He Had Even Hidden This Matter!


Ren was shocked to see such a reaction coming from his wife. He quickly bent down and picked up the fallen photo. One of his arms brought Tsubaki close to him while he carefully inspecting the photo.

At one glance, it was a simple photo of a woman. Yet, it was actually not.

In the photo, the woman was surrounded by blooming flowers. She was dazedly staring at the sky with a faint smile on her face. A white dress and a long cardigan shielded her from the wind and sun.

A light blue turban-like hat enveloped her head. Although she appeared serene, her cheeks were hollowed and her wrists and ankles were skinny. Her complexion was deathly pale, void of any color.

In just one glance, it showed that this woman might be terminally sick.

"...Ren, this photo... Could it be..." Tsubaki grasped tightly on her husband's arm, seeking comfort when her mood created a wave of turbulence inside her mind.

At first, Tsubaki was puzzled when she saw the photo. Then, a realization dawned on her.

Mr. Souma won't send a useless photo to her unless... it was something he held an upper hand in this mess.

"Hush, sweetheart, don't overthink," Ren quickly let go of the photo. He gently pulled his wife in his embrace. One of his hands stroked her hand, running his fingers down her silky hair.

Tsubaki pursed her lips tight in an attempt to muffle down her sobs. Even without her nor him saying it, both of them understood that this woman was someone neither of them thought would still be alive to this day.

That woman...

Was her mother.

Tsubaki didn't cry. She was just too surprised and frustrated at the sudden revelation. The photo caught her off guard. Never did she imagine that she would be able to see the recent photo of her mother.

"Darling, this means... my mother is still alive, right?"

Tsubaki lifted up her eyes. She stared directly at her husband who was now wearing a conflicted look in his eyes. Under her trembling gaze, Ren slowly nodded.

"She might be alive."

Might be. Although it didn't sound too positive, Tsubaki accepted it. Ren just didn't want her to hold on to false hopes.


Based on the photo, it was clear that her mother, Fujioka Masami, was gravely sick.

"I have never thought that... that man found my mother," Tsubaki murmured faintly.

Mr. Souma deliberately dropped this bombshell to her. Her mind was struck by this revelation but Tsubaki tried hard to keep her composure.

She had been through a lot. The pain and heartwrenching sorrow that followed her in these past few months were enough to strengthen her heart. Although she was astounded because of this photo, she wouldn't crumble easily.

"Do you think... Mr. Souma is warning me that... He has my mother in his palm?"

That was the conclusion that flashed in Tsubaki's mind.

The woman that was supposed to disappear for more than two decades was actually here. She appeared sick yet, she might still be alive.

It would just waste Mr. Souma's time if he intentionally sent her this photo if her mother had already died.

At the time that crafty man came face-to-face with her, he didn't show any sign that he had held her mother captive. He only emphasized that he tried using Hinata to lure her mother out.

Then... His attempt was actually a success? He had even hidden this matter!

"I want to see him. I want to ask, what's the meaning of this," Tsubaki's eyes darted to left and right. She didn't realize her grasp turned into a tight clutch on her husband's arm.

"Sweetheart, don't rush," Ren's tone was firm as he continued stroking her head. He lightly gripped her chin, bringing her eyes to look at him, "Let me check first. We can't think he has the upper hand just because of this photo. Let me handle it, okay?"

"...What if he harms my mother?" Her voice croaked as she asked.

Ren felt his heart was clawed out by an unseen force because of her appearance.

His wife was so good, so good it made his heart hurt for her.

Despite this unprecedented surprise, she still toughened herself up, refusing to cry.

"He won't."

It was not empty words. Mr. Souma wouldn't blatantly mistreat Fujioka Masami. He had hidden her whereabouts well. Why must he self-destruct his plan by putting harm on her?

"Sweetheart, listen to me," Ren's brows tightened. He softened his voice, gently persuading her, "We'll get to the bottom of this matter. But, don't overthink, alright? I don't want you to stress yourself out. I promise I'll give you the answer as soon as possible."

Tsubaki blinked. She absentmindedly nodded her head as her hand caressing her baby bump.

She understood the deep worry he expressed through his words and actions.

She had to take care of herself and their child. Tsubaki knew it was bad for an expecting mother if she fell into prolonged stress. Certain pregnancy complications were due to stress-related hormones, that was what she had read before.

She really had to loosen her tensed nerves and not let herself got played by that man's cunning tricks.

"Okay," Tsubaki nodded again yet this time her voice sounded firm, "I'll listen to you."

Ren drew a smile yet a sad one. He enveloped her in his embrace. His wide palm moved up and down her back, offering her comfort in this turbulent time.

Tsubaki snuggled closer to him. She plastered her face against his chest as she was trying to calm herself with the sound of his steady heartbeat. She loved it to have him embracing her.

She was not alone.

She had this man to protect her.

Tsubaki closed her eyes.

The image of the sickly woman in the photo appeared so vivid in her mind.

Another new day arrived.

Both Tsubaki and Ren went to their respective workplaces as nothing happened. The truth regarding the photo sent by Mr. Souma was something that couldn't be revealed in a short time. Ren and Akashi both were working on it.

Tsubaki busied herself in the bakery. Although she rarely came here ever since she got pregnant, this place still offered her a sense of comfort. She greeted and watched over the patrons who came to buy either their pieces of bread or desserts.

"Won't Mr. Fuse be mad at us if he sees we let you work?" Chiyo jokingly teased Tsubaki when the latter was arranging the cinnamon sticks on the shelf.

Tsubaki let out a helpless laugh, "It's not like I turn immobile because I'm pregnant. Ah, don't tempt me to be lazy. It's not good for myself."

"Sister Tsubaki, your wedding is so near already," Kohana came to join them, "Aren't you busy with your wedding preparations? You could just focus on that. Leave the bakery to us to handle."

The wedding was due in a month and a half. All of them had gotten the invitation for both the wedding nuptial as well as the reception that followed afterward. Because Tsubaki didn't have any relatives on her side aside from Satsuki, she invited them along Aunt Touko, Uncle Kiyonaga, Kouichi and his little family as well as Granny Sumiko.

"Ah! Have you taken your wedding photos?" Chieko turned around as the thought crossed her mind, "You can't forget it, Sister Tsubaki! It's in a lifetime event!"

"...I haven't," Tsubaki lightly shook her head.

Both she and Ren had the idea to have their wedding photos taken under ginkgo trees. Their initial plan was involving the ginkgo trail at Spring Garden, but, it was changed to the ones in the backyard of the cottage bought by Ren.

With the matter concerning her mother and her husband's own busyness, the idea almost slipped out of Tsubaki's mind.

If it was up to her, she didn't have the heart to capture blissful wedding photos when the fate of her mother was still left uncertain.

The sudden appearance of her mother created another entanglement in her mind. The threads that had just been loosened by Mr. Souma's revelations the other day turned back into a messy knot.

Even when Tsubaki disclosed the matter to Mrs. Souma, the latter was tremendously shocked. Mrs. Souma gasped and couldn't speak coherently. It took her some time before she asked Tsubaki more about it.

"Are you sure, Tsubaki? How could... Masami is in Hisato's hands? How did he... find her? All this while, I haven't gotten even the slightest clue!"

They talked about it yesterday after dinner. Tsubaki made the call and mentioned the photo she received.

"I still don't know the details, Aunt Shiori," Tsubaki answered weakly, "All of this while, I thought that my mother... Anyway, it seems like Mr. Souma knows the whereabouts of my mother."

Tsubaki swallowed the word 'had died' from coming out of her mouth.

Her mother might still be alive.

Yet, she looked so ill.

Did her mother suffer from... an illness?