Chapter 9

We were done with all our works and actually we both were extremely tired by then. The clock showed sharp 10:30. We had our dinner and we were very happy that day as we expressed love forgetting all the tension and perplexion we possessed.

Yes, the hardest part of the day to pass was here. It was night again and we were again nervous. The eeriness of the place sends chills throughout our veins. Although we were damn tired to even keep the eyes open.

Alex then insisted me to sleep with the Bible along with us and I did as he asked me to do, I took the Bible and kept it beside us where we sleep.

We were asleep within no time and for the first time we slept in peace till the morning without any obstruction.

The next morning was pleasant. The sun played hide and seek with the dark clouds spread over the sky. The wind added more pleasure to the scenario. And we were delighted to wake up having a complete and proper sleep at night.

We thought everything's fine now. Everything got better and we started hoping for a beautiful and normal life.

Alex woke up and stretched his arms towards me directing me to come inside his arms. "come on dude, get up now. it's getting late" I said.

He quickly pulled me towards him and with no time my head rested in his shoulder and no longer had the power to deny him any further because I felt to spend my entire life there itself.

"Enjoy the romance in the weather and let that spread in our lives too. I love u sweetheart" he said which was then followed by a bunch of kisses showered all over my face.

I fell in love again and we went on talking about our love. It was a real bliss!