Davita Part 1

Ariana sat in the kitchen. The Lumas had gone back to the master bedroom with Mrs. Dabeny and Brie. The only one that stayed behind was Davita. She sat in the middle of the table as Ariana sipped her tea. "You know, I'm not really in the mood to hear anything but Roselyn is right. I can't just push things off anymore." Ariana said soflty but she couldn't mask the bitter undertone in her voice.

She was still upset with Davita but at the same time she felt relieved. She knew deep down she want the people closest to her to know everything about her and accept her past. That was why she choose to tell her story, well part of the reason. She also felt that she owed the Lumas the truth about her own past and hoped that they would feel more inclinded to tell her their stories.