
"Back?! It's back?!" Edlyn said with a loud whisper, not daring to call anymore attention to themselves. "Yes." Ariana whispered back. "But Cay-den k-kill-ed it." She said but Ariana shook her head no.

"No I swear, it's back. I couldn't see it but I sensed it." Ariana whispered as she hugged herself. 'Master...' Aroha called out causing Edlyn's hair to practically raise into the air. "You can't talk yet remember!" Ariana practically yelled under her breath. 'Master I'm sorry but I just wanted to let you know you're right.' Aroha continued.

"Alright I believe you but please no more talking." She urged. Edlyn grabbed Ariana's hand and rushed her to the other side of the building. "We sh-ould be s-afe here, wi-th the oth-ers." She whispered as they joined a group of people.

A snooty looking miss turned around. She was a petite, fair skinned, had rich sandy, beach blond hair with a streaks of burgundy in her ringlet hair, which was tied up into bun twin tails. She had a pointed nose and chin, upwards slanted peach coloured eyes and small, pink pouting lips. "Why are you speaking like that?" She asked loudly with a sickly sweet voice that Ariana instantly narrowed her gaze at the girl.

"Why are you speaking with a sweet baby voice?" Ariana asked her back. The girl started to tremble as she brought up a delicate fist to her mouth and her eyes started to water. "I was just curious... I never heard someone speak like that before... I was just curious... Don't hate." She said with a pitiful and even louder voice that soon everyone had turned to look at them.

"And I was just curious why a 15 year old girl would be speaking like a child? Well... I assume you're 15... right?" Ariana asked as she looked over the girl.

She could see that she hit a nerve as a vein popped out just under her bangs. The girl dropped her gaze and allowed tiny tears to fall and hit the ground. "I'm sorry... but I have always looked this way... I am 15 years old but that doesn't mean you can bully me." The girl cried elegantly and soon enough some of the boys around them started to come to her rescue. "Leave Miss Vanessa alone!"

"Yes leave this poor bunny alone! She's done nothing to you!"

"How dare you insult Miss Vanessa! She is a sweet angel!"

Ariana rolled her eyes and looked at the boys while Vanessa smiled wickedly under her concealed face. Ariana wondered if this girl only had male friends. "I asked if she was 15 years old. If she wasn't then she would have been a child prodigy and I would have been amazed, but she's the same age as me." Ariana said with a slightly distasteful look.

"So I'm going to ask again, why are you using a sweet baby voice to talk? I only ask because you asked my friend about her manner of speech and I can tell you it's because English is not her first language." Ariana continued.

Vanessa choked as he eyes grew wide as she felt everyone's gazes fell on her. "I'm so sorry... I had no idea she was a foreigner..." Vanessa replied as she raised her apologetic face. "She's not a foreigner, just English is not her first language. Were you perhaps raised by overly loving parents who couldn't correct your speech?" Ariana kept pressing.

Vanessa took a step back and allowed small tears to roll down her slightly round cheeks. "Is it a crime for my parents to love me?" Vanessa asked pitifully. The crowd started to sympathize with Vanessa. Ariana shook her head no.

"Was just asking, you got your answer about my friend and you still haven't answered mine. I want to hear your answer, why is it necessary to speak with an infant voice? You'll be surrounded by people around your age in the Academy and I don't want anyone making fun of you. So I'm pointing it out now. If it is your choice to speak that way unless you have a speech disorder then everyone will know and there won't be any weird looks." Ariana said bluntly and the crowd started murmuring as all eyes moved to Vanessa.

"I... I... I have taken your words into consideration and will correct my speech." Vanessa replied in a normal voice but the three boys who had come to her rescue could hear the sad and defeated undertones.

A slightly built boy clenched his fist and jaw as he watched a sad Vanessa lose the lively cuteness from her eyes. He turned around and faced Ariana with murderous intent. He stomped up to Ariana and grabbed her chin. "How she chooses to talk is none of your business!" He spat in her face. Ariana blinked and gave the boy a defiant gaze.

"I know it's none of my business." She answered nonchalantly that it caused the boy's jaw to drop as he released Ariana's face. "She is not my friend or family but a human being who has feelings. Feelings that could easily be hurt because of her way of speech." Ariana continued as she wiped the spit from her face.

"Then why," The boy started but Ariana glared him into silence. "But at the same time, she asked a question about my friend's speech. If she didn't want an answer then why ask?" The boy became furious and pointed back at Vanessa as he glared Ariana down. "Then why change her cuteness?!"

Ariana tilted her head and looked at the boy quizzically. "So speaking like that at her age can be seen as cute? Interesting, I'll make note of that and leave her alone the next time she speaks 'cute like'. I just didn't want anyone to bully her... just like I'll never allow someone to bully my best friend Edlyn." Ariana replied as she waved a hand at Edlyn.

"What's so good about some pink haired foreigner who doesn't know the language? Why not just stay quiet so we don't have to listen to her weak attempt at-?!" The boy couldn't finish his sentence as Ariana's fist went flying and collided into his nose.

The boy was tossed backwards as blood squirted out. "I said no one is allowed to bully my best friend." Ariana said fiercely as the boy landed on the cobblestone road. Vanessa gulped and everyone else took a step back. The boy was unconscious on the ground and his friends inched closely towards him to try and help him up.

"What are you all doing?" A familiar voice called out. Everyone turned and saw a tall male with midnight blue-green hair, elegantly tied back into a ponytail. "Xander!" Vanessa called out affectionately. "First years, please follow my to the auditorium." He said swiftly and turned to lock eyes with Edlyn. There was a small, fleeting moment before he turned and lead the group forward.

The group walked forward silently but Edlyn grabbed Ariana's hand. She brought her hands up, hesitated then brought them down and sighed. "W-why d-id you do th-at?" She asked with a worried face.

Ariana flashed her a sly smile. "Easy. I took a stand in front of everyone. I'll not tolerate anyone who even wants to passively bully you, so people now know that they shouldn't mess with me or you as I am protecting you." Edlyn pursed her lips and looked away. "Ahh come on, don't be like that." Ariana said as she wrapped her arm around Edlyn's shoulder and poked her soft cheek. "You'll be h-ated and f-eared."

"How is that any different from the magical creatures?" Ariana aasked nonchalantly, Edlyn couldn't bring herself to fight her on it and just sighed. "Th-ank you." She said as they continued to walk.

They soon approached the school building but instead of going straight Xander turned right and lead them down another path. "Remember how to get here. We hold assemblies here every so often and if you miss one or are even late you will get punished." Xander shouted for everyone to hear.

"Big brother Xander, have you seen Cayden?" Vanessa asked in a sickly sweet voice but remembered to drop her babyish tone. "No idea." Xander answered indifferently as he kept walking. Ariana eyed Vanessa as she could feel a knot in her stomach starting to form. "You o-kay?" Edlyn asked but Ariana just absentmindedly nodded her head. "I'm fine." She muttered. She didn't like Vanessa and she had a feeling she would never come to like her.

The group soon walked up to a Cathedral like building with multiple towers that reached for the sky. It's cold, yellow bricks were stained with blotches of brown and grey from time and weather. It had large archways that looked over the main doors and stain glass windows. Smack right in the center above the main doors was a giant stain glass window with a picture of a beautiful golden woman.

She was surrounded by a red man, blue woman, white woman, a green woman, a tan man and 5 men and woman in purple. Kneeling at the woman feet was a black shadow of a man who was kissing her left hand as her right was raised upwards. Vines, flowers, birds and small pixies spilled from her glowing finger tips.

Ariana was mesmerized by the stain glass that she froze in place as everyone else walked around her. "Ariana?" Edlyn called but Ariana couldn't budge, she couldn't blink, she was barely breathing. "Ariana?" Edlyn called a little louder but Ariana's beating heart started to pound louder, drowning out her friends voice.

Ariana was pretty sure she heard Edlyn say something but she sounded so far away. "Ariana!" Xander said as he slapped Ariana across the face. "Ow! What the hell was that for?!" She shouted as her vision started to focus. "You've been worrying your friend sick over here." He said coolly as Edlyn seemed conflicted with her emotions.

She looked relieved but angry, scared yet happy but mostly angry and she wasn't sure with who. Ariana looked around and saw that the group had already gone inside. "Oh... I must have drifted off." She said as she gingerly touched her cheek. "Apologies but you were so absorbed in looking at the Queen of Creation that you could no longer see or hear us." He said as Edlyn finally made up her mind. She pulled Ariana behind her and brought her leg back.

"St-upid!" She shouted as she brought it forward. Xander was dumbfounded from her speaking that he didn't react in time to her attack. Within seconds Xander's face paled and he dropped to his knees. "C-ome on!" Edlyn shouted as she grabbed Ariana's hand and stormed into the building. "Edlyn, do you think that was wise?" Ariana asked as she stared at the back of Edlyn's head. "No b-ut he h-urt you."

Ariana started laughing and picked up her pace. She wrapped her arms around her friends waist and hugged her as she giggled. "So you'll be protecting me too?" She asked with a bright smile. Edlyn blushed as she pouted her lips. "Wasn't v-ery goo-d at it th-ough." Ariana hugged her a little tighter then let go. "Sure you were! Come on, let's go find a seat." She said as she linked arms with Edlyn.

Inside the Cathedral was nothing short of magnificent. The floors were covered with a velvety carpet that was a deep red wine colour. Beautiful pale marble yellow pillars climbed upwards to archways that were attached to the ceilings. Each archway was sculpted to depict pixies, sparrowmen, fairies, familiar and other magical creatures throughout history.

The walls were decorated with more sculptures and stain glass windows all showing a section of elemental magic. The center of the ceiling was dome like and it was covered in glittering gold. Delicate paintings were littered everywhere.

It started off with the realm of darkness at the bottom, a king sitting at his throne with 5 very familiar looking men and woman standing as his guards. They were standing before grand creatures of all varieties as the area seemed to home rocks, and barren looking trees.

Above it was what looked like the fire realm, there were no flames burning but rivers of lava and steam were everywhere. A man sitting at the top of a volcano was watching as the red magically creatures played.

Above him was the earth realm. It was like the mirror image of their world, people were walking, playing and chatting, nature was abundant, magically creatures lived among them and a tan and orange man hide amongst the trees.

Above the earth realm was the sky, clouds and fly creatures were free to roam. A light green maiden sat among the clouds as she blew a kiss into the air. Above that was the water realm, it was nothing short of beautiful. The blue reflect the light was so elegantly painted it looked real. Creatures magical or not swam among the coral reefs and seaweed. A blue woman was swimming in the center of dancing mermen, mermaids, and water fairies.

Above the water was a sea of white. Golden rays flared out from a white woman who looked at peace with her surroundings. At the very center of the dome was a golden female face, she was ethereal and yet she gave off a feeling of motherly love as she stretched out her protective arms. Her halo looked more like a crown and her gentle expression as she looked down was comforting.

Ariana was in awe and made sure not to stare too long as not to worry Edlyn again. As they walked up to some ushers, Ariana's jaw dropped, the two were people she never thought in her wildest dreams. The boy and girl looked at her with warm smiles. They were wearing their school uniform like Xander but their ribbons were green, indicating they were second years and in the top 10%.

"Welcome first years." The girl said cheerfully. "Yes welcome!" The boy chimed in. "It's recommended that first years take the main floor as their seats, don't worry you're not alone! Second years are also asked to sit with the first years but we sit from the middle and on. Front rows are for the newcomers." The boy continued.

"Yes! While the second floor is for third and forth years." The girl said as she winked. Ariana swallowed back saliva as her memories flashed before her, matching the devilish faces to the smiling ones before her.

"Thank you!" She quickly said as she practically dragged Edlyn through the double doors. "Ariana?!" Edlyn shouted but she continued to drag her until she found some seats. "What was th-at a-bout?" Edlyn said as she started to straighten herself out. Ariana sank into the auditorium seat and gave a sigh of relief.

"We'll talk later... I don't want people to overhear." Ariana whispered to her. Edlyn nodded her head and moved her gaze around the room. Not a lot of seats were filled just yet and she caught sight of the petite girl named Vanessa.

"How l-ong be-fore th-ey st-art the a-ss-e-mbly?" Edlyn asked but Ariana was already started to bob her head and her eyelids were drooping. "T-ake a s-mall nap. I will w-ake you wh-en it's a-bout to st-art." Ariana thanked her friend and within seconds she was sound asleep.

She was dreaming that she was floating in weird, purple, blue and pink swirling realm. Nothing was there but endless space. A gentle hand brushed her face and she shot open her eyes. "Did I startle you?" A warm voice that resonated with her heart spoke out. "No." Ariana answered quickly.

The warm voice laughed and Ariana could feel her body fill with energy. "Can you see me?" The warm voice asked and Ariana, now fully energized looked around. "No..." She answered apologetically.

"How about now?" The voice said but this time it sounded a lot closer then before. Ariana looked and saw a golden light. She strained her eyes and she could make out a female body with flowing hair and a gentle smile.

"Yes!" She shouted enthusiastically. The woman laughed in delight. "I'm sorry I had to pull you here." She started to say and Ariana could feel her heart breaking with she heard the sadness in her voice. "Why are you sorry? You haven't done anything to me." Ariana said as she tried to comfort the lady. "No, you don't know or maybe you don't remember. I pulled you here from your world...."

"Ariana? Hey Ariana." Edlyn's voice called out gently as she nudged her friend. Ariana's eyes fluttered and she looked up at Edlyn. "I'm up." She said with a yawn. Edlyn looked a little worried but swallowed back what she wanted to ask.

"It's st-art-ing soon." She said instead as she pointed towards the stage. The Headmaster was just making it to the podium and Ariana quickly sobered up. "Welcome new students and welcome returning students. As you may know I am your glorious Headmaster at St. Verusha Academy. I want to extend my sincerest welcome to all of you and wish you a great year to come!"

The room erupted into applause and the Headmaster waited until it quieted down. "Now as some of you may already know but it's important to mention the student handbook. Your revised copies are in your dorm rooms, ready for a good read. Just in case you choose to scan through the rules and procedures."

"I'll speak about the highlights. First, no one is allowed into the forest alone. You must be accompanied by a faculty member or apply for you and a buddy to venture in. No one is allowed to go in alone this also includes familiars!"

A soft murmuring echoed among the students and the Headmaster waited until they settled down again. "The battle arenas will be opened from Saturday to Friday, Sunday there will be no battles allowed. Forth years, if you're interested in becoming referees please sign up by next week. The sign up forms will be with every faculty member."

"No battling outside of the arena, harsher punishments will be handed out to anyone caught using their familiar to attack another student. Depending on the severity of the situation, punishments can be community work, extra homework or projects, point deductions and new, one level demotion."

Students started to gasp while others were murmuring names and looking towards a certain direction. "Finally there has been a new ribbon that has been created for anyone able to score perfect marks in all subjects. At first it looks like a regular top 10% ribbon but a solid metal stars are added to the ends. If anyone is able to score perfect in all their examinations a wish will be granted."

This time the whole hall erupted in curious voices while others closely inspected the ribbons of their neighbours. "Silence! Silence, I assure you this is not a prank and I hope this will make some students strive to do better then what they have been doing." The Headmaster said as he narrowed his gaze towards a certain section. "Lastly I would like to welcome a new member to our faculty. Please give a warm welcome to Gregory Drake our new librarian."