Chapter 10

The weather changed, and it furiously turned out to be worse. Raining all the hours preventing us from going to work, thundering strikes the earth as if it was giving an ultimatum of the world is going to end way too quick. Chilled gushes of wind blowing and ripping apart the tall trees like somewhat it's taking revenge from the tall fellow trees.

No doubt the area was filled with fright, it was deserted as it stays but the weather change has added some more pinch of terror in it. I look around and I'm shaking, terribly but I don't know why! it's frightening, way more than it could be just explained.

I somewhat frowned, sobbing and shrieking and cursed myself as well as Alex for choosing this place as our home!

"Was the city really out of homes properties? That we had to end up choosing this creepy bloody area as our 'so called fucked up home'. I don't understand what we found so good in it, we need to walk and drive for about a decade to reach to the market and buy food and all the necessary items, even for work! disgusting area. Moreover this place brought us bad luck, bad spirits are roaming around us in chase of our lives and freak the ass out."

Alex made a puppy face and was helplessly listening to me, he had no words to reply or to console. "You know that even I'm stressed for this, I'm trying hard and level best to get rid of this place, everything will work out soon just have patience. I'm there with you, it's just that the time isn't going good!

I somewhat pulled up myself and geared up, and went towards the chores left undone. Late at afternoon we had our lunch and I was no doubt irritated and thought of possessing some supreme power so that I could destroy the place or run away to another crowded yet peaceful place. I start hating this place even more when I get reminded of that it's mandatory to cook food everyday and there's no point of ordering food because none of the restaurants give service to the place that doesn't belong to the earth or some undiscovered area of the earth which was only visible and once loved by the stupid us!