Bells of Change

".... Why are you a sill standing here?" Vasu asked. The crowd looked confused as they heard Vasu words. No one knew how to answer or what they should expect next. Vasu let out a deep sigh then gave the crowd a look of utter disdain. "Can you not think for yourselves? Why wait for a little girl to come forward and give you words of hope?"

"Ha! She already told you her message before, get stronger, live for your own betterment then help your fellow man. Don't blindly believe in things, witness for yourself, search and discover what you want to do." Vasu spat like venom to the people. The crowd started to whisper and mumble furiously and Vasu couldn't help but curl his hands into fists. A small sniffing sound came from behind him and causing him to look back. Ariana's eyes started to shine with a dull light and tears pulled in the corners.