It was the day when we both were ready to move on and settle up in our new residence. Our joy knew no bounds and the lava of our excitement were bursting abruptly inside us and we were hardly able to control it.
Keeping aside all our negative vibes, we set forward to our new possession. We stepped in and the air was filled with awkward silence, it was daytime and the rays of sun were adding more glam into the house through the windows.
We started to unwrap our belongings and setting them in a more attractive manner in order to beautify our new beloved home. We were almost done so along with Alex I went to the balcony to take some fresh air and have a cup of coffee. It was evening then and the sunset from the balcony brought tears in our eyes.
It was hardly two hours and we strongly fell in love with our home. As it grew darker, the surroundings grew silent and the only source of light outside our house was the moonlight.
We both were having a bit feeling of insecurity and a sense of perplexity looking towards the darkness outside the house.
Though we ignored it, we engaged ourselves in the decor of our house and preparing for the dinner.
Yet the night was yet to come with full of flabbergast in it.
Shrisha Mallick