Leanne's real family

Deanne came inside Leanne's room, sat on the chair next to the bed took her hand and told her:

- I hope that what Hunter told you it wasn't a shock for you. I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you the first we met, but Hunter said that you have to be calm before the surgery. Also, my parents... no our parents and I wanted to become close to you with out you knowing, so that you can became comfortable around us and get to know us so you won't be awkward after we told you that we are your family. Mom and dad will come later to see you if is not to much for you. I want to know everything that happen in your life, but I will let you rest for now and I will be back in a couple of hour with our parents. Deanne said as she hugged Leanne and left the room so that her sister can rest.

When Deanne came back she found her sister still sleeping, so she just sat on the chair waiting for Leanne to wake up. In the end Deanne also fell asleep on the chair, but as she was to fall face off and hit her head someone grabbed her by the arm not letting her fall. That woke up Deanne in an instant. She realized that the person that helped her was her own sister.

- Are you alright, Leanne? You just had a surgery you have to be careful.

- Yes, but that doesn't make me a totally helpless person. Leanne said with a smile on her face.

- Mom and dad will come as well in an hour. If you are to tired I can asked them to come tomorrow.

- I just told you I'm not helpless. I can't wait to see how they really look like. I wonder who I resemble more: mom or dad. But until they arrive, I need a favor to ask of you.

- Sure. As long is not something bad.

- Not quite. But sit down, because I don't want to shock you with what I'm gonna tell you.

- Okay. This means that is serious what you want to tell me.

- Deanne, I'm married.

- Married? With whom? Do I know him? Of course not, since you're live in another country. Silly me.

- Sis, calm down.

- Right, right. What happen? Why he's not here with you.

- He doesn't know where I am. I told him that I will go visit my parents. My adoptive parents.

- But he must be worried about you.

- No, he's not. Since his ex-fiancee came back, she practically moved in our home. She keeps asking him to divorce me.

- Is he sleeping with her?

- I don't know, while I'm around they aren't doing anything. That's why I need your help. I want you to go to our home and tell him about the surgery and that I died during the surgery, that you are my twin sister. But take Hunter with you so he won't mistake you as me. Will you help me, please Dee.

- Don't worry sis, I'll help you. That husband of yours don't deserves you. I don't even know him but I'm so angry with him.

- Thanks sis. I also need your help with something else. I want to look like you.

- But we do look like each other.

- That's not what I meant. I mean the way you dress, and how you do your make-up and hair. After you meet with my husband I will take your place and meet with him. But you still need to stay with Hunter so that my husband won't suspect anything. I can't act with my future brother-in-law been lovey-dovey.

- So do you want to take revenge on him?

- I don't know yet. Depends if he is still with his ex-fiancee. But you have to promise me you won't tell mom and dad about this. Not until everything will be sorted out.

- Okay, I'll promise.

As soon as she finished speaking they heard a few knock on the door.

- Come in. Said Leanne. She knew that they must be their parents.

-Leanne, dear. Her mother called her walked to her and hugged her.

- I missed you so much all this years. Now I have you back with me.

- Hello. Mom, dad. I'm glad that I had the chance to see all of you after all this years. But I must confess something. I don't remember who I am, or how I turned blind. I only remembered my name. But I got adopted by a really nice family. It was no wonder why I felt so familiar with you. Can you please tell my what happen?

- We had a car accident when we went to the country that you live now to visit our relatives. They took us and your sister to the hospital, but they never found you. We search you for years, we hired the best detectives, but to no avail. Perhaps your memory will came back if you come to stay with us.

- Mom, dad, I will come and stay with you. But not right now. I need to go back to my country and speak with my adoptive parents and see if they know something.

- Okay. But I don't want you to go back alone.

- Dad, don't worry. Hunter and me will go with her.

- Were are we going? Said Hunter as he came inside.

- We are going to take Leanne home...