Holy Beast Kasuza Part 1

"That is not for you to," Kasuza started but Ariana didn't want to hear anymore of his arrogance. She grabbed his face, pushed his cheeks inwards, pushing his lips outwards like a fish, making it hard for him to speak. He was then pulled forward and forced to stare into her eyes.

"You don't know anything! It's always some noble bullsh*t responses and I am getting tired of it. So answer my questions and maybe I will do what you want me to do." Ariana hissed before she let go of his face and stood tall. "Must I though?" Kasuza asked bitterly.

Ariana sighed as she raised her hands in defense. "Your choice." She stated then gave him a sweet yet devilish smile. "And if I don't?" Kasuza asked. "Then I leave. I call my Lumas and go straight to the Animus Capital." Ariana replied with a sugary, sweet voice that caused Kasuza to shiver involuntarily.