Returning home

While they were flying back with Jessie's private plane, Deanne asked Leanne:

- Are you sure about this? What if things goes wrong?

- Don't worry, sis. I'm not the same I was back then.

- Okay. You know that I'm here for you if you need help.

- I know sis, thank you.

- Do you want Hunter and me go first look for your husband, or going to an hotel?

- There's no need to go to an hotel, you all can stay at my place. That way you won't be discovered by Henry. And there is still tomorrow. You can see him then.

- Thank you, Jessie.


Henry was getting ready to go outside, when he heard a knock on his house door.

- Who could be at this hour? Henry said as he opened the door. He became pale when he saw who was at the door.

- Leanne, where have you been? I looked everywhere for you. I even asked your parents, but they wouldn't tell me. I missed you so much. Said Henry as he got closer to her and wanted to hug her, but another man appeared in Front on her who said:

- Mr. Henry. My name is Hunter, and this woman is not your wife, she is my fiancee Deanne and also Leanne twin sister.

- Not my wife? Twin sister? How can this be possible? Where is my wife? What did you do to her?

- Calm down Mr. Henry. Said Hunter.

- We came to tell you that your wife came to my country a month ago. At first we didn't know that Leanne was Deanne's twin, not until she came to my hospital for her eyes surgery. My sister also told us that she saw a woman looking exactly like my fiancee.

- But where is Leanne now? Why isn't she with you? Is she still in the hospital? Why did you say it was?

- Unfortunately, my sister died on the operation table. And that's all your fault. Hunter told her that she needed to be calm before the surgery, but I guess she couldn't do it because she was really sad because of you. So she had an cardiac arrest and they couldn't resuscitate her.

- No. It can't be true. My Leanne couldn't be dead. Henry said as he started crying.

- She wouldn't be dead if it weren't for you. And now I can't even get to spend time with her anymore. A month is to little compared to the years that you had her with you, and you didn't even cherished my sister. She told me everything you did. So, don't start crying in front of me because I don't believe you. Said Deanne with an angry voice. Hunter, let's go I don't want to stay here even for a second.

Henry didn't know what to think anymore as he just stood in front of the door for a long time. He only reacted when his phone rang.