Holy Beast Kasuza Part 2

Ariana tried to pull and dig the sand chunks from her skin but the outer shells of the spider egg were as tough as diamonds. "Do you want a hint?" Kasuza asked with a blank face. He had squatted down and matched Ariana's eye level while Ariana broke out into a cold sweat. "Get it off." Ariana growled. "So yes?" Kasuza asked as he cocked his head.

Ariana screamed in frustration. "Childish." Kasuza sighed as he shock his head. The parasitic eggs' pulsing lights started to pick up speed. "Use your powers... What your mother left you." Kasuza said with a pitiful tone. "I can't!" Ariana shouted. "Of course you can. Just like how you call your dragon garnet form. Use the will you have to draw out that power." Kasuza instructed.