Cup of Brew

"I H-have n-nev-er been u-p th-id ear-ly be-fore." Edlyn enunciated very slowly as she and Ariana walked down the path to the front entrance. "I just wished I fell asleep earlier." Ariana yawned. She looked up at the sky and saw that the sun just starting to light up the sky. She always believed the sun rise was something that happened ridiculously fast but to her surprise the sun was just as lazy as any other person trying to get out of bed.

By the time they finally made it down the path and were at the beginning they could see the entire sky. The light of the sun shone across the horizon. Making a brightly light dividing line across the dark sky and the earth.

They stood their watching as the bright ball of fire inched it's way upwards, making the sky above them turn tie dyed with beautiful shades of light blue, orange and red while the few clouds turned a darker orange and pink. The scene was breath taking to them and they couldn't help but feel like it was a reward for their efforts. They then turned to one another and smiled.

Finally the sun was in the sky and the girls looked around until they found their luggage. With a heavy sigh they collected everything and made sure nothing was missing. "I wish we had known earlier about this!" Ariana complained as she looked at everything. "D-definitely." Edlyn replied as they both sagged their shoulders in self pity. Between the two of them they had a good five pieces of luggage and the weren't small.

"I guess we should start going back up... by the time the others start showing up we'll probably be half way there." Ariana said with an awkward laugh. Edlyn shook her head no and gave her a brilliant smile.

"I h-heard a se-cret." She said as her eyes sparkled mischievously. "Ohhh!" Ariana exclaimed as she clapped her hands together and scooted next to her friend. "Please, do tell!" Ariana said excitedly. Edlyn looked around and pointed a little behind them. "Th-ere, just w-wait a f-ew more min-utes." She said as Ariana kept her eyes glued to an awkward looking shrub like area.

They were tiny but wide with patches of green pine needles. However the rest of the shrubs itself was mostly brown, as if someone had over watered the area. After a few minutes Ariana's excitement died and she looked at Edlyn with disappointed eyes.

"I think your information is wrong." She said with a dead pan face. Edlyn brought a fist to her mouth as she tried to stifle her giggle. Ariana almost swooned and brought the back of her hand to her forehead. "Miss Edlyn your laugh is so beautiful! So clear, so pure! I dare say even the clearest of chimes would be envious of that laugh."

Edlyn stopped giggling and stared at Ariana. Her face was completely frozen in place as a single tear rolled down her cheek. "Hey, hey, hey! No, come on hun. I didn't mean to make you cry... it was just me wanting to make you laugh... it really is a beautiful sound and I'm happy to hear it for the first time but you restrained yourself to a small giggle." She said quickly as she tried to comfort her friend. She had brought up her hand and gently wiped the tear from Edlyn's cheek.

Edlyn started to blush and her entire body glowed with joy. "I c-an l-augh." She said as her gaze became so gentle and caring Ariana couldn't stop herself from embracing her friend. "Ya... you can laugh all you want now." She gently said before releasing her friend.

"Ahhhh looook!" Edlyn shouted as she pointed towards the bushes. Ariana quickly turned around and saw what Edlyn was pointing at. The bushes started to shake violently before them. "Hello?" Ariana called out and one by one the bushes pulled out their roots and came to life.

"Oy! Who dares greet so early in the morning?!" A gruff sounding voice called out as the other bushes started to stretch out the twig like arms. "Ah! I'm so sorry! Good morning sir and companions." Ariana called out as she straightened up her back.

"Murray who the hell is greeting us?" A shrill voice shouted. "Shut it Martha! No one wants to hear your voice first thing in the morning!" Murray shouted back as some other bushes grunted their opinions. "Eh! My voice is lovelier then you lot!" Martha shrieked. "Oy! I said shut it Martha! I ain't had my morning brew yet so your voice is anything but lovely at the moment!" Murray shouted back.

"Ex-cuse me." Edlyn said as she stepped forward. Murray turned his gaze towards Edlyn, his eyes were quite sunken into the bush body but his mouth was clearly visible. A slit across his wide body, the pine like needles would part dramatically but is never revealed his twigs, branches or main body. It was fascinating. Murray looked at Edlyn then Ariana then to Edlyn again. "Speak already! It's early and you excused yourself so talk." He said as he pointed his twig finger at Edlyn.

"Yes!" Edlyn shouted a little too loudly. Ariana stepped forward and stretched out a protective arm. "It's early we apologize but you shouldn't be so rude." Ariana said as she stared down Murray. With a sigh Murray scratched his belly and a tiny mouse popped out and scurried away. "You're right... I'm sorry young missus but you got to understand I need my brew to be pleasant."

Ariana dropped her arm and stretched out her hand to Murray. "Very understandable. Let me introduce myself first then let me help you fetch your brew." Murray eyed her smile then clasped her hand. "Very well, it's a deal." He answered as he firmly shook her hand. "Ariana Drake, a pleasure and this is my best friend, Edlyn Abela."

"Murray of the bush folk, behind me is Martha, Gus, Ivan, Chuck, Bertha and Tiny." He said before he released her hand. "A pleasure." Ariana said with a nod. "So what is this brew you were talking about?"

The bush folk all looked at one another and started to smile. "We bush folk always fancy a good cup of coffee and will walk up to go grab a cup in the mess hall but you know the ladies up there are never that great at serving a cup." Murray said with a mischievous smile.

"Tis a pity to not have a good brew, makes our bodies wither a bit every time we grab a cup but be damn as it may we can't help it. A brew in the mornin' is a must." Ivan chimed in while the others agreed.

"So a cup of coffee... what if I said I can help you get a good cup of coffee in exchange for your help?" Ariana said as she carefully watched the bush folk. "I'd say you better not be lying." Murray replied darkly while Gus and tiny started to crack their knuckles.

"Never! I help run my mother's cafe so I know the importance of a good cup of joe!" She said as she brought her hands up defensively. "Oy! She speaks my language!" Bertha shouted as she moved next to Murray and started to shake his body. "Murray let's do it, let's do it! I need me a good brew!" Bertha continued.

Murray's dried up needles started to fall and he smacked Bertha's hands away. "Stop shaking me!" He shouted as he pointed at the ground. "I don't need your help to make me bald!" Bertha waved her hand dismissive hand in the air and turned to Ariana. "Yes I want a cup."

Martha smacked Bertha in the back of the hand, Bertha looked back and flipped her off. "Don't be like that stupid! I'm saving you! Nothing in this world is free!" Bertha rolled her middle finger back and slowly turned to Ariana. "What you want?"

Ariana smiled. "Some help to bring up our luggage." The bush folk looked behind the girls and stood there silently for a moment before huddling up together. "Brew! It's for a good brew!" Chuck shouted.

"Brew my bush! We don't need to work for them ladies at the mess hall! We can still get a cup for nothing!" Murray shouted back.

"Cup for nothing! Don't be daft! You're wasting away as it is with their brew! It's crap and you no it!" Martha shrieked.

"Some crap would be good for you! Heavens know you need it to bring back some of your former glory." Murray sneered.

"Tis not polite to act like this in front of her Majesty." Ivan said as he pointed his thumb back.

"Oy, majesty or no majesty us bush folk could give a rats a** to who comes before us. All that matters is a good brew." Chuck said then spat on the ground.

"That's right! That's right a good brew!" Bertha shouted.

"...So we do it?" Tiny asked cautiously.

"We do it." They all agreed.

Murray emerged from the huddle and looked at Ariana. "Where do you want you luggage taken to?"


"This is a good brew." Murray said as he relaxed with his cup of coffee. "Aye, worth the effort." Ivan said before taking another sip. "I feel so good. It's not like the crap them mess ladies give us." Martha said with a less shrill voice. "You're right... even your voice sounds tolerable." Murray sighed.

"F*ck off Murray." Martha replied with an endearing voice. "You know I love you woman." He said before polishing off his cup of coffee while Martha waved another dismissive hand. "Thank you Miss Ariana. This was good and I dare say may even bring some life back to these old branches. But can I ask you something?" Murray asked.

Ariana nodded her head. "Why hide your familiars? You could have asked them to help you." He stated with a narrowed gaze. Ariana brought her hands to her ears and blushed slightly. "They're not my familiars... besides I was instructed to keep them hidden for the time being."

Murray eyed her and then glanced his empty cup. "Would you like another cup? I'm sure the other pot I made is done now." Ariana asked. Soon enough everyone extended out their mugs while Edlyn was happily sipping her hot chocolate. Ariana giggled as she stood up from the table.

"Alright, I'll be right back." She said as she went towards the kitchen. She saw the mess ladies relaxing at a table in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in hand. "I think the scones are done." A plump, older looking lady called out to Ariana when she walked in.

"Oh fantastic! Thank you Lee." She said as she rushed over to open the oven. "You're right! Just perfect." She said as she grabbed the oven mitts and then grabbed the tray. "Oh that does smell good." A younger, thinner lady said as she sniffed the air.

"Now Shirley, Ariana was nice enough to make us such a good cup of coffee I don't want you begging for food too." Lee said as she waved a finger at her. "Oh Lee, you know you want one too. Isn't that right Flora." Shirley said as she turned to a petite middle aged woman who was drinking a cup of hot chocolate. She put her cup down and nodded her head enthusiastically.

"See." Shirley said proudly. Ariana laughed and plated a few scones for the ladies. "You did. help me make them so it's only fair." She said as the ladies looked up at her. "Well you shared a lovely recipe with us... are you sure your mother won't mind?" Shirley asked as she quickly grabbed a golden scone.

"Oh course not! I was just surprised to see you that's all." Ariana said as she gave Shirley a big hug from behind. "I would say the same thing! You know I missed your classes! Roy and Rin aren't bad teachers but you... you just make everything so much more lively! These last two years I couldn't help but worry that something happened to you but low and behold you're here!" Shirley said as she patted Ariana's arm.

"Sorry I needed to prepare for today." Ariana said pitifully and Shirley just smiled. "Listen, if you ever need to use the kitchen be our guest, just don't forget to give us a lesson every once in a while. The students would appreciate a change in food." She said as Ariana slowly released her from her embrace.

"You know I will." Ariana said with a wink and walked off with the rest of the strawberry scones and a pot of coffee. "Small world." Shirley muttered with a laugh. "You're right, small world." Lee said before she took a bit of the scone and melted. While Flora eyed Shirley's uneaten scone even though she already had one in her mouth and another in hand.

"Sorry it took so long but you will appreciate the wait. The scones are done." Ariana announced as she placed everything done and started pouring a new cup of coffee for everyone. "What's this?" Tiny said as he poked one of the golden pastries with red blotches.

"Strawberry scones... do you guys eat?" She asked as she picked up a scone. "Aye, we eat but this... we've never seen this." Ivan said as he watched Ariana cut her scone in half and buttered it. "Try it, if you don't like it I'll not be offended." She said as she gave the buttered scone to Edlyn, who's face lit up with joy she could barely contain herself. She took one bite and sank into her seat. "Gooood." She moaned.

The bush folk looked at the scone and still hesitated. "You can eat it as is or with butter or with jam. The jam is from my mom's cafe, one of the mess ladies is a regular customer so she gave me her secret stash." She said as she opened a glass jar.

Gus couldn't stop himself and quickly grabbed a scone. He shoved it all into his mouth. Everyone watched him as he chewed then swallowed. He looked so sad that it shocked everyone. "Well?" Murray asked as the others held their breath. "I ate it too fast... I should have ate slower and enjoyed it." Gus replied.

The other bush folk quickly grabbed a scone and treated it like a treasure. Ariana laughed and cut her scone into small pieces. "Here Gus, one plain, one with butter and one with jam. Sorry it's so small but please enjoy."

Gus's face lit up as he took the scone pieces. He took small bites and fully enjoyed himself while the other handed back their scones. "You too?" Ariana asked and they all nodded their heads. She watched as everyone ate and she sipped at her hot chocolate. "Eat." Edlyn said as she gave Ariana a quarter of her buttered scone. Ariana wanted to protest but her stomach growled.

She graciously took the scone and ate it slowly. After they were done they waved goodbye to the mess hall ladies and went outside. "I'd say we got the better end of this deal." Murray said as the walked back to the main building.

A group of young people stared them down as they approached. "Don't mind them. They're jealous that we helped you and not them." Murray said as Ariana recalled what happened. When they had finished making their deal students were already coming in with their carriages. No one knew they had to carry their own luggage up the path and they were not all pleased to see that the bush folk helped only the two girls and not them.

"Well a little hard work doesn't hurt. I mean they only had to bring it to the front desk, the guards magically sent it to their rooms so it wasn't so bad." Ariana said with a shrugged and the bush folk cheered for her response.

"That's right! That's right! Every year it's always the same. They see us, wake up and assume we would help! So every year we always decline... you're quite special." Bertha said as they continued to walk. Ariana kept silent but Edlyn nodded her head.

"Great cook!" She shouted and again the bush folk agreed enthusiastically. "We might call you for another brew. Do you think you can keep up with us?" Murray asked as they finally reached the front of the building.

Ariana looked down the path then to the bush folk. "Just stop by. I don't think I can't escape Shirley anyways, I did say I would give them some cooking lessons." The bush folk cheered and started to walk down the path. Ariana and Edlyn waved goodbye as they watched them disappear.

Edlyn watched as more people turned their heads as they enthusiastically talked about the bush folk. She patted Ariana's shoulder and brought up her hands when she turned to face her. "I'm a little nervous." She signed and Ariana placed her hands over top of hers. "Don't be. I'll stand by you but... I'm nervous too, we made a big scene."

Edlyn tried to pull her hands away but Ariana wouldn't let go. "Use your voice. The more you practice the better you'll get, so don't hold back." Ariana said. Edlyn dropped her gaze. "W-what if I am ma-de f-un of?" She asked in a tiny voice that Ariana couldn't help but hug her.

"Then I'll kick their a**es! You're braver then you think." She said happily. "Th-ank you." Edlyn replied as she hugged her back. Ariana sighed then felt a giant chill run down her body. She pushed herself away and looked back. "W-what's wr-ong?" Edlyn asked but Ariana was scanning the area with her eyes.

The chill did not leave her body, she soon broke out into a cold sweat as her heart rate rose. "-ana, -riana, Ariana?" Edlyn called out and Ariana snapped back to reality. "We better go." She said as she pushed Edlyn back into the building. "Why?" She asked and Ariana gulped back saliva. Her mouth was dry and the fear shone in her eyes. "That thing is back."