The Gentleman Thing To Do

The crowd started to whisper as Mr. Krone suddenly looked uncomfortable, he looked at Virginia for guidance. "What do you want little girl?" Virginia sneered as she looked at Ariana. "Since Mr. Gale went first in the last round, I believe the gentleman thing to do is to allow me to go first in the second round. We don't have to keep flipping a coin every time and interrupt the competition pointless. So let's rotate and reduce the amount of stress on the judges. So that means Mr. Gale will go first, is this arrangement acceptable to you?" Ariana asked with a respectable tone.

Virginia opened her mouth to laugh at Ariana's request but she heard the crowds whispers, they had already agreed with her request. She froze and didn't want to lose face to her potential clients. "Why not?" Mr. Klopp replied with an indifferent look.