Over It

Ariana's eyes grew wide with horror. Edlyn looked up from behind her hands and wore an equally shocked face. "You don't." Edlyn started to say but Ariana stood up from the couch. "No Edlyn, I do." Ariana whispered then walked towards the door. "Where are you going?" Mrs. Dabney asked with a panicked face. "I just need some air." Ariana said as she faced the door, not daring to look at the others.

"I won't run off. There is nothing more to hide... Edlyn if you want to tell them my theory go ahead. I'm too drained to care." Ariana said with a panied voice then opened the door. She walked out then closed the door behind her. "I can see why you guys can't talk about your past so easily. It hurts to relive your most painful memories." Ariana said as she sat down on the porch.