with her every step. She also wears what seem a frilly vest that covers her shoulders, made with an expensive looking cloth. And that tail! That thin tail with a diamond shaped flat tip that sways along her skirt…!


With all is said and done, she really is a daughter of on Empress, both physically and in manner.

Very cute.

Nevertheless, I just can't take my eyes off her gently swaying mounds. My nature as a man is still inscribed in my soul, or so it seems.

Fleur: "Uhm… Ciel?"

Whoa there, me. I almost forgot about her question. I got into a heavy thinking right there. Yeah, heavy it seems, indeed.

[Got it. First, let me show you something.]

If my conjecture is right, then this should also be possible.


Fleur: "Wah! Th-This is…?"

Bet you were surprised eh, Fleur? Mufufu.

Well, I actually didn't think it would work, though.

I used Analyzed. But this time, I also applied Soul Link in the process. In which, I thought it may be possible to pass my skill application to the linked as well. Turns out, it perfectly worked.

Since I gained a portion her status and acquired a similar Title because of the link, I just thought that maybe skills are also possible to link. And I was right.

[That's your status.]

Fleur: "Status… This is…"

She carefully passed her eyes on the invisible screen in front of her. Of course it would only be visible to her if she's temporarily using the Analyze skill.


It looks like the word 'Status' is known in this world. Maybe there is also a way for the people of this world to view their own status. But from the looks of it, it's not something common.

Ah… Her face turned sour and grim. I guess she saw her Titles. Hmhm.


Fleur: "Y-Yes?"

[Titles are not everything.]

Fleur: "Y-Yes… I know that. But it still weighs my mind."

I see. Of course, it would, huh? It's the proof of your actions, after all. You gain Titles based on your achievements. And those achievements are not limited to positive deeds, but also the negative ones.

I guess, in the Title's case, there're no positives and negatives. No good deeds or a bad deeds. They're all actions accomplished to a certain degree.

That's how I've been seeing them up until now, since I've got no clue how to actually perceive them. But for Fleur, it looks like she sees them as the sins that she committed before.

Hm… Well, it's not something that will be forgotten just because she was resurrected. In this case, I should just let her feel the burden that she's about to carry.

Rather, I'm no position to think about this, huh? Who am I trying to fool?

… The books I've read influenced me too much.

[Alright. I'll explain everything from top to bottom. First, you're now free from your Curse.]

Fleur: "…! Is that true??"

Ohh… Would you look at that. The relief and happiness is already apparent on her face. She really does show her emotions on her face the moment she feels it.

Purin: "Hrm?!"

Oh, Purin's also here. I sort of forgot about her.

Purin: "How dare thee forget about Purin??"

[Stop reading my mind. Or rather, how are you doing that?]

Purin: "Hmph."

[… Anyways, what's wrong Purin?]

Purin: "Ah! H-How can thou say that the Curse is gone now?? It should be impossible…! The Curse was imbedded on Milady's soul! It would only be removed if Milady's soul is destroyed… However, that is also not an option, obviously!"

Hm. I guess, I really have to tell them about the Resurrection skill, huh?

It's not like I want to hide things from them. It's the opposite, actually. Now that we will be travelling together like this, I want them to be as open to me as they could. That way, I can monitor them during.

I won't have any problem with Fleur since her expression tells everything that I need to know. And I'm not sure how to explain this, but… It's like I got to immediately understand how she feels. Another after-effect of the Soul Link, I assume.

It's not like I can read her mind or something. It's like, whenever she strongly feels something, I also feel the same way, albeit fainter.

That's why, I don't think I have to be cautious of her, of all things. I want to trust her, if anything.

But that's not the case with Purin. From the looks of things, Purin seems to hate me. Moreover, she's just too wary of me that she won't even let me out of her sight.

Her gazes are about to bore holes on my ghostly body.

That's so, if I want to earn her trust, I should be at least a bit generous in giving information that she wants. Well, I know I should still be careful though. Much more, now that I'm fully aware that she doesn't trust me.

Hm. At any rate, it's not like something worse will happen if they knew about it. On the bright side, I may be able to gather more information about the Arcana, this world, and that 'book'.

Give and take, as they say.

[Alright. Fleur, you listen too.]

Fleur: "… I understand. I will."

Fleur was a bit taken aback by my sudden proposal, but immediately fixed her expression and listened intently.

Purin: "Lie and thou know what will happen, purin."

Uwa… Scary, man. She's not even hiding a tiny bit of her bloodlust. I feel tingly all over my body.

Fleur: "Purin. Just how many times should I tell you to get along with Ciel?"

Purin: "B-But… Milady…"

Fleur: "No buts."

Ahaha… Right, right. Fleur had her leashed all throughout this time. That's why Purin has been quiet for a while now.

Also, I don't know if it's just me, but… I feel like she's trying to tame her old pet to get along with her new one… That's just me, right? I mean, I'm the master… right?

… Right?

*sigh* You just can't win against the Demon Lord, eh?

Hm? Wait… I'm also a Demon Lord now…


Fleur: "Ah! I-I am very sorry. Please go ahead with your explanation."

She smiled wryly right after I tried to interject. While Purin, on the other hand, is now sulking while still glaring at me.

[Okay. First you need to know is… I'm not someone from this world.]

Fleur: "Not… someone from this world…? Is Ciel a Summoned One?"

Fleur placed her finger on her chin as she tilted her head in wonder.

That's so cute.

Summoned One? I feel like I've heard or read it somewhere just recently… Or back when I was still a human… Hmm…

Summoned One… Summoned One…

… I feel like I have to learn more about this.

But explaining the current status quo to Fleur and Purin takes priority.

[I think I'm not. When I was a human in my world, I was just an average guy without nothing to do with his life. Well, long story short, I died and got reincarnated in this world.]

Fleur: "Is that even possible…?"

Purin: "Fumu… Purin is not certain too, purin. At least, that sort of story is unheard of, purin. Hmm… Just as Purin thought… Liar…!!"

Fleur: "Wait, Purin. I believe Ciel. I do not know why, but I just do. I know he is not lying."

Ohh, is she also experiencing the effect of the Link? Or is it just a hunch of hers?

Purin: "Milady…"

I'm starting to feel sorry for Purin who is always getting told off by her master… Ahaha…

[Thanks, Fleur.]

Fleur: "Uhm. There is no need to thank me, Ciel. I just do believe in you. I mean, how could I not believe in my life's savior? I believe you do not mean any ill towards us. I just do."

Such a good girl…! *sniffle*

[Well then. As a result of that reincarnation, even though I'm a monster right now, I still have the memory of my previous life. You can say that I'm a person inside a monster's body.]

Fleur continued to listen without stopping her tracks. She wears a serious expression all the while but I don't feel any negative emotions from her that can imply disbelief or confusion.

… She's taking this seriously, on top of believing me. Even though she somehow perhaps perceives my thoughts because of the Link, this extent is a wonder in itself.

[You're taking this surprisingly easy, Fleur. I'm kind of expecting you to be a bit more confused or something.]

Fleur: "Well… It is not like I do not have my own doubts and wonder and all, but… I see you as someone honest and true at heart. I do not see any kind of malice coming from your soul."

Ahh, right. She can see through someone's soul, if I remember correctly. Maybe she's getting her grounds from there.

Hmmm… I wonder to what extent. I feel like I'm bare naked in front of her or something.

Well, I actually am, though.

Fleur: "I knew from the first time I saw you. Of course, that surprised me then. Seeing a monster with a pure soul. A person's soul."

P-Pure…? Really now…?

Fleur: "But looking into it deeply… I feel loneliness, and a tinge of longing for something, I could not find myself to leave you alone. Fufu. I wonder why? It is not like we have already met before to understand those the moment I saw you."

… Lonely, huh?

Fleur: "And most importantly… I felt my own in your soul. I thought, 'It is like we are the same…' or something. Is that presumptuous of me, I wonder?"


Fleur once again paused her feet and faced me, then follows a nod.

Fleur: "Yes. This may sound rude coming from me, but… As if a hole is bored inside your heart. A void that is unfilled. A heart with something that is unfulfilled. Well… I feel like mine is almost filled now, however. Fufu."

Is that how it is? I never thought about that myself, though. It's not like I feel like that, also.

But in Fleur's case, it's her Curse and her longing to live, or so it seems. Now that she's given a second chance at life, perhaps she's saying that that hole is slowly being filled.

If she got a hole in her heart because of her curse and her longing to live, or any other reasons…

What about me?

I don't know to what extent can Fleur see in me, but let's say what she's saying is true…

Then what am I looking for…?

What is it that I long for?

What is it that may fill this hole in my heart?



Chapter End