Meeting him as Deanne...

When Deanne and Hunter came back from talking with Henry, they told her everything what he said.

- What are you going to do now?

- I don't know yet, sis. I'll go for a walk to think and clear my head,

- Okay, sis. But first cover the mole on your neck, or else if you were to meet by chance with Henry you'll get discovered.

- You're right. I forgot about my mole. Thank you for the remainder.

- Anytime, sis. Love you.

- Love you too.


As Leanne walked through the city, she was indeed spotted by Henry. She didn't notice him until he was in front of her. She was shocked at first, but then she realized that he was drunk.

- Leanne, why did you had to die? I love you so much, I'm so angry at my self for not telling you this not even once in our years together. I know you think that I betrayed you with my ex-fiancee, but I really didn't. You have to believe me.

Leanne didn't know what to do with what Henry told her. She keeps staring at him without saying a word.

- What? Don't you believe me? Then I will prove it to you. Henry said as he started to kiss her. It was a light kisses at first, but then he deepen the kiss seeing that she is not responding to his kisses. Leanne was indeed shocked by the sudden kisses that she didn't know how to react. Then she realized that she indeed missed him and started to respond to his kisses. She only stopped and gently pushed him away when she heard peoples whispers on the street. By then Henry fell asleep and started to fall, luckily Leanne catches him even if he weights more than her, sits him on a bench near by, and went to find a cab.It didn't took long to find one, Leanne asked the driver to help her with him to the car and told the driver to take them to the nearest hotel since she couldn't take him home for fear she would expose herself. The driver also help her to carry him inside the hotel. They sat him in the hotel lobby, on a chair. Leanne thanked the driver and also gave him a generous tip for helping her. Then she went to the reception asked for a room, paid for the room, and asked the hotel bellboy to help her carry him to the room and they put him on the bed. She also gave the bellboy a big tip for the help and also gave him some money to buy something for an hangover. After she had taken his shoes off, she just sat on a chair next to the bed and kept looking at him and thinking about the kisses that he gave her early. She recovered only after she heard a knock on the door. It was the bellboy with the hangover medicine. Henry woke up as he heard the knock on the door. At first he didn't know where he was, but then he saw Leanne at the door talking with someone. He softly called her name: Leanne. But she didn't turned right away, because he knows about the fact she can hear really well. She only went to him after the bellboy left.

- Mr. Henry. Here drink this. It's hangover medicine. She brought him a glass of water for the medicine.

- Also, please stop calling me Leanne. I'm not my sister.

- I'm sorry. It's just that you look so much like her. I'm sorry about the kisses too. I was to drunk to realize what I was doing. But is something that keeps bugging me. Why did you kissed me back since you have a fiance?

- You took me by surprise and because of the shock I reacted in a way I didn't expect.

- Excuse me, for saying this, I know that I shouldn't, but I felt something when I kissed you. Henry said as he came closer to her and began kissing her again. At that moment Leanne didn't care about anything else because she missed him so much, she missed his embrace, his touch, everything. So, she didn't mind anymore when Henry took her to bed and made love to her in a way he didn't do it before.


- Leanne, I was really worried about you. You've been missing for quite long. Did you meet with Henry? He didn't do something bad to you? Didn't he? Deanne asked Leanne as she took her to Leanne's room for a girl to girl talk. - He didn't do anything bad. We just slept together.

- What? How could you do that?

- I love him. The problem is that he think that he slept with you. So he will try to search for you because of that. We have to leave tonight, or he will end up fighting Hunter.

- I'm not afraid of that, nor Hunter.

- You might not be, but I am. So, lets just leave. You also need to finish your wedding preparations.

- But what about your adoptive parents?

- I already spoken with them when you were at my house this morning. I will tell you later. I need to go talk to Jessie to have the plane ready, and you must go talk to Jack.