Warm Hands

Ariana then dropped to her knees and gently picked up Cayden's face with her clawed hands. "My love, it's time to go." She whispered as she gently stroked his cheek with her thumb. Cayden's eyes focused as he looked at Ariana. "W-where." He asked in a strained voice. "Grandmother's first." Ariana said before she placed a soft kiss on his forehead. Cayden nodded his head and let go of Adonis. 

Adonis sighed a breath of relief as he changed back into a chibi jellyfish. Ariana grabbed Cayden's hand and they both stood up. They first looked at each other then Ariana looked out to the crowd. "I don't care what you do after this. Hate me, follow me, run from me, whatever, it's all your choice. I've made mine." Ariana said flatly then turned her gaze to Loralei. "Do you have strength?" She asked with wavering eyes.