Bonus Chapter: What's your Wish from Santa?

Ciel: [Ah right, right. Thinking about it, approximately counting the days I've been here, I think it's around Christmas back in my world.]

Fleur: "Christ… mas? Is that a kind of holiday in your world?"

Ciel: [Yeah. It's celebrated on a specific day in winter.]

Purin: "Winter… *shiver*"

Ciel: [Hm? Are you not good at winter, Purin my friend?]

Purin: "Purin is not thine friend and it is none of thine concern, purin."

Fleur: "Truthfully, yes. Fufu. Purin's body freezes under extreme cold. That is why, whenever it is winter, she would just hide somewhere warm and let it pass."

Ciel: [… I see, I see. Pfft. Ahahahaha!]

Purin: "… Curse: Paralyze."

Ciel: [Ack! I-I was… k-kidding… I-I can't move…]

Purin: "Hmph!"

Ciel: [Phew… C-Can't take a joke, I see.]

Fleur: "So what is it about this Christimaas you were talking about, Ciel?"

Ciel: [Christmas. Ahh. Basically, it's celebrated during the day of the birth of Christ. Well, some countries already have a different way of spending it, though. Like they treat it as a day for the family, or a day for couples, sometimes a day for children. There's a lot of way to celebrate it.]

Fleur: "Christ… Is this person a prominent figure for his birthday to be celebrated all over the world?"

Ciel: [Well, according to a belief, yeah. Based on that belief, it's said that he saved mankind or something.]

Fleur: "Ohh! So he is a Hero. Did he defeat the Demon Lord or something along those lines?"

Ciel: [A-Ahh… No. That's not it. Or like, how can you say that? You're a Demon Lord, you know? (I guess her 'Hero' here is the Hero in the fantasy books that I've read back in my world.)]

Fleur: "Oh, right. Fufu. I sometimes forget that I am. I often read stories about those, you see."

Ciel: [Human books, I guess?]

Fleur: "Yes."

Ciel: [Makes sense. Anyways, actually, more than the main guy of the holiday, it's more like Santa Claus is the main guy of Christmas.]

Fleur: "Santa Claus?"

Ciel: [Yeah. He gives gifts to every good child every Christmas, or so they say.]

Fleur: "Gifts!"

Purin: "…!"

Ciel: [What's up, Purin? Coming back?]

Purin: "I-It is none of thine concern, purin."

Fleur: "Does that mean, if I become a good girl for the whole year, I will be given a gift??"

Ciel: [Yeah.]

Purin: "…!!"

Fleur: "Anything??"

Ciel: [Anything you wish. Oh, now that we're on the topic. What are you going to wish, Fleur?]

Fleur: "Can I make a wish???"

Ciel: [S-Sure… (Now that she's so excited about this, I can't really say that even back in my world, Santa doesn't actually exist…)]

Fleur: "You see…~ Fufu~ I… I want to see Mama, again…"

Ciel: [… Fleur…]

Fleur: "E-Ehehe… I am sorry. Damping on such a merry conversation…"

Ciel: [It's cool. I'm sure if Santa heard that, he will surely grant that wish.]

Fleur: "… Thank you very much. But even I know that that will be impossible. Thank you, nonetheless."

Ciel: "I see."

Purin: "*fidget* … *fidget*"

Ciel: [What's with the 'fidget' 'fidget', Purin? Washroom?]

Purin: "It is not, purin!!"

Fleur: "Fufu~ Well then, is there something Purin wishes?"

Ciel: [Ahh…]

Purin: "Y-Yes! Purin wishes for Milady's happiness!"

Fleur: "Thank you very much, Purin~ I am happy to hear that~"

Purin: "And for that trash to disappear around Milady!"

Ciel: [Don't say that with a voice full of happiness like it's some wish for world peace!!]



Ciel: [Well then, dear readers. I wish you a merry and a jolly holiday. Merry Christmas!]

Fleur: "M-Merry Christamas~ Will that do, Ciel?"

Purin: "Hmph. Merry Christmas. Wait, to whom are we saying these to, anyway…?"



Bonus Chapter End