The wedding

It's been two months since Leanne, Deanne and Hunter returned. But Henry didn't stopped searching for her. He even asked one of his detective friends to look for her too. Two days before Deanne and Hunter's wedding his friend found out were she is. He also told Henry that she will get married in two days. Thinking that the one he slept with was Deanne, he decided to go and see her for the last time, and talk to her see if he can get a chance with her. But he also knew that there are 1% chances for that to happen. Even so he didn't let go of hope.


At the church...

Leanne was helping Deanne with her bride's dress, when she told her:

- Dee, I'm pregnant.

- I'm happy for you, sis. Have you decided to tell Henry about the fact he's going to have a child?

- I'm still thinking about that. Leanne was about to say something when she heard someone running towards the room. It was Jessie who came inside in a big hurry and said to her:

- Leanne, Henry... Henry is here.

- What? No way. Jessie you need to hide. I don't want him to see you or he'll suspect that I'm still alive. Dee, you have to hide too.

- Let me deal with him, Leanne.

- No. This is my thing. Sorry, Dee. Please.

- Okay. I will call Hunter to tell the priest that we have to delay the wedding a bit.

- Henry knows that I'm getting married today. We have to get you a bride's dress from somewhere.

- There's no time for that. Ask the make-up artist to come help. Jessie give me that robe to put on top of the dress, and hopefully he wouldn't notice something.


Henry's heart started beating really fast as he reached the room where Deanne was. He slowly opened the door and walked inside.

- Deanne, can I talk with you for a moment?

- Henry? What are you doing here? If you came to ruin the wedding, let me tell you that you don't stand a chance to do that.

- Miss can you let us talk alone?

- Sure. Deanne I'll see you later.

- Okay.

- Deanne, what happen between us that day didn't mean anything to you?

- No. It didn't. Henry, please just go.

- Look me in the eyes and tell me again that it didn't meant anything to you. Henry said as he turned Deanne towards him.

- That day didn't meant and it's still doesn't mean anything to me.

- I don't believe you. But I'll do as you wish, I'll leave. But before that I want one last kiss from you and you can't say no.

Seeing that Deanne nodded, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her closer and kissed her. He put everything that he felt for her in that kiss as tears came falling down from his eyes. He felt that he was kissing Leanne, not Deanne. Henry ended the kiss, hugged her, turn around and left.

Leanne wanted to cry seeing him leave, but she knows that she can't since is her sister wedding and she doesn't want to be seen by her parents like that.

- Leanne, are you alright? Asked Deanne as she came in.

- No, but I'll be. Let's get you married. I don't want to delay your wedding more that I already had.


Henry stood across the church behind a large tree, waiting to see Deanne with Hunter as they coming out the church as husband and wife. Maybe then he can let go of her. After they finished taking pictures with all the guests on the church stairs, as they walked to the parked car next to the tree where Henry was, he noticed that the Deanne that stood next to Hunter, doesn't has a mole like the Deanne that he was kissing inside that room. Does that means that Leanne is... alive, and that he can ask her to forgive him, he can ask her to give him another chance. Seeing that Deanne and Hunter left, he crossed the street in a hurry to look for Leanne, he didn't saw the car that was coming towards him in a full speed and hit him. The car's driver left the scene in a hurry. Someone called the police and the ambulance. Leanne saw that was a big crowd of people gathered in front of the church and went there to see what happen. But when she saw that it was Henry and that he was hurt she fainted. Luckily with Jessie that caught her so she didn't get hurt. As Leanne and Henry, were brought to the hospital, Jessie called Deanne and told her what happen and told her to come to the hospital.


Waiting for Leanne to recover from the faint, Deanne told her parents everything about Henry, and that Leanne is pregnant. Then she went inside the room to check on her.

- Good evening, Sleeping Beauty.

- Deanne, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in your honeymoon with Hunter.

- How can I let my sister alone, especially when she needs me.

- Henry. How is he?

- You have to be strong for you and for your baby. There are some bad news.

- Don't tell me that he is...

- No, don't worry, he isn't. It just that because of the accident Henry became blind.