Sweeten the Deal

"Interesting?" Ariana asked innocently. "Yes." Virginia said with a snake like smile. "How?" Ariana asked as she batted her long eyelashes. "If you lose, I want you to hand over that sandwich recipe." Virginia said with a bigger, more sinister smile. "Mmmh, I don't know." Ariana said as she grabbed her apron, wringing it as she thought things over. "You and Bruno are tied... It can be anyone's win but I will admit you have talent." Virginia said as she slowly approached Ariana and placed her fan under her chin. Making Ariana bring her eyes up. Virginia gasped. 

The wretched girl was actually beautiful with the most dazzling eyes. Even though she was sick looking it was easy to see past the dirt to see the gem. "I'll tell you what. I will even sweeten the deal. If my son wins you will also become his wife. It's a win win deal for the both of you." Virginia said loudly making sure that ever person heard. Ariana smiled brightly. "But what happens if I win?" Ariana asked.